I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 969: 2 major public associations

"Lost!" Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, the Alchemist Association gritted their teeth and roared.

"Okay!" Lusa finally firmly agreed to the other party's suggestion. Two equally low voices spread all over the battlefield in an instant. Naturally, Lothar, the leader of the Free Hunter Guild, and the strong man of the Alchemist Guild blood clan and the strong man of artificial gods also changed.

When the strong said the word "burning blood" in Lusa, a terrible energy suddenly poured out of them. The power of these blood types will turn into huge black holes in just a few breaths. These black holes not only have a lot of suction power, but they also **** in those who attack their temple and even the strong men of the alliance are sucked into the black hole.

Those strong people who were sucked into the black hole did not even have the chance to scream and disappear completely in the black hole transformed by the blood group members. When these black holes swallowed these strong people, they not only did not shrink, but also continued to increase, some of which covered After more than ten meters, these huge black holes are like terrifying bottomless holes that can be swallowed by the sun. Fly to the head of the holy city.

Although the powerhouses of these blood races are terrifying, their horror is still not as good as the artificial gods of the Alchemist Guild. Just after the leader gave the order, the artificial gods gathered in one place, and the bodies of the artificial gods gathered in one place were constantly changing. Individuals did not often form a whole. The shape of the artificial gods that formed a whole began to shrink and shrink. . In the end, it becomes like ordinary people.

However, the terrible power of these artificial gods is not what most people can imagine. Even those mighty gods without the protection of a divine body cannot compare with some man-made gods. It is only now that these artificial gods have achieved true sacred power, and オ can be called "God". If it weren't for the consumption of these artificial gods, it would be terrible. In addition, this form cannot last for a long time, I am afraid that the Alchemist Guild has already become the most powerful force in the mainland.

Of course, even if these artificial gods cannot exist for too long, their instantaneous power should not be underestimated. From the perspective of instant damage, these artificial gods are indeed stronger than blood types.

Initially, with the help of those sacred magicians, the powerful temples fighting blood type and artificial gods, and those who are directly inhaled by blood type black holes, do not need to be inhaled by the black hole, and those who are closer to each other and not sucked by the black hole naturally Become the primary target of blood types and artificial gods.

More importantly, the orders of the two leaders were not only passed on to the blood race and the artificial gods, but also to other strong men in the two guilds. In them

Before coming, many things have been arranged. What to do with them at this time. The little ones in the league don't know, but the strongmen who belong to the two big guilds naturally know very well, otherwise how would they stay behind the team now. Did not stand up to overshadow blood types and artificial gods.

The initial advantage, at this moment, has completely evolved into a disadvantage, and for the holy church, this is a moment of extreme crisis.


Many sacred magicians watched desperately. The old magicians standing next to Joseph and Arthur, even though they are the cards of the sacred church, are also the pride of the sacred church, facing this special and somewhat extreme method, These sacred magicians who are not good at melee do not have many methods, so they look at getting rich.

Lord Beifu! Lord Arthur! Protect them! "This old wizard is very calm, and now also very anxious. These sacred ceremonies grew up with his feelings, and these magicians are sacred A member of Pang Shushi’s holy warlock group. If these black holes are close to those artificial gods exuding horror, Sunan is worried that most of them will fall. This time the loss is too great.

Hmm! Joseph snorted coldly.

At this time, these two guilds suddenly came, Joseph and Arthur had no time to use their means to prevent the black hole from approaching the city's head with an artificial god. However, the two of them are sacred and powerful after all. The members of these sacred magician groups, although the power of the joint attack is terrible, they do not have much of their own power. If you are really close to those who are born for melee combat, there is no good ending.

Unfortunately, this situation changes too quickly. Although the two powerful gods knew that the other party would never be able to maintain this state for too long, for those members of the Holy Magic Alliance, drinking a pot was enough. In addition, if these members of the Holy Magic Alliance really lose a lot of money, even Joseph and Arthur are not sure how confident they can win the temple of this war.

Currently, this is not only true of Joseph and Arthur, but also in several other places on the battlefield. Although there are sacred strongmen sitting everywhere in the city, no one expected that the opponent would be so determined that they did not hesitate to imitate the enemy in this way. This is so unexpected for the temple strong .

At this moment, the Pope not only has a new Lord Mather, but his whole body is full of golden light, which is naturally the true ruler of the Holy Light.

"What happened to Sunan's intelligence?" Mather frowned. He couldn't think that the information obtained by the church would be wrong~lightnovelpub.net~ and if it happened in peace, it would not be too big. Impact. Unfortunately, it happened at this moment. Any small mistake could bring devastating disaster to the church, and the church's intelligence network also made a mistake.

In the intelligence of Sunan people, the real power of blood type and artificial gods is much stronger than reality. Although the people of Sunan people have not figured out why until now, at least some people can enhance their power through special means. , So that their power reaches the level of terror. "The Holy Light did not continue. The blood type and the artificial gods deliberately concealed their power. The result they wanted to achieve was also very simple. There are only two powers on the mainland that can pay so much of these two kinds of public expenses. One is the Temple of Heaven, It has not cared about the world for many years, and the other is the temple, which occupies countless high-quality resources on the mainland.

The Temple of Heaven has not come out to compete for resources from the mainland for many years. Obviously this is not the main goal of the two guilds. Therefore, the Anglican Church has become the biggest goal of the two guilds. This goal has been implemented immediately or has begun.

This time, the sacred wizards sent by Meyer, even if these sacred magicians only lost six floors, the price is unaffordable for the holy church, and with the light and Mather’s wisdom, they They all know that if they allow each other to play, the loss of the holy magician group will definitely exceed six levels.

For a long time, the church and other forces on the mainland, especially the main forces, have maintained a delicate balance and restraint. But over the years, the development of the church has encountered a bottleneck. Even if the capacity of the trial space does not allow the church to expand, as far as the two major guilds are concerned, the establishment time is much shorter than that of the Anglican Church, and there is still a need to develop in the mainland. As the power of the two guilds increases, sooner or later they will clashed with the giants of the temple.