I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 196: Rolling

   Feizhou King Cobra originally had only two fangs hidden in the upper jaw. It is usually hidden, and only revealed when an attack is launched.

   When the King Cobra attacked, the mouth would be wide open, revealing the fangs that are under the upper jaw, pierce the skin of the prey and then inject the venom.

   And the whole snake head of this mutated viper seemed to grow a tumor-like cyst, and the entire huge snake head seemed to be abnormally scary.

   And its fangs have exposed the snake's mouth, and the two fangs have turned into two rows, with more than ten fangs.

   What's more terrifying is that the snake's mouth is wide open, and the fishy mucus is constantly exposed, which is daunting at first glance.

The iconic “eyes” of the King Cobra’s mouth are naturally the position of the abdomen of the King Cobra’s eyes. The flat chest and abdomen when launching an attack reveals two “eyes”-like circles. The graph also mutated at this time.

   Those two circles turned directly into scarlet blood holes, and the godless injection was like Sunan.

   This is the powerful transformation effect of biochips.

   It successfully tuned out the gene module of the King Cobra of Feizhou, and then modified and mutated it according to the predetermined procedure, turning it into a brand new and terrifying monster. This is definitely not what the creator wants to see.

   Sunan had been mentally prepared for what was about to happen, but was still surprised.

   The evolution of the original skinner is still within the scope of Sunan. Now the evolution of the King Cobra in Feizhou is more terrifying than the evolution of the previous skinner.

   This blackened monster has completely exceeded Sunan's cognition.

   This is no longer a monster, but a monster! How evil is the person who designed this biochip? Why does it make these mutant monsters look so terrifying?

   Sunan's energy balance spring attached to the biochip began to send huge fluctuations.

After waking up from hibernation, the biochip began to control the body of the entire host King Cobra. And it has been keenly aware of the powerful aura that does not belong to this body.

   Sunan used energy hairspring to probe the body of the skinner before the skinner blew himself up, but at that time the skinner was dying and there was no time to resist.

   And now, it was the time when the biochip that had just controlled the mutation was already the most powerful, and immediately began to reject the energy balance spring radiating from Southern Jiangsu.

   Not only that, after the biochip was activated, the hidden programs also began to wake up.

   Here, the most important thing is naturally revenge against Sunan. The main target of the people who developed this biochip was Southern Jiangsu, and these mutant monsters were developed to deal with Southern Jiangsu.

   Therefore, the mutated Feizhou King Cobra immediately turned around and prepared to attack Sunan. The biochip in the body is also working hard to resist the invasion of the energy balance spring. A battle from the inside out has fought

   Although the opponent's strength and size are above him, the social flathead still stood up decisively and stood by Sunan without hesitation.

   And the bronze queen ant has already controlled. If the dead fungus ants begin to gather together, they will launch an attack on the mutated King Cobra after Sunan gives an order.

   A sneer appeared at the corner of Sunan's mouth.

   He already knew the results of the experiment, the development of this biochip was specifically aimed at southern Jiangsu. And those mutated earth creatures are basically this kind of biochips.

  The person who distributes this mutant chip is the real black hand behind the scenes, the person who wants to kill Sunan.

   That being the case, it is impossible for Sunan to rely on this chip to control those mutant creatures. Unless Moses is asked to rewrite the genetic modules of these biochips.

   This kind of thing can only be handled by Moses and the Dean together, and Chikoka can provide a richer genetic system.

   Now, Sunan has been murderous.

   The mutated King Cobra in front of him is a monster created under the control of a biochip, and keeping it has no meaning.

   I saw Sunan snort coldly, and a huge energy flew directly towards the mutated Feizhou King Cobra.

   The long-toothed and dancing-clawed King Cobra hasn’t had time to see what it is. It’s like being blown by a hurricane. The whole body takes less than a second.

   "Boom" loud noise.

   The voice disappeared, and the King Cobra of Feizhou had become dust in the air, and there was not even a small drop of blood left.

   Sunan hates the stench of blood, so even a little smell disappears in the air. It’s as if the scene just now never happened, there has never been a King Cobra, and there has never been any mutation.

  Only the big hole created in the ground by Social Flathead reminds everyone that this is a scene that once existed

   The biochip returned to Sunan again.

  In the body of the King Cobra (no money) snake, it once tried to expel the energy balance spring injected by Sunan, but was killed. Like the meat destroyed by Sunan, this biochip has been controlled and reentered the state of body sleep.

