I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 Chapter 37: really chat

I saw Gai Xun's face calmly said: "If your lord wants us to die, you won't let us in at all, then if that's the case, why don't you let us sit down and really talk about continuing the official position."

Hearing Gaixun's words, Zhou Wenwen then waved down the right hand that ordered the attack, stopped as if Gaixun's words had hit him, and fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Gai Xun hurriedly said, "Today, the emperor of the world built the Wanjin Hall in the West Garden, and brought in the money of Si Nong and the collection of silk and silk in the hall. If the Zhou family has money, why not donate 10 million to become an official first, and then Inherit office?"

Zhou Wenwen immediately sneered, "How can I believe what you say? How can you guarantee that what you say will come true?"

Gai Xun hurriedly pointed at Yang Yong and said, "Although he is the prefect of Liangzhou, he has nothing to do with Pi, but the family behind him, the Yang family, the boss of the Yang family is the emperor's teacher, Yang Ci!"

"Yang Ci?" Zhou Wenwen pretended to hear the name for the first time and asked his own question.

"Yes, Yang Ci, the emperor's teacher."

Although Yang Yong was stupid, but at the prompt of Gai Xun, he still reacted and said quickly, and Zhou Wenwen also seemed to really believe it, ordered the soldiers to put away their weapons, and asked questions.

"How do I know that you succeeded and did my job well, or that I took the army to Luoyang?"

"Absolutely not, Zhou... Would you like to ask the kid's name?"

Zhou Wenwen's words startled Gai Xun, he quickly persuaded him, but he got stuck in the middle of the sentence, because Gai Xun didn't know the name of the guy in front of him, only the surname Zhou.

"Zhou Wenwen, from March 18th next year to 17th year, because no one in his family has taken the word for many years of war, his grandfather once claimed to have the bloodline of Ji Changhou, but he couldn't verify it."

Zhou Wenwen lied and said, while keeping his heart from beating and not blushing.

"Ji Changhou?"

Yang Yong cried out, but Gai Xun didn't care, because although there were gaps between Han and Qin, the six kingdoms of the Warring States Period, and the King of Zhou, the relationship was still alive and well.

Moreover, after Wang Mang replaced Han and Liu Xiu restored Han, the six kingdoms of Qin, the Warring States period, and the descendants of the Zhou kings were long gone, and one or two could not do anything at all.

The only function of this identity is to pretend to be coercive, to have a noble identity, and to use the child next door when a father teaches his son.

Wait a minute, what if Emperor Ling was asked to name the descendants of Ji Changhou?

Gai Xun's heart suddenly moved, and he said quickly, "In this case, I will call you the Zhou family boy for the time being. Although it is offensive, as long as you leave the words to the emperor and the emperor, your family will inherit the official position. It's simpler."

Although Zhou Wenwen didn't care much about taking the word, he was still stunned. He was shocked by Gai Xun's actions. Then he thought that if it was successful, I would go to Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Cao Cao after Dong Zhuo entered the capital. , Zhou Wenwen nodded and said.


After a careful consultation, Yang Yong and Gaixun, under the **** of 1,000 Spartan slave cavalrymen, set off on the journey to Luoyang with 5 million money and a large amount of food, while Zhou Wenwen got Yang Yong's governor of Liangzhou identity, work for him.

Of course, Zhou Wenwen would not be able to handle affairs, and the original officials were responsible. Zhou Wenwen was only responsible for the war and the development of water conservancy and farmland.

During this time, Zhou Wenwen was also watching Gai Xun's materials.

Gai Xun, character Yuangu, was from 140 AD to 191 AD in Guangzhi County, Dunhuang County, and was a native of the southwest of Anxi County, Gansu Province. He was a famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Gai Xun was born in a family of officials and officials in Liangzhou. He was named Xiaolian when he was young, and later became the governor of Hanyang County.

At that time, the prefect of Wuwei County, relying on the support of the powerful and noble in the court, did something wrong in the local area, so it happened that Liang Hu asked Gai Xun if he could kill Su Zhenghe.

