I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 135: Hall of Supreme Harmony

   Tai Cang, Hall of Supreme Harmony.

   Ji Xia sat on the throne, and a group of ministers stood neatly in the hall of the palace, bowing their heads to listen to the Lord of the Great Kingdom.

   "The master of the country has been in retreat for nearly a month, and finally has some small gains. After a while, he should be able to become a supernatural power and live up to his reputation."

   Ji Xia's complexion was calm, her hair tied in a crown, and she was wearing a silver shirt embroidered with many gorgeous patterns, slowly speaking.

   "The ministers and others congratulate the country master, and congratulate the Tai Cang!"

   The ministers saluted loudly, and their voices resounded like thunder through the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

   Their expressions showed their heartfelt joy.

   The value of a strong man with supernatural powers is too great to imagine. If this man with supernatural powers is still their country's master, then it would be better.

   "Dear ministers should have seen Zhaoling, the migration of the Jiangushan tribe to the Great Cang, do you have any opinions, please let me know."

A Taicheng Bo Rong Tower came out and saluted Ji Xia, and said respectfully: "My Tai Cang has now solved the food problem. If tens of thousands of people can move in, then this matter is naturally an excellent thing. "

Lu Yu went to Yin and said: "Naturally it is an excellent thing, but there are tens of thousands of people, not a small number. They expect to arrive at Tai Cang in two days. How to settle and accommodate them is what we should discuss today. "

   Ronglou thought for a while and said: "It is more difficult to build many houses in the short term. How about dispersing them so that half of them live in Taicheng and half of them live in Cangcheng?"

The head of Ji Xia shook her head: "No, this Gushan people are good at building forging oracles. I plan to place them in Taicheng, and then establish the Orientation Palace so that they can make the best use of them. So benefited greatly."

Palace Master Lu An of the Craftsman’s Mansion in the temple was delighted, and he also went out and said: “The ministers have seen records of spiritual weapons in many ancient books, and they have never seen it. If the Jiangu people can really use this ancient skill Bringing into Tai Cang, it will be of great benefit to Tai Cang."

   Ji Xia glanced at Lu case, and he smiled and said, "The Spirit Weapon Mansion is completed, are you afraid that your craftsman mansion will have no useful place?"

When the Lu case heard Ji Xia’s words, he bowed and said: "Craftsmanship and psychic skills do not conflict. When Zhou Qing is conquered, many minerals can be produced in the mineral mountains in the northern part of Zhou Qingguo, and perhaps a little spiritual gold can be produced. ."

"The minister has already made plans. By then, my craftsman's mansion will be completely transformed. It will no longer only focus on construction, but will make every effort to develop people's livelihood equipment. If the country's lord agrees, the craftsman's mansion will set up a slaughter house and strive to research hundreds Soldiers, enhance the strength of my great army."

   Today's Tai Cang, because of the vein-building spar and Wanliang treasure bottle, has developed a little deformity.

   The people are about to be full, and the Taicang army has made tremendous progress.

   It is the Taicang army, but he doesn't even have a decent armor.

   Even the standard weapons in the hands of sergeants are extremely worrying.

   When the previous sergeants were weak, they could barely use them together.

   Now that most of them have the strength of the fifth heaven and approach the sixth heaven, these weapons appear to be a bit poor.

When    was training soldiers, the spear would often be broken off, wondering about the situation of the blade curling.

   Ji Xia returned yesterday, and he had already summoned many important ministers at night, and learned a lot about Tai Cang's current problems.

   "Lu An Aiqing's idea is very good."

Ji Xia nodded her head and said in a normal tone: "When General Ji returns, I will wipe out the remaining forces of Zhou Qingguo. No surprises. In about seven days, Zhou Qing will be in my Taicang urn. Cangzimin, go to mine ore."

   Hundred officials are making a big splash.

   Ji Xia hadn't told them about this, and now Ji Xia said it easily in the court, which surprised them a bit.

