I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: 1,395

Chapter 0395 Respectfully invite Brother Sun to the bridge

The Dabini family was known to have been killed by poison gas, and Barry suspected that the poison gas was conscious based on the situation at the scene.

Under the action of the external magnetic field, each molecular current equivalent to the elementary magnet will tend to be oriented along the direction of the external magnetic field, so that the object exhibits magnetism.

Black Dwarf, who had never suffered such a loss, was furious. He gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up, wanting to take revenge on Tony.

"...," Zhou Wenwen was a little surprised by the result.

Barry shares his conjecture with everyone in the cutting-edge scientific research laboratory.

The next moment, the colorful fist-sized crystal shattered, and the power of the six elemental laws poured out into Zhou Wenwen's body, namely light, darkness, water, fire, earth, and wind.

"You know this very well, but do you know their details?"

The red fog mostly appears in the misty swamp at night and in the early morning when it is clear, breezy, and the water vapor near the surface is abundant and stable, or there is a temperature inversion.

Simply put, magnetism is the effect of magnetic force on a substance placed in a non-uniform magnetic field.

Later, the zombie Tony wanted to attack Bruce Banner, but was defeated by Hope the Wasp.

After recalling the matter about Tony, Zhou Wenwen now has only one question, what attitude should he take to touch Tony Stark.

Kaitlyn recalled the example of how seriously they prepared on the day of the accelerator accident, and how her fiancé invited her romantically for their honeymoon, and the sudden disaster caused her fiancé to disappear in the laboratory.

In order to explain the phenomenon of permanent magnetism and magnetization, Ampere proposed the molecular current hypothesis.

Tony turned around, formed a beam cannon of nanoparticles, aimed it at Ebony Throat's forehead, did not say anything nonsense, shot it cleanly, and the beam killed Ebony Mow.

When he saw a line of small print again, Zhou Wenwen savoured it carefully before he understood the reason, only to see that it said:

Zhou Wenwen was stupid. He didn't expect that this was really what Tiss said. Helpless, Zhou Wenwen had to tell his guesses.

Drop, no response was detected, and Yuanyu activated energy to repair the Star Temple and Star Card Foundry of the Third Army Star Field combat unit.

The power of the laws of the six elements poured out and entered Zhou Wenwen's body. As time passed, Zhou Wenwen felt that the power of the laws of the six elements became more and more stable in his body, and Zhou Wenwen could even begin to control the surrounding environment containing the six elements. energy.

Dragon Slayer Hunter, usually, Summoning Consumption: 1, Star Rating: 1, Race: Warrior Race, Attribute: Fire, Ability: Sniper.

Attack Power: ★★★, Defense: ☆, Vitality: ★☆, Speed: ★★☆.

Sniper: When this star card is on the field, it can be activated to cause ★☆☆ damage to the target pair.

Sisko also remembered what happened on the night of the explosion. His companion insisted on being in danger alone, and Sisko was very sad when he watched him disappear.

The strong man grabbed the glass bottle rudely and jumped down without looking back.

As before, when Zhou Wenwen placed the copied Dragon Slaying Hunters on the Withered Carving Pond one by one, a light curtain immediately appeared on the Withering Carving Pond.

Dragon Slayer Hunter changes the name, summoning cost/star level/race/attribute/ability to consume 2★

It takes 2☆ to transform attack/defense/vitality/speed.

It mainly appears in the early mornings of autumn or winter in the foggy swamp, when the sky is clear and the wind is weak, and the red fog will naturally dissipate shortly after sunrise or when the wind speed increases.

As soon as the black dwarf raised its head, the shield that would rotate and deform fell down again, and the terrifying power gap directly drove the black dwarf into a dizzy state.

In the same non-uniform magnetic field, the magnetic strength of the material is determined by the direction and strength of the magnetic force per unit mass of the material.

Only by accurately describing (painting) the direction and name of the transformation can the transformation be carried out.

In order to make a bottom line, Zhou Wenwen decided to use the first familiar "immortal" to operate. If he sees that Tis's expression has not changed, Zhou Wenwen will continue to speak.

"What are we going to do next?"

Zhou Wenwen was speechless for a while, he coughed twice, took a deep breath and asked, "What's your name?"

Tis stepped forward and looked at Zhou Wenwen's whole body with a hint of curiosity on his face.

Invited by Barry, Caitlin came to the police station to analyze the poison gas eucalyptus.

When S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier turbine was damaged, Captain America repaired the braking system. After Agent Coulson was killed by Loki, Tony, who felt remorse, immediately guessed Loki's next move, which was Open a portal in New York to invade Earth.

Hearing what the doctor said, Tony couldn't help but get excited.

Coulson called, "Miss Potts."

Looking at these star cards that were incompatible with the surrounding painting style, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help being dumbfounded.

So Peter and Wang not only failed to intercept, but were also sent flying. Tony and Stephen looked at each other and chased the black dwarf at the same time.

The property of a mineral to be attracted or repelled by an external magnetic field is called the magnetism of a mineral.

To put it simply, the card that Zhou Wenwen originally transformed and Dragon Slayer Hunter are actually two cards, which are fundamentally different and cannot be transformed.

While talking, Zhou Wenwen controlled the six elemental energies around him to form a lotus flower in his hand, slowly blooming~lightnovelpub.net~ Zhou Wenwen's heart moved, and he turned the dragon hunter into a jungle shooter. Fire was changed to wood, ability sniping was changed to stealth, and an introduction to stealth was written. Attack power, defense power, vitality, and speed remained unchanged, and then click to complete.

"It's useless, a lot is missing, and someone needs to find it," Tice replied.

Tony then rushed to Siberia, wanting to explore the old base of the Hydra organization with the captain and the Winter Soldier and foil Helmut Zemo's conspiracy.

Therefore, after the end of World War II, due to the influence of the sinking of battleships in the war, and with the development of technology and changes in the form of naval warfare, the strategic position of battleships was eventually replaced by aircraft carriers and ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

At the same time, Zhou Wenwen was also wondering whether Tony in the original work knew that Obadiah was the one who wanted to kill him.

But because of the medicinal pills Zhou Wenwen left before he left, Tony didn't rush to try these medicines to prevent radiation.

Seeing that the reaper's wings vibrated at a high speed, when he was about to fly to give a fatal blow to the two black people, Zhou Wenwen, who was watching the play, still couldn't hold back the price of his "human shield" death and shot.

A sudden visit from Iris' boyfriend makes Joe discover the relationship between the two, and Iris's delay in admitting makes the boyfriend unhappy.

The South America-class aircraft carrier fleet support group named after the famous painter in history, the number of ships in the fleet is maintained at more than 20 and less than 60, and the displacement is maintained at more than 600,000 tons and less than 2 million tons.

Tony told Banner of his thoughts, and Banner, who had chatted with Tony, understood Tony's thoughts and agreed with Tony's decision.


Chapter 0396 Is the notice afraid of me Gundam