I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 414: Refine

Remember in one second【】

Lin Fei was busy putting the jade on his forehead in accordance with Morao's order, and took God to explore.

Only after feeling the "bang" sound of the party, Lin Fei entered the space of the white jade slide, and only the five big jade characters flashed like Mozi's fire control prompt."

This Mozi fire fighting formula is not the inheritance of the Shenzong refinery gate, but the legend of the Mo Lao family. The magic formula is divided into five parts: "Smelt, Improve Life", with few words. Lin Fei is about to join forces soon.

"Yu Er, Mozi’s fire control formula for the teacher is a family secret. Fire control is very clever. You can make one for your teacher by having weapons. Second, you can observe and observe from the side. Learn

Master, well, my weapon is too big to fit. Lin Fei thought, it seemed that there were only two golden hammers in his storage bag, which was a bit embarrassing.

It's okay, bring it! Because of the divisions around the world, no strange weapons have been seen.

Morao looked at Ruo Linfei and said with a smile. "Teacher, look!

Lin Fei hurriedly took out his double-headed golden hammer from the storage bag. Ah, you are not a weapon, it is a black golden pimples. There is a black line on Morao's face. Teacher, I said this is inappropriate. Lin Fei said, blushing and underestimated.

"So, for divisions around the world, what weapons are invisible, and what weapons cannot be trained, they are for division.

So in Mo Lao’s mouth, he cried secretly in his heart. With such a big piece of black gold and iron, I also had to control Huomozi’s five magic tricks one by one. It was a selfish chore!

Looking at Mo Lao's depressed face, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the teacher was very cute. Jed, look at my magic formula.

I saw Mo Lao take a bite, and the white vermilion bird fire appeared in the palm of the heart, swept it over, and enveloped the entire weapon. For about half an hour, the black hammer in the flame began to flow.

The results show that the essence of the formula lies in the precise control of the flame without destroying the traces of the original structure, ensuring that the precise control of the flame will not destroy the original material structure or destroy the original material structure. The original material structure will not be destroyed by the precise control of the flame. To ensure the characteristics of the material itself. Just like the black gold hammer in the flame, although it has become a liquid, it still exists in the form of a hammer and even the texture on the hammer has not changed a little.

Speaking of this time, Mo Lao also had the idea of ​​refining weapons for his beloved. Originally thought of Lin Fei’s handsome appearance, he is also a prince of a country, he would definitely use swords and other weapons, but no one would count on his apprentice because he was hammer. There is also such a big piece of black gold and iron, if it weren't for the fact that they stepped into the golden core by themselves, they would be good at controlling this skill. Otherwise, let alone refinement, that is to say, improvement is a problem.

It turned out that such a large piece of black gold iron must be used to make fire outside the furnace, but he himself said that he would use it as a demonstration. It's really tiring.

Jed, look at you as a teacher.

With that said, Lao Mo would open his storage bag and fly out a pile of refined materials into the flames. These materials became channels of light flow of different colors, slowly infiltrating the golden hammer.

"Ruyi, five kinds of materials can make a phantom the size of a magic weapon! Slowly extinguished and blended into the magic weapon...

Thunder crystal, a product of six materials, changing the different rock mining world and lightning, can make magic weapons have the power of lightning, you need to be very careful, and control the structure of the magic weapons, otherwise the magic weapons will be broken. Remember!

"Secret silver, an extremely western production, does not necessarily have a special effect to disperse mana at the level, because the division has not much inventory, so you are required to melt!

Fairy gold, the products of these six materials, can make magic weapons have the characteristics of fusion, absorb the magic power of monks, and quickly quench and melt!

Morao took out the same material, then introduced his relatives, and then put the material into the magic 20 weapon in a corresponding way. In fact, this melting formula is the largest of Mozi's overall fire control formula. The characteristics of almost all visible refinery materials and how they are combined are described throughout the page.

Elder Mo said carefully, this Lin Fei also listened to what was in his heart, the master and the apprentice actually made a good environment and forgot everything around.

One day and night later, Morao's last material storage bag was empty, so he stopped.

At this time, the Wujin hammer of the cinnabar bird in the fire has completely changed its appearance. The entire black golden hammer, shining with spiritual light, turned into the color of white jade.

Jade, your black hammer used such a large piece of black gold. It is really the greatest magic weapon the teacher has ever seen. "In order to make you strong, the inventory in my department has been almost used up over the years. Ha, I am looking forward to the teacher now, this magic weapon has been trained! Let the teacher conclude that rough embryos alone are the magic weapon of at least five products In fact, at the beginning of the refining, Mo Lao did not expect such a result. Who would expect Lin Fei to come up with a black gold hammer. To be honest, many magic weapons, the largest tower-shaped magic weapon, absolutely do not need such a big piece of black gold. iron

As for the effects of most magic sacrifices after being spread, they are completely caused by magic illusions. Its original size is in the size of the heart.

Lin Fei's black gold hammer is the most worthwhile weapon in the world. Now the black gold hammer has been refined into old ink by ink, becoming the most powerful weapon in the world. The old man has occupied the position of the most powerful weapon in the world.

Morao was also really tired. He took the pill, closed his eyes and meditated for many hours, but was out of breath.

Teacher, that's it for today. Lin Fei was very upset, Morao said.

Yue'er, this magic weapon is too special. This is the magic weapon of the most important moment. It should not be delayed. I will practice a magic trick for the teacher today and let this magic weapon put the form down first.

^0^Remember in one second【】


Mo said, shaking his head.

The vermilion bird caught fire, and the flame unexpectedly transformed into a vermilion bird, which revolved around the black golden hammer ~lightnovelpub.net~ Slowly, as the firebird changed, the entire shape changed and finally became A single golden hammer.

For jade, the master used the fire formula. Your black gold hammer has been thoroughly refined. Although your original double-headed gold hammer has become a gold hammer, the impurity of this soldier’s black gold and iron has been refined from now on, This black hammer is no longer a warrior, but a magic weapon

Jade, when I wait for a monk, he will usually have the original magic weapon. The biggest feature of this magic weapon is that it connects the monk together and changes with the monk's control.

The original sequence magic weapon has passed on the magic weapon and the new magic weapon. It is said that this inheritance magic weapon is the magic weapon of others. It is characterized by relatively strong magic power. The magic weapon has been formed, and then the monks' continuous gentle nutrition.

But because it was inherited from others, this magic weapon itself cannot be realized, so it is difficult to think of treasures.

However, this new weapon is the original prototype of the new weapon. It was incorporated into the monk god, and the monk himself completed the birth of the magic weapon, such as the black gold hammer just made by the teacher. But at first, this magic weapon is just like a newborn's mana effect, but the future is the best development.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^