I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 Chapter 230: Rafale M and Super Banner

Level 6 Alpine Griffin Tower, provide 18/72 Level 7 9-star Gryphons of Level 2 every day/week, provide 15/30 Level 1 2-Star Gryphons of Level 3 every day/week, provide Level 3 every day/week There are 6/15 level 5 1-star alpine griffins.

One of them leads to Youzhou, one leads to Yizhou, one leads to Jingzhou, one leads to Dunhuang, and one leads to Jiaozhou.

On the other hand, the emperor who ate the longevity pill really looked younger by ten years, and his body also improved...

Level 3 masonry room, provide 6/45 level 2 ballistas of level 4 every day/week, provide 3/24 level 3 ballistas of level 9 every day/week, provide 1 level 5 ballista of level 4 every day/week /12 racks.

...In order to replace the T47 destroyers in service in the 1950s, the French Navy began to plan and build a new batch of general-purpose destroyers in the 1970s, called the Georges Leger class, code-named F-70, with anti-submarine, fleet Escort and anti-surface warfare are the main tasks. They can accompany the French aircraft carrier battle group or provide **** when the ballistic missile nuclear submarine enters and leaves the port. It also has basic point air defense self-defense capabilities. It has been in service since the late 1970s. One of the important backbone forces in the 1990s.

The French Navy originally planned to build 20 Georges Leger-class ships, but due to budget cuts, only 7 ships were built in the end; its preliminary design was finalized in 1971, detailed design began in 1972, and the first ship started in September 1974. The first four were in service from 1979 to 1981.

The Ruby-class attack nuclear submarine is a small attack nuclear submarine under the French Navy, and it is also the first generation of attack nuclear submarines of the French Navy.

The Ruby-class attack nuclear submarine is the smallest attack nuclear submarine in the world, with a submerged displacement of only about 2,700 tons. Although the smaller hull limits the weapon deployment, power output, continuous navigation capability, and crew living space, it also enables the Ruby class to have better maneuverability and flexibility, making it suitable for operations in the Mediterranean with complex hydrology.

Accompanied by this temporary Atlantic formation organized by France, is a task force composed of the USS Enterprise, the USS Harry S. Truman, the USS Roosevelt, and a large number of destroyers and cruisers in the US Atlantic Fleet.

The reason why the two aircraft carrier strike groups appeared in Melbourne was mainly due to a certain force in Florida that has been opposing the United States all year round, that is, the force that dared to take in the Transformers. It was very lucky to obtain two magic puppets that could be activated immediately without any damage. .

For the five major countries and other major countries, the strategic value of two magical puppets that can be activated immediately without any damage is beyond description. It can only be said that the country that obtains the magic puppets can directly master the skills of energy weapons. Obtain the country of magic puppet, technology enters a new world.

But the premise is that you can disassemble the F/A-1-A combat magic puppet, and then assemble it back and restore it successfully. Coincidentally, both the United States and France have Ark Research Centers, and both have this ability.

In order to obtain these two F/A-1-A combat magic puppets, the United States and France have sent negotiation teams and troops, hoping to obtain them.

At 9:30, the two fleets began to head south from Port Melbourne along Port St. Lucie. At 10:00 Palm Beach-Palm Coast fought. At 10:15, the two fleets got the news and entered the battle immediately.


When: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 10:45 am.

Location: Palm Beach - Palm Coast.

An AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missile that flew towards the turret of the Andrew was smashed by the turret armor before the shell fuze worked.

The AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missile that flew towards the water surface of the Andrew, although the fuze was successfully triggered before the armor was smashed, lost the warhead of the armor-piercing head, and the resulting explosion had no effect on the Andrew.

Although the underwater line of the Necans ate three AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missiles, the three AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missiles did not explode at the same time, and the shock waves generated by the explosion did not cause any damage. It went up, but it went down because of Miefeng.

As for the bow and stern of the ship, the Beers, which ate two AGM-84A Harpoon anti-ship missiles on the surface of the water, looked miserable because of the billowing black smoke. There are too many, but in fact, the US and French forces cannot judge the situation of the Biers at all.

And the Bills is still moving.

People can only pin their hopes on the Flying Fish anti-ship missiles on these Rafale M and Super Flag fighter jets.

But obviously, the Exocet anti-ship missiles designed to target aluminum alloy warships should have very limited damage against such a behemoth in front of them. The US and French forces, aware of this, were forced to join forces to discuss a solution.

But they didn't realize that the three ghost-class magic battleships, Andrew, Nekans, and Bills, and the arcane energy fluctuation net captured the two fleets, so they changed direction and rushed towards them.


Under Zhou Wenwen's "twelve gold medals", all the soldiers gave up their pursuit, turned around and retreated, and at the same time moved the corpse back to the heart of the castle. Zhou Wenwen took out his electric spear and stepped forward to attack.

Seeing that there was only one person, the winged magic caster who didn't realize Zhou Wenwen's strength, he asked a wingless horned magic guard with a third-level primary strength to attack humans.

But in the end, Zhou Wenwen just made an action of throwing an electric spear. The wingless horned demon guard didn't take a few steps before the devil's heart in his chest was pierced by the electric spear, and then died of electric shock.

Seeing that the demon was killed so easily, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness. He pressed the button to activate the ground-air electric field of the electric spear, making the ground and the air a restricted area, and then approached the room where the girl was imprisoned. , Zhou Wenwen was about to save someone.

But at this moment~lightnovelpub.net~ his feet suddenly collapsed, dragging Zhou Wenwen and the room into the slide, but the end of the slide turned out to be a deep and invisible pit.

Zhou Wenwen didn't dare to be careless. After putting the girl into the heart of the castle, Zhou Wenwen was relieved. He broke open the room with brute force, broke free from the restraints and started the flight system. Propelled by 4 miniature plasma engines, he flew up on the spot.

Although he also entered the big pit in the end, Zhou Wenwen still maintained his flying movements. There was nothing like something in the room, and it took him a while to hear the sound after falling.

"3, 2, 1, put!"

The three land patrollers, which had been replenished with power, separated from the overclocking armor on Zhou Wenwen's body, and after a second or two of falling time, they immediately flew up and straightened under the engine's vector control system.

At the same time, the camera of the land patrol turned on the lighting function, shooting out a white light, and sweeping around. At this time, Zhou Wenwen found that the area below the big hole became smaller as it went up, and the area below it became more and more open. The reason is related to the stone pillars that are hundreds of meters high that appear in front of you.


Chapter 0231