I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 958: Free hunter

At this time, there was a tragic white flame in front of him, which seemed to be extinguished at any time, but if you look closely, you can’t see when it will burst suddenly. If you look closely, you can see a trace of white energy. The thread continues to infuse the flame. This feeling is quite strange. Does the entire dark underground room only have a little light to the flame?

"Squeaking" at that moment, the door of the secret room suddenly opened. A short and thin man came in. He couldn't see his face. When he came in, he didn't sound like a ghost at all. He put the gift first. It was given to the strong man who was sitting, but he did not speak.

After a while, a very harsh voice sounded: "Are they back?"

I am afraid that the second brother and the sixth brother have lost contact. "The small and thin man could not see his face, but he did not continue to say that if the connection between their brothers is severed, there are only two possibilities. One is that he is in an emergency and cannot be distracted with him. Contact, another possibility is that the other party has fallen down and naturally cannot contact him.

Did you fall down for the second and sixth time? "The extremely harsh voice rang again, and there was no trace of emotional fluctuations in it, as if the two had nothing to do with him, but the thin, short man who knew the boss The man was shaking, obviously thinking about something.

"It's possible" the short and thin man didn't dare to give him a positive answer, and the relationship between the eldest brother and the two brothers was the best. If other brothers fall, the eldest brother may not be too angry, and even his mood will not change much, but the second situation is different, because the second one grew up with one hand, and the relationship between the two is both Brothers are like father and son.

Well, you go out Hikaru. "After a while, Lu, the sound rang again. Although it was no longer as harsh as Gang オ, the white flame in front of it was beating constantly, as if to show the host's anxiety.

Yes! "The skinny man replied, turning around in a hurry. For him, every additional minute the fear in his heart increased exponentially. Although they were nominally proportional to their brother, except for " Apart from the second brother, no one dares to treat adults as his brothers. Of course, he does not treat them as brothers in his heart.

Seeing the thin figure leaving the secret room, the whole secret room was quiet again, beating in the white flame, constantly changing its appearance

Sunan did not expect that there would be strong people on the mainland, and would fall for the second and sixth time. Is the church stronger than God?” The man said, with two thin hands, the gray flame in front of him, after the two ghost hands flame, the flame did not keep beating as before, but it Various screens are being changed.

With a sharp drink, the constantly changing picture in the white flame suddenly stopped, and a clear picture gradually emerged. In this photo, there are three people. The one in the middle is about four meters tall. The whole person seems to be wrapped in white flames. The two people standing next to him look normal, except that one of them holds a Bunch of blue flames. Long knife with turquoise flame.

However, if you take a closer look, the two figures standing on both sides gradually blur over time. Although the speed of this ambiguity is very slow, it is indeed happening. If it is allowed to continue, I am afraid that these two numbers will disappear completely soon.

The thin hands suddenly made a strange gesture in the pale flame. When this gesture appeared, a strange cold was blowing in the entire secret room. This cold was not only bitter, but also mixed with trembling energy. Not only ordinary people can bear it, but the body sitting in front of the white flame can't shake.

Mr. Luo still insisted that the strange handprints on his hands showed no signs of loosening. If someone was beside him at this moment, he could clearly see that these two blurred figures in the pale white flames were already visible to the eyes. The speed has frozen, this kind of intimacy is getting faster and faster, and finally people feel that they are about to rush out.

At this time, the figure sitting in front of the tragic white flame "plopped" and spewed a dazzling red blood. The blood just fell on the white flame in front of him. Then, the flame expanded countless times, and the original weak flame There was a bright white glow, but this white glow was a deep bone cold, which was more terrifying than black ice.

Ah! Two screams suddenly appeared in the quiet and abnormal secret room. At the same time, there were two characters in the secret room. These two characters were the first two brothers and six people who died in the domain of Southern Jiangsu.

At first, after Sunan successfully integrated into the gods, Sunan naturally tried it with a few people in Icarus. Although Sunan no longer receives the help of Lal’s supreme spirit, its spirit is only an intermediate spirit, but this intermediate spirit is the result of Sunan’s own practice. It is made according to Sunan’s own rules. Of course, it is more suitable for Sunan than Nala Mountain. Even if the divine power cannot be compared with the supreme divine power of Ral, it can be compensated with divine power.

Hmm! A cold snort came out from that person. It turned out that the two people were still a little fuzzy, but now they were taken aback by the cold snort, and they became completely clear.

A little disillusioned, the two people hurriedly saluted the man sitting behind the white flame. From the gifts in front of them, the difference between the two can be seen. "∥Second brother" just bends down a little, while the sixth is bowing to the ground. (Zhao Li Zhao) Dare to have the slightest negligence.

Ni son, tell Sunan how you fell. "A little harsh voice sounded again.

Sunan, fell? "Obviously, this person hasn't reacted for a while~lightnovelpub.net~ But just when he just remembered, a familiar and strange scene suddenly appeared in his mind .

Sunan have fallen?

The second and sixth glanced at each other, and the surprise in their hearts was imaginable. Of course, at this moment, they also thought of the terrifying power of Sunan. If there is no such terrible existence to attack, how could the two of them fall so easily?

Brother, it's like this.

In the dark secret room, there were only the second person's statement, and the sixth person's voice added two words from time to time. As for the position that the strong existence has not left, it did not make any comments.

Thirty and then leave.

In charge of a group like the Free Hunter's Guild is Yiying's tenacious heart, even the strong can give it up. "Su Nan murmured. Although he said that, Su Nan also saw a lot from the attitude of the free hunter. For example, this time the determination to deal with the temple, it can be said that no power can easily give up the divine power. This It is not an era when the ancient gods coexisted. Although Sunan did not know how many sacred strongmen existed on the entire continent, it was certain that this number would never be too many.