I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 624: Sneak attack

Sunan was surprised to see his face, it was the devil's instinct. Evil with a smile: You must feel that it is very strange that Sunan are dead, why do they still appear to be honest, Sunan has the ability to be reborn. The Sunan are truly immortal. Every time Sunan is imitation or die, Sunan will be healed or reborn.


   The two looked at each other. No wonder he became more ferocious after imitating the evil, so this is the situation.


   If it were not for you, Sunan people would not know that Sunan people could do this. Sunan has been waiting for you for a long time.


   The last time he completed his rebirth shortly after the two left, and his strength was restored to the above level. The reason he didn't kill the flag was because he wanted to see if he could really take out the Qinglian furnace.


   He is afraid that after killing Ye Mei, others will continue to follow and come here sooner or later. The evil spirits will be sealed again, and the incense burner must be destroyed to be safe.


   Now, the Qinglian heart furnace is in Sunan's hands.


   Even if you can be resurrected, what can you do, Sunan said coldly that Sunan can kill you once, and can kill you twice. After the seal of evil, you can be reborn.


   Meiyu added that no matter how many times you are born again, the Sunan will kill you until you are no longer born again.


   The devil continued to smile and said that it seems that you two don't know the current situation.


   said, he raised his right hand.


   In front of them is a transparent image, and a group of ships parked outside the fog bank. Under the rough water, there are various monsters, including tiger sharks, giant fishes, swordfish, and several giant whales.


   As soon as the picture turned to Chunyu Island, thousands of fish gathered on the beach, and the soldiers occupied the high ground to form a defensive circle, but everyone had a fear on their faces. They were not strong enough to defeat so many monsters.


   The picture changed again. This time it became a flag not far from the island. With the island as the center, there are well reporters just a meter away. It is roughly estimated that there are tens of thousands of ships. The evil face is filled with the joy of victory. As you can see, yours is under the control of Sunan. If you don’t want your comrades and comrades to die, you will hand over the Qinglian furnace. You have one minute. Taking into account the time, the Sunan people ordered the killing, and the atmosphere became tense when these people couldn't survive. Mei Yushu clenched his teeth and said: "You are really a humble person.


   The devil shrugged and said cursing casually, the Sunan would definitely not be with the dying person. Sunan, time is short, you'd better consider it


   Sunan sneered and said: "Give you the little belly chicken character, even if Sunan hand over the Qinglian furnace, you will not let Sunan and Sunan's people, if so, why do you give it to you?


   Evil grinning child, you know very well that since the Sunan people have already said this, the Sunan people will not buy it secretly. After giving up the incense burner, neither you nor Mei Yu will survive. However, if others confess my allegiance to the Sunan, they will not die, but there will be a future waiting for them.


Evil has changed your complexion. Children, Sunan see that you were once the son of Sunan’s opponent. Out of respect, I told you so much. Don’t challenge Sunan’s patience. Even if you seal the blood lotus, Sunan has a way to restart it. , This has no effect on the result, and it is impossible for you and Meiyu to leave here alive. And you will kill a whole team.


Sunan took a deep breath and said that the devil, Sunan respects you as Dayton. In this way of not going to the table, he is not afraid of being laughed at. If he is a man, he will face Sunan. If you lose, Sunan will not only lose to you, but the Xianglu and Sunan team will listen to you, okay.


   Sunan, you first understand that the situation is not good. Now that Sunan has the whole situation, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with Sunan?


   Sunan also smiled. This shows that you dare not. I'm afraid that Sunan killed Hande like last time.


Mei Yu fanned the flames and said: "We must make him afraid to fight with you alone, and he has never shown any masculinity, whether it is hiding behind a conspiracy or being turned over by the hands of a woman, such a person also wants to rule the Holy Land. , I also want to kill the gods to avenge, it's all daydreaming.


   If it weren't for the enemy's face, Sunan would definitely give Meiyu a thumbs up and praise her: A woman's mouth is so vicious.


   Once again, Sunan was looked down upon by the two of them, and wickedly shouted angrily: "What are Sunan afraid of?" Sunan just didn't want to be fooled by you. Don't think that Sunan doesn't know. You want to play a conspiracy.


   Sunan holds the incense burner in his hand. You can choose to be a Confucianist, but this is a lose-lose situation. A crew member is exchanged for your life. It's not worth it, but it's not worth losing money. Sunan gives you the last chance


   He went on to say that if you win, Sunan will not be your enemy, and in front of you, Sunan will die with you.


   The devil's eyes brightened, this business is absolutely worth it, so he said without hesitation: Going alone, Sunan will be afraid of one, come on.


   said, he showed his black sword.


   Meiyu and Sunan looked at each other, and handed Qinglian Jinglu to her, saying that they would come to Sunan next time.


   Meiyu nodded, solemnly saying that Sunan has confidence in you, remember not to be impatient, you will win if you fight steadily.


   Sunan took a deep breath and handed Fang Tianhua's halberd to the evil one.


   Two people can be regarded as enemies when they meet. Of course, they are extraordinarily jealous, so there is no need to say anything and fight directly.


   Sunan deliberately did not change the nine gods. He wanted to try the difference in strength with the devil. He wielded the halberd to paint and danced the Spring and Autumn Period in a chaotic dance.


   halberd also attacked the six vitals of evil, with an extremely delicate style. With a scornful smile on the evil face, he hummed.


   He brandished a big knife and chopped from top to bottom. The knife cut the halberd precisely.


   Damn it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


  , Sunan stepped back three steps and stood motionless.


   Meiyu's mood became heavy, thinking that after the upgrade, Sunan could at least draw a tie with the devil, plus nine gods, he could take it down. Now it seems that the gap between the two is not a drop of water.


   Sunan held the hand of the halberd tightly, thinking of a movement, the nine gods appeared at the same time, and rushed to a place on the battlefield with it.


   Six hundred and nineteen, to get rid of the evil sky axe that swung a knife to repel Pangu, the sky axe tilted and fell to the bottom, Zigong did not respond in time and disappeared instantly.


   Then, the evil emperor raised his sword and picked it up, praising his father, and then disappeared.


   Sunan frowned and reimagined Kuafuhe. Sunan, you, even your god, laughed wildly, let alone the nine gods. Even if you have eighteen gods, you are not the opponent of Sunan.


   Meiyu subconsciously took out a folding fan, ready to give Sunan a help, but she quickly thought that Sunan is not the enemy of the devil, nor is she herself.


   Fuxilian Qin was chopped in half by the devil, and his death was extremely tragic. Enwa and Xuanyuan cooperated with each other and finally retreated the evil emperor. Hou Yi only wanted to launch a sneak attack from his side, but he was a step ahead of the evil emperor, and he used his back stabbing, and Hou Yi disappeared.


   Within a minute, the gods reluctantly gathered these nine people together, and someone was killed every few seconds.


   Sunan frowned and kept changing the gods.