I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 735: Fetish: God Xia Xuan Monument [Large

For many imperial courts on the Zhujiang Plain.

After the unprecedented prosperity of Tai Cang seven or eighty years ago.

Become extremely mysterious.

The general reason was that the Taicang Palace had closed the way for the creatures from ordinary countries to visit Taicang 80 years ago.

The jade photos of the Foreign Policy Division will no longer be issued to ordinary creatures.

Many ordinary creatures from the Zhujiang Plain countries can no longer travel and study without restrictions.

Even the royal family, or official visits.

It is also necessary to submit a written application to Tai Cang Palace first.

Only with the approval of the Supreme Court, can it continue.

Many imperial courts and imperial families once yelled too much behind their backs.

However, no creatures dared to make any slander outside of their imperial court.

After all, Tai Cang's strength is known to almost all the imperial courts of Zhujiang Plain.

And in the past many years.

Because of the unfriendly news of Tai Cang, there are not a few imperial courts who have been accused by Tai Cang.

This makes all the imperial courts on the Zhujiang Plain quiet.

"Those dynasties in the Plain of Zhujiang Rivers, behind the scenes, are actually not satisfied with the prosperity of a human nation like my Tai Cang."

In the Yunxuan bamboo forest, the owner of the mysterious pavilion Xin Ya bowed his head to report to Ji Xia.

"My mysterious pavilion's spies planted in the royal courts and imperial courts of various countries have even learned of these countries through many secret channels, and have even sent messages to the nobles in the great country many times.

They want to attract the attention of those who hold powerful forces to the human kingdom of Tai Cang. "

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"

Ji Xia was sitting in the small pavilion, making tea for herself by herself.

Hearing Xin Ya's report, he kept moving his hands and said in a very calm tone: "Mysterious Pavilion and Foreign Policy Division, how did you deal with this matter?"

Xin Ya said: "Those strong men who attempted to send letters to Daxun were all killed by the masters.

And those countries that want to secretly be too unfavorable to me are also repeatedly evaluated by my mysterious pavilion.

Among them, the ones that may actually pose a threat to Tai Cang have already been included in the list of "Evil Kingdoms", and all have been erased.

Some of them are still being monitored and observed by the mysterious pavilion. "

Ji Xia thought for a while, and said casually: "Regardless of these dynasties, there is no possibility of survival for those individuals who try to subvert me too much."

Xin Ya lowered his head and said, "Their existence has also been erased."

The original intention of the establishment of the mysterious pavilion was to provide Tai Cangduo with a secret barrier.

Even through this barrier, many newly budding potential threats are eliminated.

In addition, Xin Ya, the current master of the Mystic Pavilion, is a complete fanatic.

For Tai Cang's rise, even if he was asked to do something thunderous, he would do it without hesitation.

How could such a person allow those who covet too Cang, and even want to destroy too Cang's existence in the dark to survive?

After Xin Ya reported a lot of secret matters about the mysterious pavilion, he respectfully retreated.

Ji Xia in the bamboo forest, after drinking for a long time.

His consciousness began to sink and fell in the sacred tree space.

The sacred tree is still the same as before, constantly shining endless golden light.

The trunk of the sacred tree seems to have traveled through the endless universe and world.

It seems that there are all kinds of roads that support the movement of the world.

Ji Xia never stayed under the sacred tree for too long.

With his heart moved slightly.

Ji Xia came to the third divine treasure in the divine tree space.

The foggy third **** hides in the void.

There are three strange gods in suspension.

Originally, there were six gods in the third gods.

However, the [Houyi Great Bow], [Law Rule Heaven Earth], and [Great Desolate Alchemy Master Xuan Axis] have all been exchanged by Ji Xia.

The law is a world of earth, and even has strengthened three gods

And the Great Desolate Alchemy Master Profound Axis, also played a huge help to the Great Blue Alchemy Dao.

The current too Cang, even if he can't refine the **** pill.

However, it was able to refine nine kinds of extremely holy level pills.

This is already a shocking achievement in the imperial court of Zhujiang Plain.

Even around the ancient Wushen Dynasty, the imperial courts that have been influenced by the ancient Wudan Dao for countless years are not as good as the alchemy.

And these are naturally the role of the profound axis of the Great Desolate Alchemist.

Of course, the spirit of exploration passed down from the blood and bones of the many alchemists in the Supreme Cangtian Pill Palace also played an extremely important role.

In addition to these three gods.

In the past hundred years, Tai Cang never exchanged any divine object from the third divine possession.

And after a hundred years of accumulation.

The number of **** species in the Jixia God Tree is already extremely large.

Enough to redeem the next fetish in Ji Xia's plan.

