I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: 599

0322 6 AM

Such a wide range of activities is bound to cause the dragon to easily encounter predators in various ecosystems.

But except for the ancient dragon monsters, no opponent can let the dragon regress, even if the opponent is as huge as a giant beast.

The Hung-Long will attack the opponent desperately, but the injury will make it angry. At this time, its forelimbs and face will be congested and swollen, its strength will increase, and it will lose its sense of reason, and even reduce the pain.

The ability to subdue opponents with brute force alone has earned Hung-Long the title of "absolutely strong", but not knowing how to protect himself makes Hung-Long easy to make enemies, so few H-Long can die.

During the breeding season, male dragons will roar to attract the opposite sex, and the roar of filial piety can reach dozens of kilometers away. After the arrival of the female dragon, the male dragon will give food as a welcome gift, and then the two will live together in the male's territory for a period of time.

The design prototype of the dragon is tiger and tyrannosaurus rex, and its name tigrex is also a combination of tiger "tiger" and tyrannosaurus "trex".

The design concept is "simple" and "primitive", there is no cool appearance, no gorgeous moves, and it can be used to conquer the world with one move.

It is the nightmare of countless hunters, so it is called "Boom Brother" or "Boom Crawler" by hunters.

It is one of the most threatening monsters to the village of Pokai in the Frasia Mountains.

At the end of the day, the male dragon will cede territory to the female.

Female dragons raise their cubs alone, laying eggs and giving birth to about 5 viviparous cubs at a time. The cubs start to live alone at the age of 5, and begin to mature sexually at the age of 8. The number of individuals that can live to adulthood is 1 to 2.

The lifespan of a dragon is 40 to 50 years.

Seeing the success of his hands, the proud Obadiahstan revealed his face and said with a grin, "Tony!"

Speaking of which, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but glanced at Tis and continued.

Tis wanted to say, but seeing that Dragon Cliff and the Palace of Doom might fight, so this time he wanted to wait and see the situation and express his opinion

Yuan Yu then took advantage of this to fight.

However, in actual combat, we discovered that before the spatial cracks appeared, some planes would naturally generate crystallized plane barrier layers.

And it is this thin layer of crystallized plane barrier, which can not only resist the tearing of space cracks, but also interfere with space frequency, so that space transmission cannot be formed.

But because of the sudden intervention of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hulk's rampage, the space gem at that point was taken away by Loki.

Tony and Captain had to go back to the SHIELD base in New Jersey in 1970 to get the Space Gem.

Those who wield the Power Stone are also able to manipulate almost the strongest energies in the universe, with even the slightest release unleashing a shockwave of energy that knocks down a large number of enemies, and even high power can cause a planet-destroying energy blast.

On Thanos' Infinity Gloves, it is able to unleash a powerful shockwave of purple energy that all enemies who fight Thanos cannot resist a single blow.

It can absorb and release the enemy's energy attack.

It is capable of unleashing a massive blast of energy that completely destroys an entire Asgardian refugee ship and even smashes asteroids into pieces.

At the end of Guardians of the Galaxy, the Power Stone is kept on the planet Xandar, where the Nova Corps is stationed.

At the end of Ragnarok and the beginning of Infinity War, Thanos' fleet, before the Asgardian refugee ship was completely wiped out, had already blood-washed Xandar, and made the Power Stone the first gem on the Infinity Gauntlet.

In Endgame, the Power Stone is destroyed by Thanos.


To upgrade the blacksmith shop, you need a level 2 metal mineral extraction technology center. As for the upgrade of the cavalry training camp, you only need the Knights Hall and the existence of the Knights station to upgrade.

Speaking of the racecourse, Zhou Wenwen immediately thought of the two buildings, the town guard house and the racecourse, and opened the heart of the castle. Sure enough, as expected by Zhou Wenwen, both buildings could be upgraded to level 2, and Zhou Wenwen was upgraded to level 2. level 2.

Town guard, level 2, 10/30 tier 1 town sword-wielding militiamen, tier 1 tier 2 town shield militiamen: 10/30, tier 1 tier 3 town bow-wielding militia: 10/week 30.

A level 2 townhouse upgrade requires the presence of a fort level 2 and a level 2 blacksmith in order to level up.

Level 2 horse farm, providing 9/24 level 3 level 1 town lancers, 6/18 level 3 level 3 town shock cavalry, and level 3 level 6 town cavalry cavalry + archers: 3/15 people every day/week.

A level 2 horse farm requires a level 2 cavalry training camp and a level 2 blacksmith to upgrade.


When the minute hand stopped at 15 minutes, the electronic alarm clock sounded as desired, but before that, a hand grabbed the electronic signal on the alarm clock circuit board and passed through the diode, confirming that the program board pressed the close alarm button before the sound was released.

So the alarm clock was turned off, and Zhou Wenwen, who created all this, finally showed a satisfied look, and he finally stabilized the foundation-building stage.

Next, Zhou Wenwen intends to use the cultivation of the foundation-building stage to assist in the cultivation of the magic power of the impact mages and the cultivation of the fighting spirit of the warriors, so as to strive for the perfection of spirituality, magic and fighting.

Of course, Zhou Wenwen himself did not forget to practice martial arts Qi Yuan Zhenjing, and he had to practice every morning, because this was the only thing he could rely on when he was in close combat without weapons.

At the same time, every morning exercise can remind Zhou Wenwen of everything in the school in the past. He must remember his past self, so that he will not be confused here because of the future that has never occurred, and more will not be assimilated.


Under the impact of the explosion of C4 explosive, the steel door collapsed suddenly, and Zhou Wenwen fell into the 16th floor.

However, as soon as he came in, he heard the wind blowing at a high speed in his ears.

Zhou Wenwen's heart moved, and he understood that the Iron Overlord had awakened.

Zhou Wenwen dodged to the side, and after dodging the impact of Iron Overlord by half a meter, he retreated continuously, and only stopped after retreating to a safe distance.

The steel door was gone. Obadiah Stan, who passed through the steel door, smirked and controlled the Iron Overlord to turn around and rushed towards Zhou Wenwen again.

Seeing the Iron Overlord rushing towards him, Zhou Wenwen took out Chiya's battle axe, sneered, imitating Chiya's battle skills.


Hope to reverse the infinite Avengers, send Thor and Rocket Raccoon to Asgard in 2013, and successfully obtain the Reality Gem from the body of then Jane Foster.

After that, along with the 6 gems this time, the Reality Gem will no longer have a sound.

People tend to say certain perceptions are true, and using this gem of reality can literally and literally turn those perceptions into reality.

Those who wield the Power Stone are also able to manipulate almost the strongest energies in the universe, with even the slightest release unleashing a shockwave of energy that knocks down a large number of enemies, and even high power can cause a planet-destroying energy blast.

On Thanos' Infinity Gloves, it is able to unleash a powerful shockwave of purple energy that all enemies who fight Thanos cannot resist a single blow.

It can absorb and release the enemy's energy attack.


0323 Announcement of the ultimate battle