   However, the awakening of the Gang オ biochip has spread the signal to Greece, thousands of miles away.

   On top of that empire's tall building, the frost-faced middle-aged man was hit hard again. In the next second, the killer organization he sent had already escorted some strange boxes onto the Feizhou prairie.

   These boxes contain evil things that are enough to turn the entire Feizhou continent into purgatory.

   At the same time, Chekoka’s space battleship had heard Sunan’s call and appeared above Sunan’s head.

   A ray of light scattered, and Sunan's body gradually rose into the interior of the battleship to faint.

   The prairie of Feizhou is quiet and peaceful, and the cruel **** wind has just begun.

   Sunan entered the spacecraft and found that Chekoka, Moses and the professor were all there.

   And it was obvious that there was an inexplicable sense of excitement on the faces of the three of them, and they did not consciously display it when they saw Sunan.

  Boss, you're back!"" Chekoka said excitedly.

   Since accepting Sunan as the leader of the alien predators, Chikoka immediately became a loyal starter, serving Sunan with all his heart.

   You know, Sunan has solved the most important energy problem for alien predators. Now Chekoka doesn't need to worry about being forced to wander because of energy exhaustion.

Ok. "Sunan nodded in his jaw.

   Sunan's eyes were fixed on Moses' face. At this moment, Moses's hesitant expression indicated that he had something important to report to Sunan.

   When Moses saw Sunan turn his gaze at him, the excitement on his face suddenly seemed to bloom, and he said randomly and respectfully: "Welcome the master back!"

   Sunan was very satisfied with Moses' response. Since the overall design task of Atlantis was handed over to Moses, all of Moses' energy has been devoted to the construction of Atlantis.

   I have to say, Moses is indeed a rare heaven.

  At the beginning of the seabed in the big triangle of hundreds of curtains, Moses built a city under the sea with his brilliant design. If it were not discovered by Sunan, this undersea city would become an eternal secret.

   However, under the pressure of Sunan's powerful strength, Moses without the godhead can only become Sunan's defeat.

   However, it was precisely because of his talent that Sunan valued him, so Sunan did not kill him, but instead kept him and recruited him.

   Sunan used the newly discovered planet connected with the earth wormhole as a new settlement for Moses and his people. And let Moses show his talents here.

  The new planet is named "Atlantis", which is a new monster base in southern Jiangsu and a new paradise where the three races live together.

   However, the surprise that Moses brought to Sunan was far more than that.

   Today, he will bring Sunan a bigger surprise, to prove how wise it was that Sunan did not kill such a day.

   Tell me, what good news do you want to bring to me. "Sunan took a step towards the laboratory, and the three followed at the same time.

   If you return to the owner, the code of the monster gene has been successfully decoded. Now we can copy these genes to any organism. "Moses said proudly.

   This is one of the tasks that Sunan gave to Moses when he left Atlantis to present the ball~lightnovelpub.net~ Now he has successfully done it.

  The alien predators led by Chikoka have studied in this respect they inject monster genes into the bodies of other planetary organisms, so that these organisms have the powerful genetic material of monster genes, which is huge destructive power.

   However, the monster gene developed by the alien predators led by Chikoka has a very big drawback, that is, the purpose of monsters is to destroy and plunder the energy of the planet, and lack the ability to think independently.

   This is why, after Sunan arrives on this planet, Gila can easily lead the tribe people with the help of the four great beasts, and quickly defeat the monster colony of interstellar predators.

   A soulless bacteria team obviously cannot show strong combat effectiveness.

   After the construction of Moses came to an end, the planet Atlantis already had a powerful defense system, which covered the entire surface of the planet, enough to resist all shallow initial attacks.

   Sunan, based on the principle of making the best use of everything, immediately arranged for Moses to participate in the Chikoka genetic modification project.

   It happened that Sunan discovered the Dean’s secret and pulled the Dean in. The three-person research team began to try to find new breakthroughs in the development of monster genes.

   Please look at the owner, now these baec beast genes not only have the characteristics of energy alien beasts, but they can also collect the pet genes raised by the owner.

   While explaining, Moses demonstrated in the simulation chamber of the laboratory

   We need to collect the tissues of the owner’s pet body as a specimen for observation. "Moses turned his waist to Sunan Bay.