I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: 1,393

【I have a store in the world of American manga】【】

Chapter 0393 he may also buy Liu Cheng

So Zhou Wenwen was very worried about this. If Tony didn't stand up, how would he proceed with the next plot.

Zhou Wenwen's words made Tony unable to sit still, but he was not angry, so he decided to prove himself in another way.

The search system of the Temple of the Star Realm found the Temple of Doom, a combat unit of the First Army God's Domain.

According to the rules of the Star Realm, the Temple of the Star Realm began to try to wake up the Temple of Doom from dormancy!

Simon's security guard is killed, and Barry begins to investigate the case.

Unexpectedly, Tony didn't answer the reporter's words directly at all, but talked about another direction that could also be on the news.

In another parallel timeline, in the process of fighting against the tide of zombies, Tony was unfortunately infected and became a zombie, and then defeated the five generals of Obsidian who came to find the infinite gems.

So Zhou Wenwen was very worried about this. If Tony didn't stand up, how would he proceed with the next plot.

Zhou Wenwen's words made Tony unable to sit still, but he was not angry, so he decided to prove himself in another way.

The search system of the Temple of the Star Realm found the Temple of Doom, a combat unit of the First Army God's Domain.

According to the rules of the Star Realm, the Temple of the Star Realm began to try to wake up the Temple of Doom from dormancy!

He found that the cells of the victim belonged to the murderer, and these cells were primary cells.

But there is a saying that is good, people will die if they die.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, the stone monkey seemed to admit defeat, and soon a platform rose from the hall, and three crystal clear glass bottles were placed on the platform.

Tony is determined to stop being trapped by the Iron Man suit and become human.

Feeling guilty, Tony decided to stand on the side of signing the agreement.

Tony was hit by the captain's shield in the ark reactor, and the armor lost its energy and failed.

Joe finds Simon to investigate the case and points out the suspect Dandon Black.

In the first second of the battle, Zhou Wenwen fired at Gu Yi the classic demon hunter move learned from Yin Lidan, the fel ray version of mana burning.

But at that time Loki had already opened the portal, and a battle broke out.

What the Ten Rings Gang wanted him to save was the arms dealer who had been kidnapped by them. At that time, the arms dealer was not in a good condition, and was already in a state that was about to enter the emergency room.

However, in World War II, the successful use of aircraft carriers and submarines caused 28 of the more than 70 battleships of participating countries to be sunk or destroyed.

When Simon was denying, Danton Black came to Simon's company, and they had a fierce gun battle on the spot, and Joe also witnessed that Danton Black could split into many individuals.

"As for Tony Stark?"

Hearing Tony's words, Obadiah was immediately astonished, thinking what nonsense this guy was talking about, Tony, who has always been a playful man, would say such a thing, it's really hell.

After the matching is complete, the first army God's Domain "combat unit Doomsday Temple" and Star World Temple" have been successfully launched to continue searching.

"I'll wait and see, anyway, I live longer than you."

So Tony gave Harry a complete set of artificial intelligence equipment, and he told Banner what happened, just like psychological counseling, but unfortunately Banner fell asleep.

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【I have a store in the world of American manga】【】

Tony felt a little sorry in his heart. He came to visit the imprisoned heroes who opposed the signing of the agreement, and at the same time learned the location of the captain and the Winter Soldier from Falcon Sam.

At this time Barry came, but he could do nothing but run away, because facing Dandong's rapidly split army, he was powerless at all.

Coulson, who heard Pepper Potts' words, became impatient. He quickly corrected, "I'm not a reporter. I'm Agent Coulson, representing the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency."

Later, Dr. Banner had to use sedatives to put him to sleep, so he did not participate in the captain's pursuit of Thanos.

As Coulson spoke, he handed over his business card.

The two blacks were dumbfounded and forgot to change their bombs, and they forgot that the Reaper was by their side!

What is the Wizarding World?

According to the investigation of the cutting-edge scientific research laboratory, Dandong turned out to be a researcher on cloning, and Simon stole his results and fired him.

A reporter couldn't wait to ask, "What happened there?"

"I don't need me for the press conference, but it's about to start."

After returning to the Avengers base, because of the previous grievances and the disappearance of Peter, Tony was very annoyed, and had another big fight with the captain.

Out of old friendship, Tony refused to help Secretary of State General Ross to prevent the captain's escape plan, but Tony has not completely let go.

In the end, Potts activated all the power of the large arc reactor and defeated Obadiah.

Disappointed by the incident and disappointed in himself, Barry was determined to give up and admit that he was incompetent and wrong from the start.

The 3 sensing points are connected to each other to form a triangle, and the Ebony Throat uses this triangle to draw a circle area, and sets up an echo field wrapped by thoughts to protect itself.

Just like now!

Stephen couldn't help thinking of the dialogue and combat training with Zhou Zhou Wenwen before...

Not to mention Zhou Wenwen had made extensive preparations to deal with the ancient one before and after his blackening.

Seeing the long English line on Coulson's business card ~lightnovelpub.net~, Pepper Potts, who had a big head, couldn't help complaining, "It's quite a mouthful."

Hearing this, Coulson suddenly felt embarrassed, and he quickly explained, a little embarrassed, "I know, we are also trying to find a way to solve this small problem."

Pepper Potts was so shaken by Coulson's earnestness that she had to say, "I'll arrange it."

"Everyone sit down, can you see me? I can see you too, so you can be more casual..."

Speaking of this, Tony suddenly fell silent for thought, and the atmosphere on the field became quiet. He continued after the flash of the camera appeared in Tony's eyes.

"I want to ask him what he thinks about the production of arms."

"Whether he has been contradicted or shaken, he is still the same as the media reports, he is a tough man."

"I realized that besides manufacturing weapons, I can contribute more to the world, so I decided to close the Star Light Enterprise Weapons Department!"

Obadiah, who heard Tony's words, suddenly panicked, and lost his usual calmness and foresight.

He quickly stood up to smooth things over, and at the same time competed with Tony for the microphone.

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【I have a store in the world of American manga】【】

Looking at the green glowing crystal dug out from the head of the reaper, Zhou Wenwen was stunned.

Zhou Wenwen was stunned for two reasons.

This was just the beginning, one after another of Saitorak's crimson belts flew out from the space vortex at the same time, binding Ebony Maw's hand and breaking his snapping fingers.


Chapter 0394 is over, I'm out of wood