[Shen Xia Xuan monument]!

Ji Xia has coveted this fetish for a long time.

However, for a long time, the high price of the gods of the God Xia Xuan monument has discouraged Ji Xia.

But today.

After a hundred years of accumulation, after secretly suppressing many royal courts and imperial courts.

After Tai Cang continued to develop, create, accumulate strength, and obtain the **** seed of the sacred tree.

The price of the **** seed needed by the Shen Xia Xuan Stele was finally enough.

[Number of remaining spirit species: four thousand and one **** species]

A total of four thousand gods, in Ji Xia's eyes, shined with a unique brilliance.

Ling Jixia was in a daze.

The world-famous battle between Tai Cang and Jue Sheng only allowed Ji Xia to capture more than 1,700 gods.

But now.

The accumulation of one hundred years has made Tai Cang ample four thousand more gods.

"This time, unlike in the past, the source of these gods is no longer dominated by war, and most of them are too great for countless achievements."

Ji Xia was a little emotional.

The former sacred tree sacred species has always been obtained mainly through war and killing.

In more than one hundred years passed.

On the back of Zhujiang Plain, the war under Tai Cang's secret control has never ended.

But compared to the great battle over a hundred years ago.

These wars are just a small fight.

Those imperial courts, even most of them, were weak kingdoms with only a few divine abysses.

Not to mention the weaker dynasty.

The spirit seeds that can be provided are very limited.

However, the god-seeds provided by Tai Cang Country have rapidly increased in a short time.

The most direct reason is that Tai Cang's population has rapidly increased.

One hundred years.

The population of Tai Cang has grown from more than 400 million to 4 billion!

It has exploded tenfold!

Such a terrifying amount has brought a lot of spiritual seed additions.

This is a very simple arithmetic problem.

When Tai Cang had ten people, he provided a spiritual seed every day.

Then when Tai Cang has a hundred people, the spirit seeds they provide will become ten.

of course.

Maybe it won’t be extremely accurate to increase exactly ten times.

However, it is precisely because of the increase in the population that the gods that Ji Xia harvested are indeed increasing substantially.

The spirit seed obtains the record recorded in the record module, and can see this very intuitively.

Whether it is the number of supernatural powers, the birth of new supernatural powers, the birth of new inventions, the increasing number of alchemists, casters, new prescriptions, new spirit tools...

Everything of this kind is constantly bringing spirit seeds to Ji Xia.

This is also the reason why Tai Cang did not have a large-scale war, but was able to accumulate four thousand gods.

Ji Xia carefully stared at the huge profound monument suspended in the void.

In his mind, the message of [Shen Xia Xuan Stele] also appeared.

【Shen Xia Xuan Monument

Message 1: When Shen Xia established the kingdom, Emperor Yu Si ordered to collect the Nine Water Profound Essence and Nine Mountain God Vessels.

Message 2: The God Xia Xuan Stele enhances the national fortune of the Tai Cang Dynasty. In the realm of the country, under the rules of the God Xia Xuan Stele, all the creatures of the Tai Cang Imperial Court camp will enjoy the spirit element of the "Emperor Dynasty" level, and the Tai Cang people will be wise Will get the "Emperor Dynasty" level of Qi Yun blessing.

Message 3: In all realms, the speed of cultivation and understanding of the creatures in the Supreme Court camp, regardless of realm, is tripled. (Cannot stack with Runshi Tianyun.)

Message 4: Ji Xia can use the "Destroy the World" once. 】

In this hundred years, Ji Xia has seen the fetish information of the Shen Xia Xuan monument many times.

But when he felt the fetish message in his mind again.

Ji Xia was still slightly confused.

"This stele of the **** Xia Xuan is too exaggerated."

In his mind, he couldn't help but sigh.

Every attribute of the Shen Xia Xuan Stele made Ji Xia feel shocked.

Especially Article 2 and Article 3.

"The **** Xia Xuan tablet was exchanged, and the Xuan tablet improved Tai Cang's status. Since then, although Tai Cang is a dynasty, the treatment he receives from heaven and earth in this boundless wilderness is at the level of the emperor."

The vast boundless wilderness, countless countries, countless civilizations, countless creatures.

The reason for achieving dynasty, dynasty, and imperial dynasty.

The core of it, of course, is the desire to continue to grow stronger and continue to survive in this extremely dangerous world.

With the recognition of heaven and earth, the promotion of nation, race, and civilized personality can make it easier to become stronger.

For example, the dynasty was promoted to the imperial court.

Then within the border, Ling Yuan will suddenly increase and become extremely rich.

Countless natural treasures will also grow out in large numbers.

The talents of the dynasty race will also be appropriately enhanced.

