I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 310: Light and shadow

I heard that you and that old witch are so nasty, what's wrong with you? "As I said, when I am not serious, there must be no alcohol in my life. Now, it seems to be in my clichés. Polite words.

  Since you are not here, there is nothing good to see the old witch, and may not be able to fight a war, so we have to go back. If there is no quietness on Tianshan and Yinshan, and no good old rat enters, then it is not the Hall of Fame. "

   After reading this strange letter, Xia Yun and I have nothing to say.

   There is no doubt that the "old man" in the letter must be an old man, and the "show head donkey" is an old monk.

   As for what "old madman", "old nun" and "old witch" are, these three people are self-evident.

   Xia Yun is silent, it seems that the first two strangers, it is indeed a short vicious woman with a witch's head, so it is called his own master.

   What surprised me was that these two strangers just now are absolutely best friends with their master and uncle, and everything together this year should be said.

   In fact, these two freaks are here to convey information. Someone said, “I don’t care much about germs.” 5.5 In fact, the two weird old people are warm-hearted people, just men.

   Especially, the last sentence completely eliminated my interest in staying here: "The secret book of martial arts?" Is it tofu bitter cabbage, will there be anywhere? Only those who don't want to change, you will be taken for granted!

   60 years ago, Tatarz in the northern part of the North District tried to do something wrong and was worried about the scene, so they filmed people to spread the word, saying that they wanted to focus their full attention on martial arts in the Central Plains, then fight and kill each other!"

   Looking at the twilight, I looked up at Xia Yun and said, "Xia Yun, it's late now, there is nothing to see here, let's break up.

   I won’t go back, lest I make a long discussion on this matter. "Xia Yun also held my right arm: "I know you are ready to worry about the district family and people, so you must handle this letter well. "Then let's go, I'll go with you.

  Beauty is polite, but immortality is hard.

   I am not a fairy, or even a fairy, but I can’t take it off now.

  Since I can't escape, even if it's difficult, I can only accept it through gnashing my teeth.

   At dusk, the two cuddled together and walked out of the Qingming Temple. The snow in the surrounding area became a large area, and the sky was invisible.

   The cold wind in the evening left bones, and the ice on the river surface became harder and smoother.

   I didn't take three hundred steps. I suddenly moved, my hair stood up, and my hole shrank sharply.

   A figure suddenly appeared on the ice about the first fifty steps.

   This is the back, this is the white back.

   If it weren't for the long hair to follow in the wind, no one could clearly see the person in front of him.

   I didn't find this person either, I just saw a sword.

   Actually, I didn't see the long sword, but saw a little flash of the tip of the sword and then saw the long sword.

   I saw the long sword, and then I saw a person, a Snow White, just a back view. The long sword was in that person's right hand, and the tip of the sword pointed to the ice.

  "The sword that locks the throat, Barang?

   The voice is hollow, without any emotion, but very penetrating.

   The voice is low, almost unheard of, but I can hear it very clearly.

   Very good!

  "How can you lock and eat without a sword?

  " To lock your throat is to kill people. Kill people in thousands of ways. Why do you have a sword?

   "You don't have a sword on your body, don't you feel sad when I killed you?

   If you kill me, how do I know that I am hugging the team? If I know I’m sorry,

  How can you kill me?

   "This makes sense!

   Sex-A beam of white light broke the sky.

   In the eyes of the last three words of a white man, I find that the white man’s left shoulder sinks, and I will know that big things are not good.

  The enemy, I act first, preemptively

   As soon as I raised my left arm, a white light shot away.

   The bull's ear knife, like a spinning dart, made a harsh sound, hitting the tip of the sword in the open air.

   My bull-ear knife fell off, and suddenly my right hit, Xia Yun was beaten into the air.

   There was a show, 530 Xia Yun's long sword was pulled out by me.

   At the feet of these nine links, the shape of the body has been transformed into a phantom and came out to shake the right wrist, Xia Yun's sword became nothingness, became the light of the sword: a sword pointed at the sun!

  丁, seven times in a row.

   Every time I call, I take a small step back.

   However, I did not retreat directly, but retreated from an arc to the right. The footprints on the snow happened to be the pattern of the Big Dipper.

  How can you block my two swords?

   Since you can block your two swords, you can naturally block more of your swords.

   Xiao Yao, who are you?

   is my master!

  Is the kid dead? "The white man still ignored me, but there was a touch of emotion in his voice.

   The kid is dead "I have an impulse in my heart.

   Since you are Xiao Yao’s apprentice, how could you die?

   first horn the apprentice, then die.

   burned to death?

  What fire would burn him?

   How could he die if he didn’t burn to death?

