I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1083: Father Lu’s Mood [Four K]

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Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Ji Xia raised her head and looked at the sky outside the hall.

I just felt a dazzling light flickering.

Immediately afterwards, he saw many luminous giants running in the endless sky.

These giants opened their arms and supported the two outer heavens.

Wonderful power lingers constantly around their bodies, with unimaginable power in them.

Ji Xia was a little surprised.

In fact, not long ago, he had dispatched two supreme beings of Nine Li Tian to carry these two outer heavens full of human beings.

But I didn't expect it.

In order to express his sincerity, Xianzhu took the initiative to manifest the great world of the gods and used amazing power to transport the two outer heavens to Tai Cang.

This is by no means a simple matter.

You must know that these two outer heavens carry tens of trillions of human beings.

The absolute weight of these human beings is actually nothing.

But the supernatural powers exerted on so many true spirits will also feel extremely heavy pressure.

Under Ji Xia's estimation.

Even if Xing Tian and Kuafu took the initiative, it would take hundreds of years to bring these two outer heavens back to the great sky.

Tai Cang actually has other backgrounds, and can quickly move the outer world to him.

It's just that this foundation was used by Ji Xia for other purposes, and he couldn't stay away from Tai Cang.

under these circumstances.

In fact, Ji Xia was already ready to be intercepted by the powerful sent by the three great dynasties.

Unexpectedly, Xianzhu actually used the great power of the great world and his own avenue of gods.

But in a very short time.

Just let these two extremely heavy outer heavens reach Tai Cang Void.

This must be a good thing for Tai Cang.

at the same time.

Ji Xia also had a deeper understanding of the power of Xianzhu that existed as the immortal realm of the universe.

"Xianzhu was born after the Great Shattered, and he did not suffer from the calamities of innate lives like Lord Yin and Lord Lei Shiyuan.

So today's Xianzhu must have the strength of the peak level. "

He pondered in his heart.

Xianzhu smiled and said, "The emperor can rest assured, I have already isolated the space, light, and all perception before I moved the two outer heavens.

Nothing has ever noticed that it was me who helped Tai Cang.

Our plan will not be aware of the existence of clues. "

Xianzhu's tone was soft, with a slight smile on his face.

Ji Xia nodded slightly, thanking Xianzhu.

Xianzhu turned his head and looked at Mr. Lei Shiyuan.

Lei Shiyuan Jun stood upright, his eyes touching the building first.

Xianzhu waved his sleeves.

A light curtain appeared in the void immediately.

On the light curtain, a vast and boundless world is running chaotically.

And in the center of the world, an endless scorching sun fell into it.

Do not……

In fact, this sun can no longer be called a scorching sun.

He didn't seem to have any light, and now it was dark and dead, and seemed to have fallen completely.

The moment Ji Xia and Lei Shiyuan saw this scorching sun, they understood.

This scorching sun is the Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms.

The dead world is embedded in the old abyss.

The countless layers of sky in Jiuyuan existed around the Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms.

"The Ten Thousand Worlds Day is worthy of the supreme innate god, even if it falls, it has opened up a vast world.

Although Jiuyuan couldn't compare with Da Duan Luojie, it also carried countless lives. "

Mr. Lei Shiyuan sighed in his heart, with a trace of reverence in his eyes.

Xianzhu said: "Mr. Yuan, look at the core of the Ten Thousand Realms Great Sun."

A trace of curiosity flashed in Lei Shiyuan's eyes, and he continued to look at the light curtain.

But I saw the light curtain turning, and the scene went deep into the great day of the world.

Inside the Ten Thousand Worlds Day, there is a sea of ​​flames burning.

In the sea of ​​flames, unimaginable runes rose up, reflected, and then suddenly shattered.

In it, the divine power of Tao Miao was brewing, and various elements roared out, which was amazing.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan saw the splendor of this mysterious sea of ​​fire.

All the curiosity in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a deep feeling.

He sat on the throne, his body still, as if lost in thought.

Even Jun Lei Shiyuan looked calm.

Ji Xia can also clearly perceive that Lei Shiyuan has a deep interest in the sea of ​​fire in the great sun of the world... even with a trace of greed!

What is hidden in this sea of ​​fire?

Ji Xia was speculating in her heart.

Xianzhu didn't conceal it, and calmly said to Lei Shiyuan: "Although the Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms has fallen, part of his true spirit has turned into this endless sea of ​​flames.

Although the endless sea of ​​fire appears in the form of fire, the magic bred in it is simply unimaginable.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan, when the Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms recovers, this sea of ​​flames will flow out of the Great Sun of Renewing Ten Thousand Realms.

