I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 Chapter 20: The swan song of the heavy cavalry of th

Zhou Wenwen stepped forward and found out that although the camps built by these Xianbei people were bad, the torches used for lighting were too dense.

Zhou Wenwen had no choice but to order the infantry, heavy infantry, and heavy halberdiers to form three square formations to surround and kill the enemy with triangles.

The 5,000 Spartan slave cavalry rushed to the enemy from the east and split the enemy in two. 50,000 Spartan slaves and 20,000 Yellow Turban militiamen followed the phalanx. Once the phalanx was lost, they were added to the side. array.


Although the night attack was discovered, Zhou Wenwen and the others still seized the opportunity. After three ballistas broke through the front fence gate, the army rushed into the camp and began to contact the Xianbei people.

Relying on the advantage of the raid, Zhou Wenwen's phalanx of heavy halberdiers quickly killed these recent Xianbei people, but this did not mean the victory of the war.

Because the situation in other directions was not good, although the Spartan slave cavalry successfully divided the enemy into two from the east, the number of Spartan slave cavalry killed in action had reached more than 3,000, and they were also bitten to death by the Xianbei cavalry. Dead, swore to swallow it.

With the increase in the number of Xianbei cavalry that responded, the situation of the Spartan slave cavalry became precarious.

Zhou Wenwen, who discovered this, had no choice but to order the Spartan slave cavalry to charge straight along the southeast toward Luoyang from the small map. Han" flag and "Luo" flag.

When the situation in the east was over, Zhou Wenwen turned his eyes to the west and south, and found that the infantry, Mishima Longbowmen, Crossbowmen, Heavy Infantry and Archers who attacked from these two sides did not advance much, but there was no loss either. How much, it can only be said that these two sides can rely on powerful long-range firepower to strike and temporarily gain an advantage.

Unable to advance from east to west, Zhou Wenwen had to turn his attention to the front, and found that the enemy on the front had also set up three defensive infantry phalanxes.

Seeing this, Zhou Wenwen first sneered a few times, then waved his hand and ordered the heavy halberdiers to retreat, make way, and the Nato grassland heavy cavalry, lancers, and light cavalry who had been waiting for a long time rushed to the infantry square.

At the same time, Zhou Wenwen also ordered the Yellow Turban militiamen to form a team of ten to keep up with the cavalry to attack the enemy, while the 50,000 Spartan slaves seized the time to collect corpses and wear equipment to join the phalanx of the heavily armed halberdiers.

In the face of the sudden cavalry charge, the Xianbei infantry, who were not equipped with spears at all, were suddenly dumbfounded.

But these Xianbei people are not fools. After the two infantry phalanxes were disbanded after losing more than half of them, they immediately commanded the third and fourth infantry phalanxes to retreat.

At the same time, the three thousand-man heavy infantry formed a phalanx, which was formed at a high cost, blocking the front of the heavy cavalry of the Nato grassland.

In the face of the square shields of these heavy infantry, the heavy cavalry of the Nato Prairie rushing in front of them was obviously unable to change formations and bypass these heavy infantry.

So these Nato grassland heavy cavalry collided with the heavy infantry phalanx abruptly. While paying a huge price for injuries, only 9 Nato grassland heavy cavalry completed the evolution and circled around from charging through their companions. The widening gap is out of here.

The first layer of heavy infantry phalanx that was hit by this was disbanded because more than half of it was damaged. The second layer of heavy infantry phalanx and the third layer of heavy infantry phalanx were placed in front of the lancers, light cavalry, and yellow turban militia.

There is no doubt that they could not solve the heavy infantry phalanx of the Xianbei people, but fortunately, Zhou Wenwen, who found this, intervened in command in time, dropped more than 100 corpses of lancers and light cavalry and withdrew, and the heavy halberdiers immediately retreated. Move forward to fill up your seat.

As soon as the heavy halberdiers came up, the balance of the battle immediately fell to the heavy halberdiers. I saw the 1.8-meter-long halberds wielded by these 2-meter-high halberds and attacked the heavy infantry. In an instant, the second layer of heavy infantry phalanx collapsed and disbanded.

The second layer of heavy infantry phalanx collapsed and disbanded within less than 10 seconds, and the third layer of heavy infantry phalanx had not yet contacted, and was led by deserters to disband and flee in panic. A huge open space appeared in the distance from the core camp of the Xianbei people.

Zhou Wenwen discovered this from the small map, and he was keen to command all the cavalry immediately, even the 9 Nato Prairie heavy cavalry was ordered, target, enemy camp!

At the same time, the Xianbei people who were vacant in defense discovered this and immediately organized a spear guard for defense.

Seeing that the guards were about to fill the gap, the ballistas fired arrows again, and this time, their target was not the guards, but a row of fences next to the guards!

Stepping on a branch—collapse—boom—boom!

Five huge firing sounds sounded in succession. In response, five rows of fences rose up. The cavalry immediately changed their paths. They bypassed the guards and rushed into the camp along the fence. The high-level Xianbei army in the camp.

The Xianbei people were caught off guard. More than a dozen captains and several generals were already dead. Even the towering flag of the general was pulled out, and the flag of the general fell from the sky to the ground. The morale of the surrounding Xianbei people Immediately plummeted.

Only the Xianbei Pike Guards, after the cavalry rushed into the camp and killed the red eyes, the morale of the Pike Guards suddenly soared, and continued to resist the attack of the Huangbi Militia, but it stopped there.

Three waves of arrow rain from more than 2,000 archers and longbowmen from Mishima drowned the lance guards in an instant.

The Yellow Turban militiamen, who lost their way, rushed into the camp immediately, causing a large number of casualties. They also joined forces with other infantrymen to attack the east, west and south.

After ten minutes of fighting like this, the Xianbei people couldn't hold on and fled one after another. Zhou Wenwen, who had earned a huge amount of points, was too late for the sixth year. Human cavalry.

Infantry Corps: More than 500.

Lancer Legion: 200+

Heavy Infantry Corps: More than 1,500.

Crossbowmen Legion: More than 100.

Light Cavalry Corps: More than 100.

Nato Prairie Heavy Cavalry Corps: 0 ~ lightnovelpub.net~ Mishima Longbow Legion: More than 700.

Heavy Halberdier Legion: More than 800.

Legion of Archers: More than 1800.

Yellow Turban Militia: 15,000.


Under Zhou Wenwen's command and control, the Spartan slave cavalry, who had been heading south, suddenly recoiled at a wave of Xianbei cavalry, causing casualties and dropping more than 100 corpses, and then went all the way north.

The Xianbei cavalry who felt they were being played with...


To be continued

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