I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 Chapter 207: Kohler's Dagger

Forerunner, Jaguar, Cougar, Jaguar, Geek, Stalker, Supporter, Striker, Destroyer, Balrog, Spy and Visitor, Codetalker, Hunter at the Stalker's orders fighters and 28 D-class Decepticons attack support miscellaneous soldiers, they aimed well at the Andrew, Nekans, and Beales Ghost-class magic warships.

Accompanied by the sound of 120mm shells falling on the ground, one after another 120mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs were pushed out of the barrel by gunpowder. With the help of electromagnetic/rockets, these rotten shells quickly slashed in the air. After a parabola, it fell to the Andrew, Nekans, and Beers ghost-class magic battleships.

However, the imaginary explosion of shells did not sound, because these shells were cast by the warlocks on the battleship and blocked, and in the next second, the Andrew, Nekans, and Beales ghost-class magic battleships sent them to them. Boom, boom boom!

The earth-shattering sound of artillery shells landing and exploding resounded around the surroundings again. The high-explosive diffusion projectiles that flew from the triple-mounted 21-inch (533.4 mm) caliber turret caused a large number of injuries and casualties with terrifying lethality and shock waves.

Code coders, code generators, code generators, and visitors from 30 D-class Decepticon attack support miscellaneous soldiers, bilingual Shuanghui exporters, Shuanghui coders, and Shuanghui riders, because armored Weak enough to let a high-explosive diffusion bomb hit its core and die.

The digital machine, the bit machine, the prototype machine, and the cavalry number from the bit system were damaged by the high-explosive diffusion bomb to their data display system, and they were seriously injured and unable to fight. It is because of avoiding in time and escaping the catastrophe.

The Whisper and Turner systems from 30 D-level Decepticon attack support miscellaneous soldiers relied on bunkers and hid under the energy defense equipment opened by the big brothers to escape the catastrophe.

In the Forerunner, Jaguar, Puma, Jaguar, Geek, Stalker, Supporter, Striker, Destroyer, Balrog, Spy, Visitor, Code Talker, and Hunter, except for Balrog , The spy jumped up and turned into a flying form to avoid the shelling, and the rest tried to block or escape the shelling, and immediately launched a counterattack after that, bang! boom! boom! boom! ...

Under the uninterrupted shelling, shelling from jaguars, cougars, and jaguars hit the deck of the Nekans, one of the three ghost-class magic battleships Andrew, Nekans, and Beales, causing damage. Dozens of sailors and several warlocks were behind.

But soon, the Andrew, the Nekans, and the Beales launched a counterattack against the jaguar, cougar, and jaguar. Under the lock, direction, and guidance of the warlock's mental power, they were installed on both sides of the ghost-class magic battleship. Each 12 twin-mounted 7-inch (177.8 mm) caliber magic artillery is fully charged and fired at jaguars, cougars, and jaguars!


At the moment when the ear-piercing sound of piercing the air sounded, 36 arcane rays hit the jaguar, cougar, and jaguar successively, but the jaguar and jaguar turned on their energy defense equipment in time, so the warlock had to change the target, all using the cougar as the target. attack object. ,


Looking back to the front, what appeared in front of Gu Yi was Zhou Wenwen's body, and the one who was involved in the world was Zhou Wenwen's clone made with the Electric Dog clone skill card purchased from the Daily Shop.

However, unlike the electric dog clone skills in DOTA1 and 2, the electric dog clone skill card purchased from the daily store is 1, so there is no life cost, but Zhou Wenwen consumes 180 golden pills and a lot of spiritual power.

Daily Store Charge Area:

"One-time Storm Two Heroes Skill Card", quantity: 1, item classification level: C-level, single original price: 10,000 points of fame + 2 C-level mission mainlines, current single price: 4,000 points of fame + 1 A C-level mission mainline.

"Mirror of the Demon", quantity: 1, item classification level: B-level, single original price: 10000 points of fame + 1 B-level quest main line, current single price: 6000 legendary points + 1 B-level quest main line.

Daily Shop Free Zone:

"Phase Replacement Skill Card", quantity: 1, item classification level: B-level, single original price: 10,000 points of fame + 2 B-level mission mainlines, current single price: free.


The Guards have been searching for heroes who can help them fight the Scourge, and eventually they discover the mysterious fairy dragon living on the lost continent.

After explaining her conflict with Queen Agris, she decides to send her personal bodyguard, Puck, to turn the tide of the war.

Although Puck is slender and mischievous, he has enough to prove himself on the battlefield.

The explosive magic ball that can pass through all enemies, fairy dust, and the ability to paralyze all enemies with unparalleled illusions, teach all enemies who fight against her, the so-called not to judge people by their appearance.

What appeared in front of them was endless deception.

The user can change the dimension he is in for a short time without taking any damage temporarily.

The phase transition state can be aborted at any time.

Duration Max: 6 seconds, Cooldown: 75 seconds.


There is no phantom orb, and the phase replacement skill can only be used in place~lightnovelpub.net~ Kohler's dagger, quantity: 1, item classification level: A level, single original price: 10000 points of fame + 1 A Level quest mainline, current unit price: Free.


One of the most talked about and controversial changes in 6.50B.

The escape dagger has become a "raid dagger" that can be used almost exclusively on offense.

The ability of escape daggers to ensure survival has dropped to the lowest point in history, and the effect is not even as outstanding as Lothar's Edge. Heroes such as Dwarven Musketeers who almost only use escape daggers to save their lives will have to permanently give up escape daggers and choose other options.

For heroes who need to escape the dagger to hit the first, the modification that cannot be used for 3 seconds after taking damage also has a certain negative impact - especially in AOE confrontation - imagine the centaur chieftain hiding in the corner is about to jump In an instant, the king of the other gods suddenly unleashes the wrath of the ULT Thor.

Instant movement, maximum distance 1500, can only be used when no damage is received within 3 seconds, cooldown: 18 seconds.


Kohler's dagger must be used on a detected map.


After Zhou Wenwen and Gu glanced at each other, Zhou Wenwen immediately rushed into the world, and Gu Yi immediately used his own power to seal the space and use the time gem to pause time.

And Zhou Wenwen, who rushed into that world here, came to the land of blood roses, which is the abyss, in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhou Wenwen also saw that the guy who sent out the red energy wave was chasing and killing his own clone that was running everywhere.


To be continued

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