At that time, if Yuan Jun can obtain this endless sea of ​​fire and refine his own Thunder Avenue with the sea of ​​fire, maybe Yuan Jun can step into the third realm! "

The third realm?

Ji Xia raised her eyebrows and kept silent.

But in his heart, he was already guessing.

The so-called third realm may be a higher realm above the immortal realm.

From this speculation.

The first stage is actually under the gods.

And the second realm is the triple **** realm of Dao Ze, Shang Yu, and Zhou Immortal.

The pinnacle of the divine realm is the eternal immortal divine emperor. The power they possess is enough to destroy the world.

Even so.

Ji Xia never felt that the Eternal Immortal Realm meant the end of the practice system.

at least……

Over the past three thousand years, Ji Xia has also heard of many Taoist names that are supreme.

For example, Father Lu, Yinlong... the emperor!

Although Ji Xia didn't know what kind of person these mysterious and ancient existences were close to Tao.

It is not difficult for him to guess that the strength of these three ancient gods must have surpassed Yin Jun, Lei Shiyuan Jun, and the emperors of the three gods.

Except for the existence of these three deities.

The black armored gods who walked out of the black sun had divine powers that were definitely not comparable to the Eternal Immortal Realm.

What's more, there are some Ji Xia who knows its existence and doubts the power they possess and has already stepped into the third realm.

For example, there is no day god, such as the existence behind the sky.

Such all kinds.

Ji Xia was actually full of curiosity about the realm above the immortal realm.

"The third realm...The Eternal Immortal Realm is already so powerful, so in what form does the existence of the detached **** emperor exist?"

He pondered in his heart.

Xianzhu's words seemed to be full of temptation.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan only thought for a few breaths of time... he looked at Ji Xia.

Xianzhu also looked at Ji Xia naturally.

The streamer on his beard became more and more dazzling.

"For Tai Cang, for the Human Race, resurrecting the Ten Thousand Worlds Day has even more unimaginable benefits."

Xianzhu said casually: "The Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms once hung high in the void of Da Duan Luo Realm, shining infinite rays of light, shining on the sky and the earth, and also shining the Ten Thousand Realms within Da Duan Luo Realm.

Ten Thousand Realms Da Ri is the core of Da Duan Luo Realm, because of the existence of Ten Thousand Realms Da Ri, the rule of the human race can be stable and sustained.

Ten Thousand Realms himself has deep compassion for life. Under such rules, even if he was shot down by the new Heavenly Dao, he never fell in the middle of Da Duan Luo Realm. "

When Xianzhu said this, her tone suddenly became gloomy.

"But now, Da Duan Luo Jie is broken into a boundless wilderness.

The core of the boundless wild world has changed from the Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms, which represents life, to the Hades, which represents death.

Countless creatures continue to multiply and continue to fight.

Countless wars spread across the world, and death is accompanied by everything in the boundless wilderness. "

While talking, I looked up at the three scorching suns in the sky.

"Now, there are three scorching sun goddesses. Once Ten Thousand Realms recovers, there is no need to hang high in the sky.

He can even transform into the form of a **** and become a supreme innate god!

This innate **** will be stronger than every **** emperor, and will be more noble than me and Lei Shiyuan. "

"He will stand on the opposite side of Wuxitian, and also on the opposite side of the three gods that maintain the boundless wilderness and stability today."

Listening to Xianzhu's words, Ji Xia was very excited for a while.


If Ten Thousand Realms can really recover.

Tai Cang's pressure will suddenly become much smaller.

But the problem is...

Xianzhu has been talking about it all the time, but it's all his own words.

"It's nothing more than offering sacrifices to the Great Day of Ten Thousand Realms.

But now, let my Taicang human race sacrifice to the black sun at the same time on the grounds that in the black sun of the old abyss, there is still the origin of the great road of ten thousand realms. "

"If you go first, you can't believe it all."

Ji Xia is not lost in Xianzhu's persuasive temptation.

Just when he was thinking about how to continue to delay time.

But Mr. Lei Shiyuan slowly stood up from the throne.

He carried his hands on his back.

Looking directly at Xianzhu, he said: "Xianzhu the ancient god...This matter is very important. Although the emperor and I were very excited, we had to carefully consider it."

First, he turned his head to the side and looked at Mr. Lei Shiyuan.

Lei Shiyuanjun continued: "Perhaps, we should meet with Father Lu. If we can let Father Lu witness our agreement to wait, it will also be able to dispel the doubts in my heart and the emperor's heart."

Father Lu's appointment?

At this time, Ji Xia took a deep look at Mr. Lei Shiyuan.

Jun Lei Shiyuan nodded towards him.

Obviously, Lei Shiyuan saw Ji Xia's concerns.