   After all, Zhou Qing has been Tai Cang's enemy and old enemy for two hundred years.

  Isn’t it necessary to discuss the destruction of such a country at a court meeting, where all officials express their views, and then solemnly order that soldiers should be ordered and sacrificed to the gale before the soldiers set off?

  Why is such a big thing as simple as sending troops to perform in the country’s head?

   "What is the noise?"

   Ji Xia looked at the messy courtroom and scolded, "It's just a dying sick monkey. Is it worth the effort?"

   "Zhou Qing experienced that day's punishment, and then there was war in the country. The strength has been so weak that the neighboring countries of the three worm-tooth tribes can destroy Zhou Qing!"

  A government official hesitated and said: "After all, Zhou Qingguo still has a supernatural power. If you don't put them in your eyes at all, maybe..."

   "Maybe what?"

The general Mengyan came out with a rather bad tone: "If you are not in his position and do not seek his own government, do you know how powerful the Taicang Silver Guard is today? Not to mention one, even if it is three powerful supernatural powers, in the hands of Silver Guards , It won't help!"

   The civil official returned to the team in angrily.

   "Get back to the subject."

   Jixia said, "My ministers, what good suggestions do you have regarding the resettlement of the Jian Gu people?"

Taicheng Bo Ronglou thought for a while and said: "The minister believes that these fellow Jago people have just encountered great horror from a foreign race, and coupled with the loss of their homes where they lived in previous generations, there must be a lot of fear, anxiety, and anxiety in their hearts. emotion."

   "So the minister felt that it would be better to let them live together, so that they can feel at ease."

Meng Yan seemed to have thought of something. He went out and said: "There are many old military tents in the warehouse of my Cang guard army. Originally, the new military tent was used to supply the Cang Guard. Cang defending army, so

I left many old military accounts. "

   "It's just a bit reluctant to accommodate more than 10,000 people, and can only accommodate up to 6,000 people."

Ji Xia thought for a while, and said, "Then let the Taicang Silver Guard and the Advanced Sixth Heaven Sergeant Cangshou temporarily vacate some military tents. They have a strong cultivation base. Although this season is cold, let them endure. Just now."

   "The silver guards and Cang guards who donated their military accounts each rewarded them with ten days' worth of food, and allowed them to bring a pot of Tailai spiritual water home, let them control at will, and allow them one day off."

Mengyan heard Ji Xia’s generous compensation~lightnovelpub.net~ and smiled more and more happily, and said: “What kind of compensation is this, this is obviously a reward, so rich, I am afraid that those who have not advanced Sixth Heaven The defending sergeant will be very envious."

Ji Xia said again: "When the Jiangu people arrive, let them set up a camp on the Haixi River. From now on, they will issue a list to mobilize the Taicang people to help them build houses in the empty places in the city. Coordinated by the Craftsman House."

   "Those who go to work and build houses will increase their daily rations of food."

   "All the government departments in Tai Cang are operating, and there are still a few days to go. The progress of building houses must be accelerated."

"The craftsmen of the Craftsman’s Mansion are responsible for the core skills, the common people are responsible for simple tasks, and the Cang Shoujun is responsible for the extraction, felling, and transportation of materials. You don’t have to worry about using too much wood. When Zhou Qing is destroyed, you can still scrap woodland from the borders of Zhou Qing. To collect wood."

   Ji Xia issued a series of orders, and the ministers should bend.

   Ji Xia muttered to herself in her heart: "Today, there is enough food in Tai Cang. The rules of the royal court for rationing food must be changed gradually, otherwise there will be huge disasters."

   "Although there are countless spirit crystals and ten thousand grain treasure bottles, the grain fields outside the city must not be abandoned. They must be exchanged for spiritual rice seeds and continue to be planted."

   "After all, the rice produced by Wanliang Baoping is just ordinary food, which can indeed provide energy and feed the people, but it can't increase the power of the great!"
