I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: 1,332

0332 The Son of Light and Darkness

Mutated Skrulls wiped out all competing species and became the ancestors of modern Skrulls.

The last member of the Eternal Skrulls, Klebone, married a mutant Skrull woman leader, Slegurt, and became the supreme **** of the Skrulls.

The Eternals to which Thanos belongs and the Eternal Skrulls are two different races, please don't confuse them.

But if Zhou Wenwen remembers correctly, 20th Century Fox was also acquired by the boss of Marvel Studios, so theoretically Marvel Studios also owns the copyright...

Back to the topic, the problem now is that Zhou Wenwen doesn't know what the plot of the Skrulls in the movie is, but he knows the comics, and of course those up commentaries, Zhou Wenwen has not read the comics about the secret invasion.

"Secret Invasion tells that the earth has been invaded by the Skrulls. A strangely shaped alien race, the Skrulls, who have advanced high-tech technology than Earth.

Skrulls also have the ability to transform themselves, and can change into other people or animals at will.

The most powerful in this race is the superskrull, a modified Skrull with superpowers that each of the Fantastic Four possesses.

The earth was not secretly invaded by the Skrulls recently, but had been invaded by them a few years ago. They used their transformation abilities to infiltrate the earth, and they disguised themselves as anyone on the earth.

And the advanced high technology possessed by the Skrulls also makes them handy when dressing up as heroes, becoming more and more perfect and flawless, such as the sticky spider silk sprayed by Spider-Man, Wolverine's keen sense of smell and The magic of Doctor Strange, etc., the Skrulls can imitate them so vividly that people can't distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

And some big things that have happened in recent years, such as the dismantling of the Avengers, the secret war, the civil war, and the heroes seen in the Hulk's world war, may all be the Skrulls pretending to be.

In the world of 2008's "Secret Invasion" series, it is likely that everyone around you, every hero, every teammate, or every relative, may be a Skrull pretending to be.

The Skrulls have secretly infiltrated every organization with superpowers, and they have only one goal on Earth, a total invasion.

So this "secret hack" is the slogan and "who can you trust?" whodoyoutrust? , you can't trust everyone around you.

After page by page of the invasion, the moment of shock comes as Brian Bendis and Francis Yu leave the record-breaking New Avengers in favor of the new Avengers that will change the universe forever. big event, the earth will not be the same as it used to be.

The Skrulls, who are good at copying, are mixed with the heroes of the earth, which leads to the invasion of Iron Man's system. Because it is predicted that the earth is the place of revival of the tribe, it is also the main reason for the invasion.

So while they shouted the slogan "He loves you", the "he" refers to the main **** Klei Boon, and they drove straight in.

But as the war prolonged, the superheroes in the comics reacted and successfully organized a counterattack. Mr. Fantastic Reed created a machine that could reveal the Skrulls in the shortest time possible.

The exposed Skrulls were attacked by heroes and villains. This time it was the Skrulls' turn to fail to react. They lost their positions in a short period of time and the fleet was destroyed.

In the end, the main force of the two sides fought in Central Park, New York. The recruited villain, Norman Osborn, relied on the stolen intelligence to find and kill the Queen of Vilanc, laying the victory and his aggression also failed.

There are still some hidden Skrulls on the earth, many of whom came here to try to live peacefully after the invasion.

In the movie universe, Captain Marvel, the Skrull first appeared.

The main Skrulls are Talos.

The Skrulls of this faction, victims of a war of genocide waged by the Cree, came to Earth to seek the help of the convert Cree scientist Marvel.

And Mywell pretended to be Dr. Wendy Lawson and used the universe cube to design a light-speed engine to let the Skrulls live in a safe place.

After Kree warrior Firth learns her true identity as Carol Danvers, and that her powers come from the explosion of a lightspeed engine, she begins to protect Talos, his wife and daughter, and other Skrull refugees.

After Yong Rog was defeated and sent back to the Kree to deliver a message to the Supreme Intelligence, Danvers left Earth and took the Skrulls to find a new home.

And in Crusade of Heroes, the Skrulls return.

Since the real Nick Fury was on a mission in space, Talos temporarily changed his appearance to work on Earth, and finally changed back to his original form to report the situation to Fury.

In the Vision, the Skrulls return. Shortly after Wanda removed Westscape, one of the Skrulls offered Monica Rambo an invitation to go to space.


Description: This ore vein belongs to the secondary ore vein, and both gems and crystals coexist here with iron, which is really rare.

Introduction: After using the ore vein ~lightnovelpub.net~, you can send people to dig stone and pyrite on the ore vein, and 75% of the ore excavated will find gem raw materials or crystal original solids.

If you have skills such as grinding and refining, you can process gem raw materials or crystal raw solids into gem and crystal resource points.

If no manpower is sent to dig ore on the vein, the secondary ore vein will increase 60 stone per minute, 30 pyrite every 15 minutes, and 18 gems and 18 crystals every 30 minutes.

120 silver ore every 3 hours, 90 gold ore every 6 hours, and 60 aluminum ore every 12 hours.

Note: Using secondary gems and crystal symbiotic ore veins in the same location will only increase the stock of secondary gems and crystal symbiotic ore veins.


"Sacred and Dark Experiment", quantity: 1, item classification level: s-level, original price: 2 s-level quest main lines + 100,000 reputation points, current price: 1 s-level quest main line + 75,000 reputation points .

Introduction: After putting the soul into this body for 60 seconds, it can be extracted. After 30 minutes, the body produces its own soul.

The experimental body has the strength of sixth-order fighting qi, and masters 3.6% of the power of the two laws of sacred and dark, and can be familiar with the power of the law.

Note: The Son of Light and Darkness, it is a great irony to appear on the Scourge.

The list of Avengers members of the official history world 616 universe:

The founders are Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain and Black Panther.

Ries, the early Hulk's teenage friend, has an honorary status.

Miracle Man, who originally joined as an undercover villain, later rehabilitated.


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