I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 Chapter 57: F-15 C/DMSIP

Chapter 057 F-15C/DMSIP

What about the F-15A/BMSIP?

The F-15A/BMSIP is just a mid-life improvement program for the F-15A/B, implemented in the 1990s.

Its main goal is to upgrade the F-15A/B to the F-C/D standard, including replacing the AN/APG-70 radar, installing new avionics, and replacing old analog computers with new digital computers.

F-15A, F-15B, F-15A/BMSIP are excluded, then the models of the four F-15 Eagle fighters are only F-15C, F-15D, F-15C/DMSIP.

The F-15C is an improved single-seat air combat type based on the F-15A.

The F-15C's internal fuel capacity has increased by 1.116 tons, and it uses an improved APG-63 radar, which can be equipped with conformal fuel tanks on both sides of the air intake.

In addition to loading 2.211 tons of JP-4 fuel, the F-15C can also be equipped with reconnaissance sensors, radar detection, jamming equipment, laser calibration devices, low-light TV equipment and reconnaissance cameras.

The initial F-15C still uses the F100-PW-100 engine, and later most of it was changed to the F100-PW-220. The maximum takeoff weight has been increased.

Although the F-15D is a two-seat coach type of the F-15C type, the F-15D also has all the combat capabilities of the C type and a conformal fuel tank. Although the relationship is similar to the relationship between the B type and the A type, it has combat power.

The F-15C/DMSIP is a mid-term improvement plan for the F-15C/D.

Its avionics equipment has been fully upgraded, including: replacement radar, cockpit display, electronic warfare system and digital computer.

So the answer is obvious, the model of these 4 F-15 Eagle fighters should be F-15D.


"They're coming!"

Jin Huan suddenly said loudly, before Gong had waited for Zhou Wenwen to react, Jin Huan shrank his body and gained weight, and under the acceleration of gravity, he threw himself on the ground.

And two seconds later, hundreds of metal torrents composed of bullets passed through the clouds and hit Jin Jing's position just now. Zhou Wenwen's face froze when he saw this scene, he retracted his mind, and said in a very calm tone.

"Go big, go to the ground, we have to deal with them in the city."

"I know!"

Jin Twinkle responded loudly. At the same time, he used the ability of the metal dragon race to flatten and straighten the metalized dragon wings on both sides. Although it had the effect of accelerating the fall, it also reduced his speed.

Zhou Wenwen, who saw this scene, realized this, and couldn't help showing a speechless expression and covered his head.

Obviously, Jin Jing's behavior is to imitate the actions of the four F-15D Eagle fighters, but the problem is that they have rear wings, and there are special speedbrakes. How did you go back to the monoplane fighters of World War II?

Moreover, the airfoil of the F-15D Eagle fighter is circular, and it will not be decelerated when facing the wind block. Why do you feel that this straight line is getting slower and slower?

Zhou Wenwen complained feebly, but the complaints returned to him. Zhou Wenwen didn't have so much time to waste now. After noticing that two or three seconds had passed, Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath and jumped up from Jin Shining.

At the same time as he jumped up, Zhou Wenwen started the multiple uals parked on Jin Shining's back one after another. Through the aerial relay of multiple uals, Zhou Wenwen landed on the Empire State Building, the tallest building in New York.

The pilots of the four F-15D Eagle fighter jets naturally did not dare to attack the Empire State Building with missiles and cannons, so they went to chase the golden glitter. Of course, they also notified the ground of this situation.

Soon, the police, special police, and the National Guard surrounded the Empire State Building, and there were many helicopters in the air. Zhou Wenwen, who wanted to be distracted and commanding Jin Jing, had to hide first and wait for the first mover to come and pick him up before coming out.


When Jin Twinkle found out that the foolish master had left his back, Jin Twink immediately cheered, no longer obeyed the order, and changed his place.

Under the shocking gaze of the four F-15D Eagle fighter pilots, they soared up "nine thousand miles" at a speed that went against common sense and maddened Newton!

"Master is free!"

However, before the words fell, the pilots of the four F-15D Eagle fighter jets noticed that their fire control radars had locked onto Jin Shining, and pressed the launch button without hesitation.

So when the 8 air-to-air missiles fell off the pylons on the 4 F-15D Eagle fighters, the rocket engine ignited after 0.2 seconds, and broke through the Mach 3 speed within 1 second, pushing the missiles to hit the gold. sparkling.

But before the 8 air-to-air missiles collided, Jin Yun, who persuaded the master to rescue him again, after being rescued by the master, he broke open the glass window of a building with his dragon claws and Drilling in, Jin Jing climbed up from the other side of the building, and the missile could only be detonated in the building, Boom! boom! boom!

A large number of smokescreens generated by the explosion blocked everything, and the field suddenly became quiet. No enemy was found. The air force commander who commanded the battle ordered reconnaissance.

The pilots on the 4 F-15D Eagle fighter jets had to control the F-15D fighter jets and slowly approached the building at a reduced speed. The golden glitter on his head jumped down and hit the 4 F-15D Eagle fighter jets at the same time.

And in the next second, Jin Glitter violently threw the pilots on the 4 F-15D Eagle fighter jets, and the 4 F-15D Eagle fighter jets were eaten by Jin Glitter.

The pilot opened the parachute in time and avoided it by gliding, but the military was in a hurry, disregarding the surrounding orders, and ordered to use rockets to attack Jin Jian, but this attack was no pain to Jin Jian.

But hatred must have been attracted. Jin Twinkle, who was furious after being hit by several rockets, was about to massacre these soldiers when he heard the sound of the dragon flute being blown. Jin Twinkle knew that strangers were calling He, Jin Jing had no choice but to give up the attack and fly to the Empire State Building.

On the Empire State Building side, Zhou Wenwen's situation is not very good at this time. After all, the Black Widow and Hawkeye who fought against him can be said to be one of the strongest people in Marvel at this stage before Iron Man appeared.

When Zhou Wenwen completed his command, he was ready to evacuate, but he was sniped just as he was about to enter the elevator. Several bullets hit the ground only one step away from him, as long as Zhou Wenwen walked faster.

Zhou Wenwen escaped from the line of life and death~lightnovelpub.net~ In order to prevent the next time, Zhou Wennv could only give up taking the elevator and jump down the stairs instead, but she jumped down and met two people who were walking up , and the two are Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Hawkeye's real name is Clint Barton, and his full name is Clinton Francis Barton. Because Zhou Wenwen hasn't had time to watch the Hawkeye TV series, he doesn't know the story of Hawkeye in the movie universe.

But Zhou Wenwen remembers that Clint Barton in the comics is set to be an orphan who grew up in a circus.

Hawkeye Clint Barton and his older brother Barney are the sons of a butcher shop owner in Waverly, Iowa, USA.

The two brothers have a good relationship, their father...


To be continued

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