Tai Cang is still weak now, coupled with the great pressure that Tai Cang is facing now, the three major gods are staring at him.

If because of this incident, the ancient **** of Xianzhu was offended again... Ji Xia would be more and more difficult to walk.

because of this.

Jun Lei Shiyuan got up, as an innate **** with the same rank as Xianzhu, he calmly put forward his request and attracted Xianzhu's gaze to himself.

It can also make Ji Xia much easier.

Ji Xia smiled in her heart.

"Now, I owe Mr. Lei Shiyuan a favor."

When Xianzhu heard Lei Shiyuan's request, his expression remained unchanged.

He nodded first, then shook his head.

"It's okay to meet Lu's father in person, but I don't know if Lu's father will allow us to conclude a contract under his rules."

This sentence made Ji Xia a little puzzled for a while.

Lu's father's covenant is extremely popular in the boundless wilderness.

Many dynasties and dynasties under the gods have promoted many major events through Lu's father's covenant.

The strong also use this magic circle as the supreme contract, and no existence dares to violate Lu's father's covenant.

Concluding the agreement with Father Lu is also very simple.

Only need to describe the magic circle, divide the spiritual sense or essence and blood.

Only Xianzhu's words told Ji Xia that there should be other restrictions.

Jun Lei Shiyuan seemed to see the doubt in Ji Xia's eyes.

His spiritual knowledge flowed in and collided with Ji Xia's spiritual knowledge: "The existence of the Taoist rule wants to conclude the agreement with Father Lu, and must meet with Father Lu.

If Lu's father agrees, only then can Lu's father's supreme power be used. "

Ji Xia frowned slightly.

"Thousands of years ago, I made an appointment with Mr. Yin with Father Lu.

At that time, we did not meet with Father Lu, and we also made a covenant. We also got a response from Father Lu. This..."

Without thinking about it, Mr. Lei Shiyuan replied: “Thousands of years ago, Mr. Yin had not passed through the canopy that isolated the universe and descended into the boundless wilderness.

He suffered a great calamity and was chased and killed by Wu Zhoutian.

So the power he possessed at that time probably hadn't been restored to the level of Taoism..."

At first, Lei Shiyuan seemed to be just speculating.

Immediately he thought of something, and then said with a certain tone: "The great emperor planted the sacred mulberry tree into the great world of Lord Yin, perhaps to make Lord Yin recover his strength faster."

Ji Xia knew this.

The boundless wilderness was destroyed because of the great destruction.

Divided by the mysterious sky.

Outside the sky, there are no days and no days, and there are countless prisons where many gods are held.

At the same time, some unique forces seem to have been introduced beyond the sky.

Lord Yin was not born in the boundless wilderness, unable to pass through the sky and return to the universe below.

So at that time, Lei Shiyuan was able to return to the boundless wilderness to cultivate his body and rejuvenate after he got out of trouble.

But Lord Yin could only run around.

It is necessary to pass some special methods, send messages to the boundless wilderness, and use the power of some weak creatures to forge a bridge that will lead him back, before he can come.

This can also prove...

The Lord Yin at that time was indeed very weak.

Knowing this, Ji Xia suddenly had some expectations in her heart.

Father Lu...

Since Ji Xia just came to the boundless wilderness.

I have heard of the honorable name of this supreme **** countless times.

Through the conclusion of Lu's father's covenant, he felt Lu's terrifying power as deep as Zhou Yu.

He was actually extremely curious about this supreme god.

It would be a good thing for Ji Xia to see Father Lu~lightnovelpub.net~ and perceive the terrifying power of this existence.

"Furthermore, Father Lu's power is extremely powerful, and the existence of the Taoist rule to conclude the agreement with Father Lu has to pay a small price."

"This is also the reason why the gods above the Tao seldom use Father Lu's covenant."

Mr. Lei Shiyuan's voice came.

Ji Xia looked towards Xianzhu.

First of all, his face was calm and composed: "This matter is of great importance, and it is indeed time to meet with Father Lu.

If Lu's father agrees, we can conclude an agreement.

In this way, the three of us will have no other concerns. "

Ji Xia nodded.

Then he suddenly became curious, and raised his head and asked, "Father Lu can only conclude the agreement with Father Lu if he agrees.

So on what conditions did Lu's father agree or not? "

Mr. Lei Shiyuan and Xianzhu looked at each other.

Xianzhu hesitated, and replied: "Father Lu's existence is supreme, and there is no way to guess."

"Maybe... Whether he agrees to witness the conclusion of the contract, maybe it depends on his... mood."


Ji Xia's eyelids twitched, and then nodded to express understanding.

These supreme beings... indeed have the qualifications of willfulness.

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