I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 798: When Rao Yin expects the occasion to com

All the strong in Tai Cang are constantly improving.

Their spiritual path is obviously simpler than Rao Yin.

The reason is that the upper-level powerhouses of the heavens are really too powerful and have opened up a feasible way for them.

There are about six million people in the Secret Realm of Choking, and every month one can hear the great road spoken by the strongest of the Great Cang on the Taoist Altar.

There are so many people who are close to the gods, sharing their great fruits on the Taicang Taoist altar, and the rules are clear.

How can the many too strong people who are walking on the path of spiritual practice step by step not progress?

But Rao Yin is different.

The Avenue of Music is relatively unfamiliar to all the strong in Tai Cang.

And the three heads of Yinshengguo, who led Rao Yin into the Avenue of Music, had long been unable to catch up with Rao Yin.

Rao Yin's avenue of music has completely surpassed her.

In this situation.

Rao Yin once encountered a bottleneck.

It is extremely difficult to break through the bottleneck and open up a smoother musical path.

Such as this moment.

Rao Yin remained clueless after a long period of retreat.

Under such circumstances, Rao Yin had to walk out of his residence in the Choking Secret Realm.

"Blindly struggling at home may not be good."

Rao Yin was dressed in white, with clear eyes and a delicate face.

As she walked through the void, there will be faintly sounding and sweet music in the void.

For many years.

Rao Yin's habit has not changed.

She is in Taidu, and every time she goes out, she still habitually looks at Taixian's direction.

To this end, she deliberately saved a long time of money and purchased a mansion in front of the palace before Tai Xian went to court.

In order to be able to see Tai Xian go to court more easily.

I hope to see that honorable figure in Tai Xian's court.

"I don't know if I can see the emperor again."

Rao Yin couldn't help but look forward to it.

A period of time not long ago.

Estimated to be the best time.

During that period of time, Ji Xia, who was always unwilling to show up more, took the Tianlong Jade Wheel many times, revealing that Tai Xian went to the court to go to the emperor's honor guard and inspected Tai Cang many places.

This also made Rao Yin very excited.

Because she lives in front of the palace, and Tianlong Yuyuan flies out of Taixian to go to court, she can easily see Ji Xia Ruyu's face and stalwart posture.

Even the divine light radiating from Ji Xia's body seemed to be able to shine on her mansion.

This is undoubtedly the happiest time for Rao Yin.

Rao Yin was very envious of the luthier who played music in the honor of the Emperor in the early days.

These luthiers are also very familiar to her.

They were all taught in her phonology palace and were taught by her.

Sometimes, Rao Yin even thought: "Maybe the next time she goes on a hunting tour of the emperor in the early days, she can volunteer her courage and go and play for the honor guard..."

Rao Yin walked out of his mansion surrounded by heavenly sounds, always thinking about it.

However, to Rao Yin's surprise, her own random thoughts seemed to have found some inspiration for the next piece of music she was about to compose.

At this moment.

Before she knew it, she walked into a strange mountain.

This strange mountain, named Yuqi Miyuan Mountain, is a magnificent spectacle in the Secret Realm of Choking.

Yuqi Miyuan Mountain comes from the mighty power of the emperor.

This mountain is extremely magical. When you plant a spirit pill on this mountain, it will produce exactly the same spirit pill.

When you plant a spiritual tool, you only need to continuously water it with spiritual elements, and you only need to spend time to incubate, and you can produce exactly the same spiritual tool.

Until now, up to the present of Tai Cang's rapid development, the role of Yuqi Miyuan Mountain cannot be ignored.

Many kinds of medicinal materials that are needed in large quantities are still produced in large quantities in the mountains, as well as some less precious, but very low-yield spiritual gold.

It played an important role in Tai Cang's casting and alchemy field.

at the same time.

There is also a hut above Yuqi Miyuan Mountain.

Master Ji Lin lived inside.

He lives here, and he can always see him playing with Milongjun and others before.

But recently, Master Ji Lin has disappeared.

Rao Yin originally thought that Ji Lin was going out with powerful beings such as Secret Dragon Lord.

But I didn't expect it.

Today she had no intention of walking into Yuqi Miyuan Mountain, but found that the hut was still there.

In addition, there is still smoke from the cabin, which seems to be still inhabited.

Rao Yin thought for a while, and was about to leave.

I suddenly heard a mellow laughter coming from behind the cabin.

After a short pause.

Rao Yin, who was very sensitive to voices, immediately discovered who was the owner of this familiar voice.

