I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 400: Wish to hear Qixiang

The wall in the toilet is a faint and warm beige. The ventilation fan is running and the smell is normal.

The ground is very clean, and it is obviously cleaned from time to time, and the opaque frosted glass allows natural light to penetrate.

The clean and bright environment makes people feel relaxed involuntarily.

At Dongdong’s convenience, Dongdong’s mother saw some thin pamphlets on the wall and couldn’t help but flip through them.

The pamphlet is a picture book of birds in the Bird House, with pictures and names, without too detailed introduction.

After all, it is a booklet that can be taken free of charge in the toilet. The introduction is too detailed, and the number of pages is too large. It is also a big cost. Just check the pictures and identify the birds.

There is a simple science page at the back of the booklet.

"Spring is the breeding season for wild birds, and nestling chicks are very common.

When the chicks grow up, they will first grow wings, feathers on their heads and body. Most of the feathers will grow up before they start to grow tail feathers. At this time, the nest is very crowded for the chicks! So when the tail feathers grow, it is when they need to leave the nest.

The chicks do not immediately have the ability to spread their wings and soar. They will first leave the nest, and then jump to the branch next to them, and become familiar with the use of their wings. This process is also called ‘flight’.

During the ‘flight’ period, the parent bird will continue to feed the chicks, and the chicks will not stay away from the nest, but will move around on nearby branches and practice their flying skills. After a period of time, the chicks have mastered the flying skills skillfully, and will follow their parents to travel north and south to learn more survival skills.

The chicks who learn to fly sometimes fall into the grass because of their unskilled flying skills, but don't worry, the parent birds will still look after them nearby.

So, don’t rush to bring the chicks home, or to the zoo or rescue center, they may not need help!


This is a blackbird cub that has been squeezed out of the nest and its feathers are not fully developed. It really needs help!


These two barn owl cubs with a bewildered look were picked up by the citizens on the side of the road and brought back home. In fact, they are very healthy.

How to judge whether the chicks need help?

【Judgment process chart】

Why can't you take it home and feed yourself?


At the same time, the men's room on the other side!

Anyway, it's coming, so let's go ahead.

Dad Dongdong was also preparing to go to the toilet, and when he came to the door of the toilet, he saw a very interesting scene.

A peacock is standing on the sink in the bathroom. The beautiful tail feathers of a long skirt, usually decorated with many eyes, drag all the way to the ground.

Facing the mirror with his head, he carefully looked at the bird in the mirror, then turned his head left and right, looking at it from different angles.

Although the tourists found it interesting, they pointed to the peacock and talked about it, but they did not bother the peacock, and they washed their hands in another pool next to it.

"How did the peacock fly to the toilet?"

Dad Dongdong thought it was fun and took a picture.

There is nothing wrong with taking pictures outside, you can only take pictures of the sink.

Think of a question "Does this peacock know that it is himself in the mirror? Or is it another peacock?"

Entering the toilet, I found that the toilet is very unique!

On the door of the compartment, pictures of various animals are pasted.

But it's all butts facing people.

The animal in the first pit looks like a deer, with its head turned and its **** is a white heart!

Dad Dongdong was stunned, "Stunned, this **** looks pretty? What kind of deer is this?"

Introducing the roe deer!

Roe deer's **** not only looks pretty, but also serves as a signpost for other companions. Prevent your companions from getting lost when they are acting together.

Dad Dongdong paced to the second pit again, anyway, he was not in a hurry to go to the toilet.

The animal on the door of this compartment, the **** is actually pink, blue and purple, the color is very bright!

Really rainbow fart!

"Damn, what kind of animal's **** is so fancy?"

Introducing Mandrill!

The capillaries on the monkey’s buttocks are rich, so it looks red through the skin, while the blue on the mandrill is caused by the regular diffraction of light by the collagen fibers of the skin.

Mandrill’s face and buttocks are very brightly colored. For mandrill, the brighter the color of these parts, the higher the status in the population, and the easier it is to be favored by females.

The panda pouted his **** and looked very cute.

Dad Dongdong was about to pee, but saw that a compartment door was open and there seemed to be something stuck behind the door, so he walked in.

In front of the door is about ass, and behind the door is about shit!

Squatting on the toilet, looked at it with relish.

Elephants have a lot of feces. African elephants excrete 10 times a day. They can excrete 5-6 pieces of feces with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 20 cm. One piece of feces weighs about 15 kilograms! An elephant can excrete 75-90 kilograms of feces a day.

Dad Dongdong was shocked, "Isn't this pulling someone out?"

The feces of many herbivores are granular!

Zebra's feces are about 40 pellets at a time, 12-13 times a day, and the size is like a broad bean.

The giraffe's feces are about 80 pellets at a time, 10-12 times a day, and are spherical in shape with a diameter of 3 cm, which is unexpectedly small.

Koala, also known as koala, has about 40 feces at a time, 3-5 times a day, like melon seeds, smelling of eucalyptus.

Because pandas retain the characteristics of carnivores in their intestines and stomach, their digestion efficiency for bamboo is less than 20. The undigested bamboo leaves become "green balls" and are discharged. Not only are they not smelly, but they also exude the light fragrance of bamboo! People are willing to hear Qixiang.

Wombat's **** is very peculiar!

The chrysanthemum is not square, but the **** that is pulled out is the shape of a square, referred to as convenient.

It turns out that this unique shape of the stool is due to the unique structure of the large intestine. The intestine has a quadrangular shape. When dehydrated, the stool gradually becomes square. The more dry the environment, the sharper the edges and corners of the stool.


After everyone went to the toilet, they met outside!

Yingying's dad smiled and asked, "How about it, is their toilet interesting?"

Dad Dongdong is still a little bit unsatisfied~lightnovelpub.net~ exclaimed with joy, "It's done very well indeed! This toilet is in popular science."

Dongdong’s mother asked curiously, "What science?"

Dad Dongdong said, "The **** of the animal is stuck on the door of the cubicle! The mandrill's **** is actually blue-purple red, especially bright, and it contains the contents of animal feces! African elephants can pull 75-90 kilograms of feces a day, pandas The feces and the fragrance of bamboo are really long knowledge. Oh, don’t you have toilets?"

Dongdong's mother shook her head, "No, but there is a brochure!"

The third bathroom is mainly for children and the disabled, focusing on functionality and avoiding those fancy.

After reading the booklet to everyone, he exclaimed, "It's really a subject of knowledge. If you don't understand it, you may be kind to do bad things!"

Dad Dongdong remembered, "When I was a child, I picked up a chick on the lawn in front of my house! I put it in a box. At that time, I thought it was hungry, and I caught all kinds of bugs to eat. Worms, they belch after feeding them for a long time anyway."
