I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 742: Xueling

The physical fitness of modern people is much stronger than that of the nation two hundred years ago. More importantly, the vitality of Luohan and Xueling has arrived. Physical strength is definitely not a simple temperature change that can be knocked down.

Three people hid in the cave and ate the fish fillets raw. Sunan took out a fish, turned Sunan's nails, and cut off a sharp blade.

His nails are sharper than the blade of a knife, and as soon as he grabs them, he can dig out all the flesh.

The taste of these fish is very delicious, and there is a smooth oily taste in the mouth. It is obviously a great supplement to physical strength. "Child, this is the jade tooth fish on the lake. It tastes very good." A voice passed down, that is, Wang Changrong: "Sunan has just eaten this fish and has passed the difficult years, but always eats fish, lacking in various vitamins, causing Many diseases have gradually degraded Sunan’s physical fitness. Fortunately, a few candidates were killed today to get nutrition from their hands.

This doesn't look like something to show off. "When Sunan exuded the spirit of Sunan, Sunan saw Wang Changrong sitting in another


Deep down, there are three bodies next to him, a tall man and Bai Zhe's skin, two men and one woman. They don't seem to be middle people, but Bai Jin.

This time, there are more than 10,000 students on the earth, and there are two cadres on the yellow people, whites make up six to seven cadres, and other ethnic groups account for two to three cadres.

Southern Jiangsu does not kill the yellow race, especially the students of the Middle Ages. These white people die when they die. "Wang Changrong Jijie said with a smile: "Also, you see that the students in these exams will definitely have peers eating peers. In this ten years, Star University conducted three exams on Roxacin. Sunan has seen many people eat people. Young people, when you have no food and water, when you reach a desperate situation, the two little girls around you will also become your food, and it will also be your food.

This is not funny at all, you can't separate Sunan. "Sunan laughed and said:" Luohan, Snow God, take a break and restore your strength. "Drink a bite of nutrition every day and add enough vitamins and other nutrients. Sunan people can eat fish as a staple food."

Eat fish? Too naive, the fish in Daogou Lake only appear once a month. There is a deep underground water ditch several kilometers deep at the bottom of the lake. These fish will arrive at the lake today and will not appear at other times. Star University’s exam selection today is to give you a chance. "Wang Changcai laughed again:" One day is a better day, and the next day is getting harder and harder. Hey, exposure, hey exposure. The days are not short.

Haven't you been ten years?" Xue Ling said. "It took Sunan ten years, but Sunan cannibalized people. "Wang Changrong sounds very depressed." "Little girl, there are many prisoners on this Rocha star. The cave in Sunan is a good place. Many prisoners will come to rob Sunan caves and be killed and eaten by Sunan one by one. The prisoners you killed are the food reserved by Sunan. If there is a shortage of food, they will be eaten.

"Stop" Luohan said with a frown: "Cannibalism really has no moral bottom line and loses humanity. This matter is not worth discussing.

What a cowardly little girl. "Wang Changrong took a sigh of relief and suddenly became interested in Sunan: "Child, long night, how about Sunan discussing martial arts?" What is the name of your alien martial arts?

"The emperor's thunder seal, the emperor's wind seal." Sunan did not hide, and said these two names: "One is thunder, the other is pure speed, what do you think?

He has certain confidence in actual combat experience, but lacks in martial arts

solution. Wang Changrong's understanding of martial arts can inspire himself.

The second seal of wind and thunder? "The martial arts gossip palmistry of the kings of Sunan also has two forms of wind and thunder. The wind is Shunda, and the thunder is an earthquake, but it is very different from your thinking. According to the Book of Changes, follow the wind. Da, the gentleman acted with orders. Mr. Lei Zhen was afraid of repairing the province. Fenglei's rumors seemed to be fast, in fact, the heart must not be radical and brave, but careful, such as walking on thin ice to control the power of Fenglei. Sunan thinks you are still brave, so it won't last too long." Wang Changrong explored the road of martial arts, and immediately flew with his eyebrows. There is a kind of person who runs to Sunan, domineering as the masculine temperament of Sunan.

When Sunan heard these words, Sunan remembered the figure of Feng Lei in the "Zhou Yi", combined with martial arts, but there is an inexplicable understanding

Wang Changrong's martial arts recuperation is far more advanced than him. He can learn a lot, but the more, the less he can take this man lightly.

Can you show Sunan a set of thunder and thunder?" Wang Changcai said: "In exchange, Sunan will also show you the gossip works of Sunan Wang's family.

No problem." Sunan stood up and slowly practiced in this hole. In short, this martial art is not a meditation, just a physical movement. To communicate with Wang Changrong, it is impossible to hide your head and tail.

Moreover, he now understands that this is not martial arts, but the heart. Even the river can settle down. He has practiced the brain of the universe, but he has been unable to do so. This is that the heart has not been released, has not changed, no matter how strong the divine work, there will be no accomplishment.

The real martial arts master ~lightnovelpub.net~ spiritual masters, are open to the communication of pure martial arts, don't hide privacy, communicate directly.

Although he and Wang Changrong were separated by several caves, Wang Changrong could definitely see that this was a privilege of access.

In fact, Sunan is still secretly guarding, fearing that the other party will hypnotize Luohan and Xueling.

Fortunately, after his arrival, hypnosis rose sharply, and people had a new understanding of the brain of the universe. Hypnosis promotion is definitely not a little bit

He is eager to return to the earth and Xinghua City to see how many people he can hypnotize. Sunan is scared now? Even?

You know, the difference between entrance and non-entry is too big.

In the past, he was hypnotized, but now, it is unusual that he doubles.

Today, Jade is the day of marriage in the city. First of all, I wish him a happy wedding, grow up together for a hundred years, and give birth to your son as soon as possible! May all single brothers find their true love as soon as possible! In addition, he hopes his brothers can send in his book review Blessing, let his wife know that he has many brothers! Brothers, Sunan, go and bless him! Let his wife see the blessings of Sunan, okay?

Outside the cave, the cold wind roared and the temperature dropped below zero or even lower. Especially, the wind and sand are very big, blowing a stone the size of a head, flying around, can hit the head with broken blood flow. In this weather, even in Mecca, you have to die.

Even in the depths of the cave, Xueling and Luohan felt extremely cold, hugging each other to keep warm, even covered by hay, still shivering with cold.

"In such weather, if you stay outside, you will die. Sunan does not know how many candidates can find caves as smoothly as Sunan to avoid them." Xueling sighed, if he Without following Sunan, even if he found the cave, he would be eaten by gangsters like Wang Changrong.