In front of countless students of the Music Academy, the master of the Academy is always calm and graceful.

On the cheek, suddenly two blushes flew up suddenly.

Her eyes looked extremely tense.

Looks at a loss.

It seemed as if she was a young girl who had not been an adult who had met her sweetheart.

She hesitated for a few breaths.

He immediately decided to retreat quietly.

Although on weekdays, Rao Yin always imagined that he could meet the Emperor Taichu who was impossible.

She was always thinking about what to say.

But today, when the impossible becomes possible, when she really encounters the supreme being.

In just a few breaths, her mind was entangled several times.

In the end, timidity still surpassed the bravery in her heart, and finally made her decide to retreat.

She took a few steps back, although she was still blaming herself for being timid.

But she has already started to run Lingyuan, and wants to leave Yuki Miyuan Mountain.

At this moment.

A soft voice suddenly came from behind the cabin and fell in Rao Yin's ear.

"Is it Palace Master Rao Yin? Ji Lin has prepared a lot of unique food. Since you are here, let's taste it together."

Ji Xia's voice was different from the majesty he usually appeared in the mirror image news.

At this moment, although it is still full of honor, but it has a soft and approachable charm.

Rao Yin was stunned again.

She felt anxious, but the thought of retreating in her heart was crushed by Ji Xia's words.

After all, in this vast and vast Tai Cang, no one can refuse Ji Xia's order.

Although at this time, only Ji Xia spoke, it was not an order that could not be disobeyed.

But for Rao Yin, there is not much difference.

So Rao Yin took a deep breath and walked towards the back of the cabin.

At this time, Rao Yin wanted to run Lingyuan and cast a mirror of Lingyuan to take a look at his appearance.

But she also knew. Ji Xia was able to discover her existence, it must be because the spiritual consciousness has spread all over Yuqi Miyuan Mountain.

So Rao Yin can only dispel her own thoughts.

Walk through the road full of maple leaves on the side of the cottage.

I saw many carefully planted and cooked flowers.

Turning around the corner of the hut, I finally saw two figures.

Rao Yin's face suddenly showed an unexpected color.

Because she saw Ji Xia and Ji Lin squatting on the ground, looking down at a flower on the ground.

This plant looks colorful, vivid, and very charming.

Yes, it is coquettish.

Rao Yin saw this flower and grass, and such an idea emerged in his heart.

"Is this really edible?"

Ji Xia looked very honorable even if she was squatting on the side of the road. He asked Ji Lin next to him: "Generally speaking, there are so many colored things, and most of them are poisonous."

Ji Lin was still the same as before, with brown skin and a dull face.

But his eyes moved a lot.

"My lord, it's edible, and it's very delicious."

Ji Lin nodded vigorously: "Since I have taken a lot of Linglong Tianzhi Qiongye, the bloodline talent of Xishan Spirit Body has been continuously improved.

Allows me to control the upgrade direction of herbs at will.

I know that the emperor always likes to eat delicious things, so I spent a lot of time on this flower and plant, and I have consulted many people in Suyao, combined with the emperor’s taste, the ‘delicious’ flowers that I cultivated must be very delicious. "

Ji Xia didn't doubt that he was there, and there was a bit of surprise in her eyes, nodding and saying, "Then I'm going to give it a try."

After he finished speaking, he immediately plucked this bright flower and grass, and his head was in his mouth.

As Ji Xia's teeth kept chewing.

Ji Xia’s face was always calm. After eating, she gave Ji Lin a bright smile and said, “I heard that you have cultivated this flower for a hundred years, and your hard work has not been wasted. It is indeed very delicious. ."

In Ji Lin's smart eyes, an inexplicable light suddenly radiated.

He nodded repeatedly and said to Ji Xia: "Since the emperor likes it, then I will nurture more and send it to Su Yao."

Ji Xia patted Ji Lin on the shoulder, "Thank you."

At this time, Ji Xia and Ji Lin finally noticed the Rao Yin behind them.

Ji Lin suddenly became interested.

Follow his finger lightly.

This maple leaf was all over the ground, and on the ground where the flowers were in full bloom, vigorous tree roots immediately grew, and an ancient wooden pavilion was built in a blink of an eye.

He wiped the wooden stool and invited Rao Yin to sit down.

Rao Yin looked at Ji Xia nervously, and saluted Ji Xia respectfully.

Ji Xia shook her head and said, "Here Ji Lin is the master, let's listen to Ji Lin's arrangement."

Rao Yin should be.

She had heard many people say that Ji Xia was extremely tolerant of Ji Lin, but she didn't know the reason.

