I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 128: Metamorphosis

   Ji Xia came out of Fengfu City, the Great Talisman Kingdom, and changed her appearance with a face-changing human face. He walked east all the way, with spirits and drums, passing by many big Talisman cities, and saw many magnificent scenery.

   Now it's only about seven or eight days before Sun Ji.

   The border of the Great Talisman is so huge that Ji Xia dare not lose any time on the road.

   He always operated the Great Sun Spirit Eye, evading many powerful monsters in advance, and went straight east, passing the town during the day, and then straight into the town. At night, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he bypassed the town and continued running.

   In addition, the spiritual essence in his snow-capped mountains is extremely strong, and the old star monarch's method continuously supplies abundant spiritual essence, so that his speed is always at the peak.

   As if running for a day and night, along the edge of a dark forest, Ji Xia finally saw the desert without grass appearing in the distance.

   "I finally left the border of Dafu."

   Ji Xia didn't dare to stop and continued on her way. Two rounds of hot sun always burned in her eyes, and there were two golden crows floating in the hot sun, paying close attention to the surrounding situation.

   Now the ability of the Great Sun Spirit Eye has been greatly improved, looking up, at a distance of thirty or fifty miles, you can see very clearly.

   And this is not just an increase in distance. Within a hundred miles of distance, a group of spirit essences drifted across Ji Xia's field of vision. When they encountered obstacles from mountains and trees, they could also penetrate with Ji Xia's mind, unable to block his vision.

   He stepped into the desert, ignoring the monsters that appeared by chance, and rushed along.

   After running for a long time, Ji Xia saw a huge floating island suspended in the sky.

   It was the floating island that suddenly appeared when Ji Xia left Tai Cang and rushed to Da Fu.

   This floating island hovered quietly in the sky. When Ji Xia looked at it with her big day spirit eyes, she could only see more than a dozen groups of vigorous spirits wandering on the floating island.

   "These should be strong men sent by Da Fu, and continue to explore this floating island."

   Initially, Da Fu sent three upper talismans to investigate, but found nothing.

   Then I heard Zhao Wu said that Da Fu sent more than ten supernatural powers to camp on the floating island, live on the floating island, and observe the changes of the floating island.

   "Clearly knowing that this floating island must hide a very important secret, but there is no way to find out such a secret. This feeling is definitely uncomfortable for the overlord who is within a radius of more than 10,000 miles."

   Ji Xia speculated in her heart, but her footsteps were not slow, she still rushed with all her strength, passing under the floating island, and heading out of the desert.

   The desert is huge, and it took Ji Xia's feet to walk for a long time before he reached the edge.

   To the east of the desert, there are three small countries standing side by side.

   There are only a hundred thousand lives in each country.

   These three small countries are of the same origin, all of them are worm-tooth tribes, only tribes. They are like giant praying mantises with two sharp mouthparts in their mouths.

   The worm-tooth tribe cannot walk upright, but the country has a distinct class and division of labor.

   Language is also the universal language of the boundless wilds, the level of civilization is extremely low, and there are no important etiquettes and customs developed.

   They can't communicate with the heaven and earth spirits, and they can rely on only their sturdy bodies, sharp mouthparts, and silvery tongs.

   It's a pity that this kind of race that can't cultivate spirit essence and has no exaggerated physical strength to a certain extent, in the boundless wilderness, it can only be slaughtered by other creatures.

However, at this moment, Ji Xia clearly saw with the big day spirit eye that in the past, the three kingdoms that were abused by the Zhou Qing tribe, they were on time, gathered about ten thousand troops, gathered in one place, mighty. Swing towards Zhou Qingguo, east of them!

   "It seems that Zhou Qingguo's civil turmoil broke out after I left, and it may have come to an end now. The strength of the Zhou Qing clan has been consumed little."

   "These worm-tooth tribes have no interest in the plains. They just want pure revenge and simply eat the remaining Zhou Qing people."

   The individual strength of these Zergtooth tribes is not very strong, much weaker than ordinary Zhou Qing soldiers.

   If it were the past, they would definitely not dare to easily provoke Zhou Qing. Zhou Qing would not trouble them. They would even sacrifice the lives of ten tribesmen for their totem every day.

   But at this moment, they all exposed their sharp mouthparts, brandished two large tongs, and headed towards Zhou Qingguo.

   Ji Xia is unwilling to pay attention to these things, nor does he think that the army of the Zergtooth tribe will have any impact on them if they enter Zhou Qing.

   "Let them go, return to Tai Cang, let a few commanders bring some army soldiers, and warn them that they can do anything, but they are not allowed to destroy the honey fruit forest."

   Ji Xia thought in her heart that she planned to bypass the worm-tooth tribe army and look for Shiyang.

   Suddenly, Da Ri Ling's eyes keenly felt that from the north of the desert, there was a group of extremely dense Ling Yuan waves advancing rapidly.

   Ji Xia hadn't recovered yet, at the end of Da Ri Lingmu's line of sight, a cloud of gray mist flew extremely fast.

   flew dozens of miles in the blink of an eye!

Ji Xia was startled, her eyesight turned to the limit, and she saw a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe, a gloomy face, a moustache, and an eagle-like nose in the cloud and mist. Flying ahead.

   Before giving Ji Xia a chance to think, this gray cloud took the middle-aged eagle nose and flew over the more than ten thousand worm-tooth army.

   The Zergtooth people who stood on the ground looking up at the weird scene looked terrified, yelled, and some even squirmed around with their heads in their arms, very embarrassed.

   Seeing such a mysterious and terrifying sight, no one might not be afraid.

   Fortunately for these humble worm-tooth races, the gray clouds did not stay above their heads, but continued to go south to each other.

   Ji Xia also took a sigh of relief. In Da Ri Ling's eyes, the horror of the spirit essence contained in the gray cloud made Ji Xia's heart frightened. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   If the middle-aged person in the gray cloud came towards Ji Xia, even if Ji Xia had a good cultivation at the moment, he would have to flee in a hurry.


   Suddenly, after seeing the gray cloud flying out for dozens of miles, Ji Xia Da Ri's spiritual eyes swept back!

   a distance of tens of miles, in the blink of an eye!

   Grey clouds flew quickly and hovered in the sky. Below them were the Zergtooth people who had not yet awakened from fear.

   I saw the middle-aged man in the gray cloud floating in the air, opening his mouth and inhaling the gray cloud mist into his mouth.

   His body suddenly swelled and enlarged, and in Ji Xia's suspicious eyes, it turned into a hundred-foot gray eagle!

   The giant eagle waved its wings and opened its mouth to suck!

   There are countless worm tooth tribesmen on the ground, all seeming to be rolled up by a terrifying hurricane, and then neatly sent into the mouth of a giant eagle.

  The giant eagle is like swallowing small insects. As soon as the head is raised, there are thousands of worm teeth swallowed by him.

   Soon there were other Zergtooth tribes, swept by the hurricane, and swallowed by him again!

   Thousands of worm-tooth tribe soldiers were swallowed up by the grey giant eagle in a few breaths!

   Kixia's eyelids jumped wildly.

   He has just witnessed a great demon that can transform into shape, because of a moment's thought, it has swallowed thousands of creatures!

   The cruelty, cruelty, and impermanence of the boundless wilderness are evident.


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