I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 684: soul

After all, Gilber, they are good, but the skeleton horses under their hips are not as capable of absorbing elements from the World of Warcraft continent. Their energy comes from the spirit of death. Although each other’s death can charge the skeleton horses, They did not share enough information, of course, the death of World of Warcraft is correct. Their promotion also has some benefits.

  As long as their team rank rises, they will be able to exist in the Horcrux continent for a longer period of time. This can be said to be the lowest defect of skulls and horses. Of course, this will change as their order rises.

As long as they succeed in making progress, they have their own attributes, which seems to be given. Of course, this kind of operation is not available to Sunan. This is something Sunan can know as a user, but it seems It is not something that Sunan can control. Maybe when Sunan is strong enough, it may be something that Sunan can control.

   Therefore, if the skeleton horse moves forward, there are great benefits, and Gilbert's ability improves. After all, the power of knights comes from the horse under their hips. Bi Jing, no one has ever heard that people without a horse can call it a knight, so you can see the importance of a horse, and a good horse can Improve the power of the knight. So there are so-called earth knights and sky knights, of course, this is also a very general term. After all, many knights have not received the training of orthodox knights. In fact, the most orthodox rider should be the knight of the Holy See. Why say that Sunan?

Because the knights of the Holy See have their very complete heritage, including various knights, skills, knights, virtues, and other aspects of knight education, knights can be said to be knights. The method of selecting knights by the Holy See is not the best sacrifice by the Holy See. Pinhe was selected by the missionaries who searched for them in the empire. Seeking power and wealth that has nothing to do with it, only if you get the attention of priests and missionaries, can you enter the Holy See and become a knight.

   Let the Sunan say that if you can become a knight of the Holy See, you will take a bright road, not a bright road. In the Griffin Empire, the status of knights of the Holy See is very lofty, because those who can become knights possess the fine qualities of knighthood, humility, honor, compassion, kindness, honesty and justice.

They can give their lives for the creed they believe in, they will help those who are suffering, they will not favor any wrong person, even if this person is his friend and partner, so the knights are the commoners of the Griffin Empire Exist and be praised if you are a knight of the Holy See

The Sunan will discuss it in the future, so the Sunan will turn their attention to the knights of the earth and the knights of the sky. The knights of the earth are actually riding warcraft or war horses that can only run on the ground, while the knights of the sky are The name that the owner can fly, of course, the sky taxi has a greater advantage than the earth knight. Because one is in the sky and the other is on the earth, if you let the Dragoons of the Bice Empire compete with the Grixudang spirit group and Griffin Magic Company, the ending will be very obvious.

  The lion warrior imperial horsemen will win the dragon horsemen, the country is that they can win the greatest degree of victory in the sky. After all, you can't hit Sunan in the sky below. Sunan can't let Sunan's Griffin Riders deal with you. Sunan can use the Griffin Magic Group to turn you into a scum. Even if Sunan attacks you with Griffin Riders, Sunan is not a Xiuren, even if Sunan uses Griffin Riders to attack you, Sunan does not have to let Sunan’s Griffin Cavalry Group fight you directly, even if Sunan uses the Griffin Cavalry Group to attack you. Many horsemen are knights of the Roman Catholic movement, so they are not weaker than the Lu Empire Dragoon in close combat.

The Cavalry and Griffin Corps are actually not afraid of the Dragoons of the Bez Empire, but their greatest enemy archery group. As long as they gather and shoot at them, this is the Cavalry and Griffin Magic Group. The end of, they came from the armor-breaking arrows and magical arrows tailored for them by the empire. What's more frightening is that these terrible shooters match those that restrict them.

   Therefore, there is a famous saying between the Eagle Riders and Griffin Magic Company: Chopping a dragon is not a thing that kills the hand. It can be seen that the Griffin Riders and Griffin Magic Company value the magic hand group and worry that the magic hand can open to you without your notice. This insurmountable bow and arrow can be said to be the lion rider group. What Griffin fears most is that when it is found, when the arrows are stuck in your throat, they are all in the arms of the God of Light.

And these hands can attack you anywhere. If they hide behind a wall or bunker, it will be difficult to find. Except for one, their hiding skills are absolutely gripped. As long as they give them a place, they can be strict They will shoot an arrow in exchange for a perfect place to execute Grandpa’s battle. As the Sunan people said: This is why the enemy retreated Sunan to the enemy, while Sunan retreated from the enemy.

Um~lightnovelpub.net~ is a bit too far, but it can be seen that the soul of a rider is a rider without a rider, just like a lame man with a broken leg. They don’t know how to fight at all, so getting a good mount is The favorite thing of all riders.

Skeleton horses can be said to be very good. After all, they don’t need to eat or drink. They don’t need to rest. As long as they have enough spirit to die, they can continue to run. This is definitely a bad thing. This is something no mount can do. The only thing they can do is that they have lost their lives, and skeleton horses do not exist as a dead race. Fear of this mentality, even if they develop their intelligence behind their backs, they will not have this mentality.

Bones and horses are the same as those skeletons. As long as their souls are not destroyed, when they absorb the spirit of death, they can recover their damage. Of course, other dead people are the same, but because the spirit of death is in Huo Croatia is not enough. The dead cannot use their most powerful abilities, that is, as long as they have the spirit of death, they can do so, that is, as long as they have the spirit of death, they can do so, and As long as they have the spirit of death, as long as they have the spirit of death, they can do so. In order to recover, even if they have been severely copied, as long as their soul fire is not extinguished, they can recover as before.

Of course, this kind of recovery is not omnipotent. Although it can restore their bodies, at the same time, their strength will drop sharply, just like a person who has just recovered from a serious illness cannot do some hard work. Of course, strength The decline is not permanent. This decline is actually like a weak one, as long as you absorb enough spirit of death you can restore your strength.