Liang Hu, who was engaged in Su Zhenghe in Liangzhou, was preparing to impeach the prefect of Wuwei County, Liang Hu, the governor of Liangzhou, because he wanted to convict and kill Su Zhenghe because he was afraid of offending the powerful, so he consulted with Gai Xun on this matter.

Gai Xun and Su Zhenghe had a grudge. Some people advised Gai Xun to take the opportunity to take revenge, but Gai Xun said, "No! Killing a good minister because of official business is disloyal! Taking advantage of others' danger is inhumane!"

So he persuaded Liang Hu: "The purpose of feeding the eagle kite is to hunt, and the eagle kite is killed because of hunting. What will be used for hunting in the future?"

Liang Hu listened to his advice. Su Zhenghe learned that Gai Xun had cleared the siege. He was overjoyed and paid a special visit to Gai Xun to express his gratitude.

Gai Xun did not see him behind closed doors, and sent someone to say, "I plan for Liang Shijun, not for you!"

In the seventh year of Guanghe, in 184 AD, the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out.

Huang Jun, who used to be the prefect of Wuwei County, was recruited, but Huang Jun failed to report to the state government. Liang Hu was going to write a letter to impeach him and convict him. Gai Xun spoke for him, and Liang Hu gave up.

Huang Jun brought 20 catties of gold to Gai Xun to express his gratitude, Gai Xun said, "I think your guilt lies in the eighth discussion, and it can be dealt with lightly, so I speak for you, how am I the kind of person who makes money by talking? !"

Gaixun always refused to accept it.

At the end of the same year, Beigong Boyu, Li Wenhou and others rebelled in Liangzhou. The new governor of Liangzhou, Zuochang, took advantage of the tens of millions of military expenditures during the conscription to enrich his personal pockets, but Gaixun insisted on dissuading him.

Zuo Chang was not happy, so he sent Gaixun to lead his army to garrison Ayang County, Hanyang County, facing the rebels.

Zuo Chang thought that Gai Xun would definitely lose the battle. Even if he did not die, he could be executed by military law when he returned. Unexpectedly, Gaixun fought many times and successfully defended Ayang County.

Seeing that Ayang County could not be conquered, the rebels turned to attack Jincheng County, beheaded Chen Yi, the prefect of Jincheng County, and coerced Bian Zhang and Han Sui into the army, and elected Bian Zhang as their leader.

During this period ~lightnovelpub.net~ Gai Xun asked Zuo Chang to send troops to rescue Jincheng County, but Zuo Chang refused.

Bian Zhang led the army to surround the Jixian county and the prefecture in Hanyang County, Liangzhou. Zuo Chang had no plan to escape and was panicked, so he sent someone to ask Gai Xun for help.

However, Xin Zeng and Kong Chang, who were engaged in Hanyang County, were suspicious and did not dare to obey. High status?"

Only then did Xin Zeng and Kong Chang agree to send troops.

Gai Xun led reinforcements to Jixian County, scolding Bian Zhang and others for betraying the imperial court.

Bian Zhang and Han Sui both said, "If Zuo Chang had listened to your words earlier and sent troops to rescue Jincheng County, maybe we could have changed our minds, but now our sins are so deep that we can no longer surrender.

"Therefore, Bian Zhang and the others cried and left, lifting the siege of Ji County.

Zuo Chang was dismissed because of corruption, and the court sent Song Xiao to take over as the prefect of Liangzhou.

After Song Xiao took office, he said to Gai Xun: "As far as I know, people in Liangzhou rarely study Confucian classics, so they always start rebellions. Now I want every household in Liangzhou to copy the filial piety, maybe This will allow everyone to understand the principles of morality.”

Gai Xun dissuaded him and said, "In the beginning, Cui Chu of Qi killed the monarch, and Lu Guoqing's father usurped the throne. Are there no scholars in these two countries? Now we are not in a hurry to plan a way to eliminate the disaster, but do something extraordinary...


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Chapter 038 Announcement of Gaixun