I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 Chapter 228: Beyonce Bloodrose Lannex

Daily/Weekly provide 2nd tier 1 standard sword-wielding infantry: 6/12, 2nd 3rd tier standard shield-wielding infantry: 5/11, 2nd 6th tier standard shield-wielding infantry: 4/ 10, Tier 2 and Tier 9 standard elite infantry: 3/9.

Seeing the death of the Two-Winged Demon, Beyonce Bloodrose Lanix, who was responsible for defending the gate of the Scarlet Rose Dungeon, who evolved from a two-winged demon to a four-winged fire demon and then a six-winged red demon, was shocked and quickly turned pale. Open the portal and find someone to bring rescuers.

Before leaving, Beyonce also ordered the two-winged demon mage team to go to the tower to take on the defense, but obviously, in front of the griffins and griffins, they were still unarmed food.

After some griffins, griffins, and mountain griffins swooped down, the town shock cavalry and the town lancers captured the gate of the Scarlet Rose Dungeon, and when they wanted to move on, they received a message from the lord.

"Abandon the attack and return to the portal!"

The town shock cavalry and the town lance cavalry had to retreat into the portal. After circling for a while, the Griffin, Griffin, and Alpine Griffin also flew back into the portal.


Inside the Scarlet Rose Dungeon, 20 minutes ago.

The large number of deaths and injuries of the female winged demons forced the remaining female winged demons to interrupt the casting order to order fifty wingless horned demon guards with second-order intermediate strength, and release a group of hellhounds, while attacking the human archers.

Relying on the powerful breaking ability of the halberd and the tenacious defense ability of the tower shield, the wingless horned demon guard who combined the two to obtain a powerful fighting force broke through the shield once again, and created 18 trainees to train shield-bearing infantry. , The casualties of 20 shield-wielding militiamen in the town continued to charge the human archers.

But at the critical moment, the brave charge of 28 town sword-wielding militiamen bought time for the 180 Hulk Skink cavalry to walk out of the portal.

Seeing that the enemy was cavalry, the fifty wingless horned demon guards used the halberds as long spears and formed an anti-cavalry spear formation.

I saw that these green troll skink cavalry made a low screeching sound and then began to charge, and relying on the mount skink whose crotches had filled the climbing ability, the green troll skink cavalry at the forefront rushed to the front. The ceiling crossed the wingless horned demon guards to form an anti-cavalry spear formation!

And after these green troll skink cavalry crossed, they turned around and quickly fell into the center of the anti-cavalry spear formation. When the panicked wingless horned demon guards put away the halberd, the green troll took the opportunity to jump from the skink, holding two axes. And the mount Skink, fighting with the Wingless Horned Demon Guard, disrupted the formation of the anti-cavalry spear.

The remaining green troll skink cavalry took the opportunity to rush up, and with their lances, they dashed away the wingless horned demon guards, scattered them, and annihilated them one by one.

At this moment, Zhou Wenwen in the back row finally completed the release of power storage, activated the energy system of the overclocking armor, and shouted "Overclocking Armor, deploy!"

But this time, there is no familiar crackling sound of electronic sparks, and there is no prelude. It is to directly let thousands of chrome-plated steel diamond-shaped nails, silver-plated titanium alloy diamond-shaped nails, and gold-plated new 101 tungsten formed by superconducting magnetic attraction. The alloy diamond-shaped armor pieces, at the moment of electrification, immediately merged into one, wrapped around Zhou Wenwen, and bit each other layer by layer to form armor and armor layers.

At the same time, six large LED white lights were arranged inside the armor, which turned on as soon as the power was turned on, so that Zhou Wenwen's vision was restored, and the digital display system was again in front of Zhou Wenwen's eyes.

Experimenter number overclocking armor, rating: no, code: no.

Current user and overclocked armor maintain stability: 600%.

Awakening of current users and overclocked armor: 2100%.

First-order overclocking awakening time remaining: 900 seconds.

First-Order Overclocking Armor Awakening Wavelength Range: 0 (undetectable)

Overclocking Armor Remaining Power Supply: 90.

Overclocked Armored Armor Mode on remaining time: 30 seconds.

Overclocking Armor Expansion Mode On Remaining Time: 150 seconds.

The current stability of the user and the overclocked armor decreases per second: 0.000001%, 1s.

At present, the radioactive erosion of the existing overclocked armor on the user's body: 0.3%.

Existing radioactive erosion rate: 0.001%, 1s.

Existing radioactive erosion decline rate: 0.3%, 1s.

Radioactive erosion fluctuation value: 0.001gt;Xlt;3.6.


"600%, everyone returns to the portal, let me try my current combat power!"

So under Zhou Wenwen's "Twelve Gold Medals", the soldiers gave up the pursuit and moved the corpse back to the city, while Zhou Wenwen took out his electric spear and stepped forward in an attacking motion.

Seeing that there is only one person, and he did not detect the demon of human strength, he asked a wingless horned demon guard with third-order primary strength to face humans.

As a result, Zhou Wenwen just made a motion of throwing an electric spear. Before the wingless horned demon guard took a few steps, the demon heart in his chest was penetrated, and he died of electric shock.

Seeing how easy it was to kill the demon, Zhou Wenwen suddenly felt a burst of loneliness. He pressed the button to activate the electric spear's ground-to-air electric field, making the ground and the air a restricted area. Only then did Zhou Wenwen approach the room where the girl was imprisoned. Ready to save.

But at this moment, Zhou Wenwen's feet suddenly collapsed, and he was involved in the slide together with the room, and the end of the slide was a dark pit. Zhou Wenwen did not dare to be careless, and brute force broke the room and put the girl in After the heart of the castle, Zhou Wenwen was relieved...

The reason why Rafale M and super-ensign attack aircraft appear on the Palm Coast has to start with their mothership, the USS Charles de Gaulle~lightnovelpub.net~ and the French temporary Atlantic formation to which the mothership USS Charles de Gaulle belongs is at this time. From Port Melbourne, head south along Port St. Lucie.

The flagship of this French provisional Atlantic formation is the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.

Frenbsp;airbsp;bsp;bsp;deGaulle, the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, the French translation is porte-;degaulle, and the hull number is R91.

The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in France and the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the world that is not under the control of the US Navy.

Among them, the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is the tenth aircraft carrier in the history of France, and its name comes from the famous French military general and statesman Charles de Gaulle.

The shallow sea combat landing ships of this French provisional Atlantic formation are "Lightning" with hull number L9011 and "Hot Wind" with hull number L9012, a large "Lightning" class landing dock ship (LSD).

The "Lightning" class dock landing ship refers to two large "Lightning" class dock landing ships built at the French Naval Shipbuilding Agency (D) in Brest, among which the first "Lightning" has a hull number L9011 , was officially commissioned in 1990, and the second "Hot Wind", hull number L9012, was officially commissioned in 1998.

The "Lightning"-class landing ship with a dock volume of 13,000 cubic meters can be used as a floating dock or carry landing vehicles, and its dock can also accommodate ten medium-sized landing craft, or can also accommodate a mechanized landing craft and four Medium landing craft.


To be continued

Chapter 0229 Trailer Casal Class