I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 131: The raccoon is fine

   The whole set of actions is smooth and flowing, and it takes no more than 3 seconds from the turning of the manhole cover to the thorough drilling.

   The two little loli were stunned!

   So fat a raccoon, why is it gone all at once?

   At this moment, the manhole cover actually moved a bit. Originally, a little bit of the edge lay on the ground, revealing a small seam, but now it is closed again!

   "Fuck me!" There was a tourist who couldn't help but explode, "This raccoon is perfect!"

   "I will cover it again, this operation is too shameful."


In the exhibition area of ​​   raccoons, in addition to trees, shrubs, pools, a spray nozzle spraying water mist on the ground to cool the surroundings, there are manhole covers, trash cans, and boxes made of such man-made objects.

   These are hiding places for raccoons, not real wells and trash cans.

   The raccoon can easily turn the manhole cover up, not because it is so powerful, but because the manhole cover is made of plastic and painted in a grayish-grey color close to that of iron manhole covers.

Placing these things can not only cover the sight, reduce the pressure of the raccoon hideout, allow the breeder to hide food in it for enrichment, but also allow tourists to see the raccoon as one of the most suitable animals for life in YC City. How to flexibly drill the cover , Drilling the trash can, facilitate the introduction of educational content about raccoons invading the city.

   Let visitors know that raccoons look funny and fun, but they are actually flooding in some regions and cities, causing very serious problems.

   The design of the zoo exhibition area is not that artificial buildings or decorations cannot appear, but it must be in accordance with a certain situation. For example, in the Asian elephant exhibition area, the appearance of Indian temple-style buildings can be accepted by people.

   At this time, a few tourists looked at the slanted sign, thoughtfully!

   However, these exhibition boards discussing serious protection topics are all at a height of more than 1.5 meters, which is not easy for children to see.

   Children under the age of ten have not developed the concept of analytical and reasoning abstract ability, their cognitive ability and problem-solving ability are not mature, and their psychological endurance is limited.

   If you teach some abstract concepts, such as tropical rain forest destruction, acid rain, ozone hole hole, and whale hunting, they will easily become confused and fearful, feel helpless in changing environmental issues, and cause self-enclosure on environmental protection topics.

Therefore, the lower exhibition signs in the zoo are equipped with funny cartoon patterns, telling the animal’s food habits and some interesting characteristics, so that children can know what the animals look like, what they eat, and they can enjoy playing with them. Interest and affection are fine.

   Conservation education is a long water mill work, not a crash course that can be graduated by visiting the zoo once.

   Let children develop a friendly concept of wildlife and the environment when they are young. When they grow up, they will naturally have the awareness and sense of responsibility to care about the environment, know which behaviors are good, which behaviors are not good, and what they can do.

   For example, refuse game, don’t release animals at will, etc.

   Tang Xiaoxin was again attracted by two raccoons fighting on the perch.

A raccoon is on the top of the oblique perch, pulling the raccoon down to the side, trying to push it down. The one below is not to be outdone, and drags the raccoon above it, showing its teeth and wants to bite the opposite side, but Was twisted by the upper one to prevent his teeth from touching him.

   This is a battle for territory!

   They all think that the platform on the perch is in a good position, and they want to take it for themselves.

During the scuffle, the raccoon below was shoved to the lawn, so angry he got up and looked up for two seconds, then ran to the rotating sprinkler that was spraying water, and pointed the sprinkler at the raccoon on the perch. It's just a squirt!

   Tang Xiaoxin widened his eyes, patted Qian Coco hard, and said in disbelief: "Hey, look, this raccoon is pouring another one with a sprinkler!"

   Qian Keco's mouth was wide open, and his eyes almost fell out: "These raccoons are really good! Are they too smart?"

   The raccoon above was sprayed with water, shook his head, wiped his eyes with his paw, and ran down angrily.

   In the process of dashing all the way down from the perch, another raccoon controlled the direction of the spray head and sprayed water at it!

  The two raccoons then started a chasing battle, and after a while they stopped in front of a tree.

   The irritable raccoon lowered its body, tilted its head down like an irritated bull, pouting its big ass, and wagging its not-so-long tail to the left and right, making an offensive posture, and wandering in front of the opponent's eyes.

   then jumped forward and carried out a tentative attack.

   The water-spraying raccoon is very calm, just turning his head slightly, paws on the ground, so as not to change!

   Facing the opponent's attack, he first dodged slightly to the right, and then tentatively caught the grumpy raccoon, but was also dodged by the opposite side by jumping backwards.

   Right on this tree, there is a raccoon lying on the trunk and looking down, watching the two raccoons fighting each other!

   If it is in the wild, the fight may be more intense, until one party has to completely drive the other out of the site.

   However, there is enough food in the zoo and the reasons for fighting are not so good, so this dispute only lasted for a while.

   confronted for a while, feeling that no one could do anything about it, lost interest in fighting, turned his head and ran away separately.

   The grumpy raccoon ran back to the perch, the water-spraying raccoon ran to the glass curtain wall, made a hug pose to the tourists, and blinked: "I'm so cute, don't you give me something to eat?"

   "Hey, this raccoon is pretty fun, why is it in this pose? Want something to eat?"

   "I am not afraid of people at all, it is completely different from the red panda. UU read www.uukanshu.com"

   "No, a stupid guy, a clever guy who can open the manhole cover and spray people with sprinklers. I doubt if there is a smart chip controlling it."

   The tourists looked at the raccoon’s smart eyes and talked a lot.

   Tang Xiaoxin suddenly had an idea: "Eh, Cocoa, take a picture of me!"

   Then squatted down in front of the glass curtain wall, and also stretched out his arms to make a hug pose!

  Cute girl, fat raccoon.

   across the glass, it looked like he was embracing a raccoon.

   The raccoon was taken aback and looked at her questioningly. What do you mean, pose with me, want to eat?

   Qian Keke hurriedly took out his mobile phone and quickly took a photo of this moment.

   is still muttering: "You can take a picture of me later!"

   However, when Tang Xiaoxin stood up, the raccoon patted the glass with his paw, and ran back into the bushes before waiting for the food he wanted.


   "Then you stand here, shall I take a picture of you and the raccoon on the tree behind?"

   "Hey, okay, that's the only way to go~"

   After the photo was taken, Tang Xiaoxin and Qian Keke looked at the raccoon with relish for a while, then moved on, discussing with interest: "So the raccoon is so smart!"

   "Yes, it looks so cute, I used to think they only steal things."

   then lowered their heads, got together and looked at the photo just taken.

   "Look at this picture I took..."

"Wow, that's great."

   "Did you shoot the drill cover?"

   "No, I was stunned at the time, but I don't remember it. And it's so fast."