   "Poisoning" The white man was obviously a little surprised, and then he was relieved again: "It's okay to die, but this is a legacy!

  What's the legacy? "I don't know.

   Lao Tzu died, he died. "The white man's sword was pierced into the sheath: "It's a pity that you are still alive. This is also the swordsmanship of the free child.

   "What does this have to do with my life, if you die, why should you regret it? I am not pitiful, I am not pitying you, I am a sword that sympathizes with you."

   "Everyone knows swordsmanship, what is there to leave?

   "Everyone knows swordsmanship, but not everyone has his own identity. Xiao Yaozi's identity is destined to be a legacy of your swordsmanship.

   "The identity of the child? What kind of identity can Xiao Yaozi have?

  "Is this not enough to be a traitor to the river?" The white man seemed to have some feelings: "I was introduced to this organization, and I am his guarantor." He betrayed the organization, and I will recover, including swordsmanship. I took a breath because he suddenly remembered his last words: "Are you free of dust?

"Yes, I have no dust." Finally, the white man turned around and said, "I have been working hard for ten years, but the first news I got is that I have become a traitor, so my first task is to kill Yoko.

   The kid is not a traitor, but you are a version of the disciple. "When I think of Li's words, I feel a little bit of imitating and indignation: "Your secret killing river group has betrayed Wu Lin's basic morality. Regardless of its evil and evil weapons, it is the biggest version, the whole martial arts version. . "

   Is martial arts moral?" Wuchen's son shook his head: "Wulin is martial arts, killing is a thread, when is there morality?

   Your madness does not mean that the entire martial arts is morally ruined. "I raised the door suddenly: "The kid has his own moral attachment. I am the kid's back-seller and accepted all his inheritance. "You want to kill, then come on!" 々

Wuchen’s son looked at the distant sky, and Fangfu remembered a long time ago: "The kid can stab six sword heads with a sword, but I can only stab four sword heads. "I can only hold four sword heads. , So I can't get Bise.

   I nodded: "I already know.

   The son without dust is motionless like a eagle, and his voice does not fluctuate at all: "You can only break three swords, which is half a valley less than the free sword.

   I still nodded, (Wang Qian's) "You are right!

   Wuchen Hilt: "Because you can only stab three sword heads, so I can defeat you but not kill you.

   I laughed and said: "I still can't beat you, but my body is faster than you and can run away at any time, so you can't kill me.

   The person without dust shook his head: "I can't kill you, not because your body is fast, but because your internal forces are too strange, they are much stronger than free children

   I can have one more sword than you, but because the first three swords are moved by your inner strength, the fourth sword will not kill you.

   I threw a backhand, the long sword turned into a section of light and shadow, imitating Fu with long eyes, went straight into the right back more than 20 steps out of Xia Yun's sword

   Since you can't kill me, I have to go

   At that time, I was in a calm and dust-free son. Fanny Fu suddenly remembered something. Looking at Xia Yun, his eyes suddenly became sharp: "If you continue with my sister in the future, I still want to kill you!

   I remember that Xia Yun had no skin sound behind him for a long time, and the people of Yongzheng were brothers and sisters. Fortunately, these two people did not go back and forth to suppress ~lightnovelpub.net~ otherwise today is really a marijuana frequency.

   In addition, when did you haunt Xia Yun in 947? Obviously, Xia Yun was using herself as a shield. Although I don't know what Xia Yun is avoiding, I am indeed a shield.

   Of course, as a man, I'm not so innocent, arguing about who, who, and who.

   However, thinking about the identity of the disciple in the villa on Xia Yun Nine Road, my mood suddenly became very helpful: "Ha, what a joke!" If you can kill me, there is no difference between correcting the sutra and unraveling. Since you can't kill me today, if you don't know what you are doing, I will kill you

   (dabe) Jiangnan, Fuqianshan County, Anqing, in Tianzhu Mountain, diving shore. In Tianzhu Mountain in the northwest of the county, telling the quiet nun to her home, she never knows whether it is fire or not.

   Because there is no incense, no one knows, and it slowly disappears in people's memory.

   Of course, it is strange that there is no incense in a good place. The strange thing is thinking about where the nun is.

   In the mountains, a lonely peak, nothing but a huge welcome pine tree that is warm in the middle of the mountain leaned out, and the diameter of the crown was more than nine feet. The quiet nun stands on the platform under this pine tree, with three open rooms and two wooden green tile structures.

   This is a man-made platform, about a hundred feet high from the foot of the mountain. There are only steep-pin steps less than one foot wide, passing up and down, and the **** is almost vertical. If you don't have a certain amount of light in your body, you cannot go up.

  Because no one can go up, this quiet nun's house has appeared for sixty years and has become a place with no memory, and no one has said whether there are living people here.