Therefore, this is the reason why the dynasty race is so much stronger than the dynasty race.

The imperial race is more powerful than the imperial race in terms of physical talent, blood strength, and air luck.

And in the imperial dynasty, there can be so many heavenly materials and earth treasures, although to a large extent, they benefit from the vast territory.

However, the national personality recognized by the heavens and the earth also played a huge role.

Many powerful imperial courts are almost eager to see the imperial state.

But now, the promotion channel for the imperial dynasty to rise into the imperial dynasty has almost all been sealed off by the existing dynasty!

Even if it is a country like this.

Although known as one step away from the imperial dynasty.

But before there is not enough strength or strong enough backing.

Give the emperor Juewu a hundred courage, and dare not sacrifice to the heavens and earth, and promote the state of Juewu.

Originally Tai Cang had developed to the current level, but Ji Xia was already going to be sad about this matter.

But the reason why Ji Xia is always as stable as Mount Tai.

It is because there is such an artifact of the kingdom in the third **** store!

"To put it simply, it's just the Tai Cang of the dynasty, with the **** Xia Xuan stele. Even if he has never offered sacrifices to the heaven and the earth, and has never achieved the imperial dynasty, he can still be favored by the heaven and the earth just like the imperial dynasty!"

Ji Xia narrowed her eyes slightly.

Moreover, this kind of favor is not indiscriminate.

The Xuanbei attribute information is extremely clear.

Only the creatures of the Tai Cang camp can perceive the change of the spirit element and can enjoy the fruits of the "Emperor Dynasty" level national personality!

"How powerful is the sacred tree..."

Ji Xia couldn't help being curious: "The sacred tree can actually change the rules of heaven and earth at the rule level, and it can accurately identify the objects subject to the rules..."

Even Ji Xia could not imagine such a mighty power.

And the third attribute, the effect is equally amazing.

"The enlarged version of Runshi Tianyun, and many of the limitations of Runshi Tianyun, the God Xia Xuan monument, almost none!"

Compared with the Runshi Tianyun, the God Xia Xuan Stele is much stronger.

Runshi Tianyun can only cover a hundred li, and even the Tai can't completely cover it.

And the **** Xia Xuan monument can cover the entire Taicang country!

Runshi Tianyun has no effect on cultivators above Shenyuan.

And the **** Xia Xuan monument, there is no limit at all!

"In other words, under the rules of the God Xia Xuan Stele, even if I become a great emperor, my cultivation speed can be tripled."

However, Ji Xia also knew that he had reached that level.

The speed of cultivation is important, but it is more understanding, chance, and luck.

"From then on, the four billion Tai Cang citizens, everyone is a spiritual wizard."

When Ji Xia thought of this, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

I am full of expectations for the visible future of Tai Cang.

"The most important thing is that Tai Cang already has the emperor status under the **** Xia Xuan stele, so he no longer has to worry about achieving the emperor, and enjoy the emperor state."

Ji Xia let out a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and thought for a while: "That's not bad. Maybe you can come to a national unit to'play as a pig and eat a tiger', and become too personal, become the protagonist of Shuangwen, and beat the gods?"

Ji Xia was entertained and joked.

As he makes a decision.

A full four thousand gods, transformed into mysterious star points in the sky, dissipated.

And the [Shen Xia Xuan Stele] in the Third God Store appeared on the sacred tree.

Ji Xia nodded in satisfaction.

Look at the remaining two gods in the third gods.

One of them is [Hidden World Tianye].

Ji Xia once considered a fetish that was extremely tasteless.

But now, Ji Xia has taken an admiration for this divine object.

He even had high hopes for this god.

"Whether you can smoke Lengzi and plant a bomb for Tianmu depends on the hidden world Tianye."

Thinking of this, he looked at the last ray of light floating in the void.

In the light, there is a three-eyed **** standing in it.

The powerful breath made the sky tremble.

Ji Xia looked at this three-eyed god, and for some reason, suddenly stared into his third eye!

In that wonderful and infinite God eye.

At this moment, Ji Xia suddenly seemed to see an endless reflection of the heavenly palace!

The golden light is red, and the aura is spraying purple mist!

Mingxia Poruo is reflected in the sky~lightnovelpub.net~The blue mist covers the mouth!

And before Tiangong.

A Tianhe crossed by.

Among them, the layers of the world are born and die, and the roads and avenues spread out!

It's as if this is not a Tianhe.

It's a universe!

The moment Ji Xia saw this Tianhe.

In the body, the uncompleted fourth stage of the Yuque Heavenly Palace Sutra began to construct a complete Tianhe model!

From the model of the Tianhe Secret Store, the Lingyuan like the vast Tianhe began to rush out!

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