What Rao Yin didn't know was that Ji Lin had always been a character similar to his younger brother for Ji Xia.

In the beginning, Ji Xia met the ignorant Ji Lin for the first time in Yanxiang Mansion of Fengfu Capital, Dafu.

Ji Xia named him Ji Lin and took her own surname.

Later, every time Ji Xia went out, Ji Lin would sit on the rockery and wait for his return.

Every time his footsteps appeared outside Yanxiang Mansion.

Ji Lin always leaped forward to greet him.

Nearly four hundred years have passed since that period of time.

For four hundred years, Ji Lin regarded Ji Xia as his brother and father from beginning to end.

On weekdays, Ji Lin does not come to disturb Ji Xia.

But every time Ji Xia’s birthday, Ji Lin always offers a flower that he cultivated.

Today, this bright flower is also cultivated by Ji Lin for Ji Xia.

Rao Yin took his seat quietly, Ji Lin immediately plucked the flower that Ji Xia had eaten just now and handed it to Rao Yin.

There was also a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Rao Yin hesitated, plucked the flowers and put them in his mouth.

Suddenly, an unspeakable taste filled the mouth and taste buds.

Rao Yin was taken aback for a moment, and immediately knew that Ji Xia said that it was delicious just now, but it was just comforting Ji Lin.

Rao Yin was not a stupid person, his eyes were the same, his expression was the same, he swallowed the flower, and then said to Ji Lin: "The taste is really excellent, Master Ji Lin's efforts were not wasted."

After Rao Yin finished speaking, he did not forget to put another flower in his mouth.

Ji Lin heard Rao Yin's praise, and his clear eyes showed a clear expression of joy.

"I've heard Palace Master of Tai Cang Xue Palace say that Palace Master Rao Yin is forming a Luthier with the army.

Once it can achieve a scale of more than a thousand people, it will be able to greatly increase the combat power of Tai Cang Rui Shi.

I don't know what progress has been made now? "

Ji Xia was a bit horrible.

Even if his eyes are soft, the topic of discussion is still a matter of family and country.

But Rao Yin was very happy.

She respectfully replied: "Now it has reached a temporary scale. As long as my next music score is successful, I can use me as a medium to integrate the rhythm and magic of the thousand-person luthier, greatly increase the power of the magic, and let the frontline Soldiers, become stronger."

At this moment, she bowed her head to report to Ji Xia, and her mood was unprecedentedly satisfied.

Can play a role in Tai Cang.

For Rao Yin, who was saved by Tai Cang, he really had a great sense of accomplishment.

And in this process, being able to be remembered and recognized by the emperor made her extremely pleasantly surprised.

At this moment.

Ji Xia whispered to Rao Yin: "Palace Master Rao Yin's avenue of rhythm will definitely play a key role in the future battle of the Great Blue.

I don’t know when the palace owner’s next piece of music can be laid out? By then, the Heavenly Army Shangfu will naturally arrange general positions for you in the military ~lightnovelpub.net~. "

Rao Yin stagnated in an instant.

When Ji Xia asked about the progress of the music, Rao Yin didn't know how to answer for a while.

Today, her rhythm road has fallen into a bottleneck.

She tried many times to no avail.

Under such circumstances, the next piece of music cannot be written.

Ji Xia stared at Rao Yin's delicate face and saw her nervous look.

I also felt that in the body of Rao Yin, the secret of the gods that kept beating out various tunes, seemed to encounter some kind of problem, and after only half of it turned into substance, it stopped.

In an instant, Ji Xia knew the difficulty of Rao Yin.

He shook his head and said, "Palace Master Rao Yin doesn't have to hurt God, your music avenue is very strange to Tai Cang.

It's the same as you're pioneering the world, and the difficulty naturally goes without saying.

Encountered this kind of thing, but can't die, still needs to go to the Imperial Court of Taichu. "

Rao Yin had some doubts in her heart.

The emperor said just now that the Avenue of Music is extremely unfamiliar to Tai Cang. In such a situation, what is the role of the imperial court of Taichu?

But the next moment.

Suddenly, she saw that between Ji Xia's hands, there was an extra blue lotus platform that exuded divine light and was slowly rotating!

This cyan lotus platform appeared.

In an instant, I felt the rich avenue aura exuding from the green lotus platform.

The aura of these great avenues is so vast that she has already sensed her insignificance in the blink of an eye!

What do you think of this daily life? If you don't like it, just don't write it. Male frequency writer, writing this kind of thing is really tiring, it took twice as long!