I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: five hundred and eighty one

Chapter 0304

The starlight that turned into a moon ring shape continued to hit the gods, and when the gods were blinded by the starlight and completely gave up resistance, they relied on their bodies to heal themselves.

What's more unfortunate is that the stone tower stands in the middle of a small lake. Although a bridge has been built in the past few years since its discovery, the bridge will still be submerged when the energy fog appears.

What's more, if the energy fog is a big deal and so on, it's okay, the news that Duncan, the second-order mage in the gathering place, has come to the mercenary hall to recruit colleagues and mercenaries to form a team to explore, made Zhou Wenwen and Tis nervous up.

If Duncan learns that there are good things in the stone tower and spreads them to the outside, so as to get support...

Realizing this, Zhou Wenwen and Tiss, ignoring the risk of being suspected and followed, took dry food and weapons, and rushed to the stone pagoda. Duncan and the others arrived at the stone pagoda an hour earlier, but it was already afternoon It's five o'clock, and soon night will strike.

In the end, the zombie Doctor Strange was killed by Ultron.

In the MC2 world, Doctor Strange retired when he was old, and the title of Supreme Sorcerer was handed over to Dr. Astrology who came later.

In the MutantX world, Doctor Strange is a humanoid, and the Supreme Sorcerer is Baron Mordo.

Although Keli hoped that the second generation of Doctor Strange would stay away from magic, he was discovered by the king and accepted as an apprentice, inheriting his father's name and responsibility.

The second generation of Doctor Strange is not a doctor, nor does he have a doctorate, people just call him that.

And the strong man standing next to one man and one sheep is the former Doomsday Knight.

"What about this guy? What are you going to do about it?"

Zhou Wenwen asked curiously.

When reaching the ground 50 meters, the computer will ignite the rocket brake system of the airdrop pod to further reduce the falling speed of the airdrop pod until the airborne is completed.

But sometimes these braking systems will fail due to violent shaking when entering the atmosphere and being hit by anti-aircraft fire, causing the airdrop pod to hit the ground at full speed and cause the death of the occupants.

This is dubbed by ODSTs digging their own grave.

Telepathy: There is a weak telepathy ability, which can be enhanced through magic or props.

Astral Projection: Can isolate the mental body. In this state, you don't need to breathe, eat, or sleep, and you're not affected by the laws of physics, and you can see through objects and become invisible.

Other abilities: longevity, illusion, flight, hypnotism, element control, magic shield, alchemy, telekinesis, teleportation, control of matter, teleportation across space, dimensional travel, etc.

The important thing is that this place has become one of the battlefields of the gods. Hundreds of blue energy figures and thousands of red energy figures are fighting here. Their speed is extremely fast, and each blow can destroy the sky and set off the earth and ocean.

When the stone tower passed through the atmosphere and fell from the sky, the impact produced not only destroyed all the blue energy figures, but also suppressed all the red energy figures.


"The Sealed Land 04 Sword of Hell" "Completed" task evaluation: B-.

Mission reward: 1 B-level mission main line.

Description: Interpret the stone of the devil's contract and find the sword of hell.

Task requirements: find the sword of extreme hell. (1/1)

Tip: The Sword of Hell can be found in the direction where the magma disappears.


After the task of "The Sealed Land 04 Sword of Hell" was completed, no new task was spawned. After Zhou Wenwen took out the broken sword, he put two small stone tablets of the abyss dragon into the heart of the castle, and turned on the supersonic supersonic speed of the overclocking armor. The cruise model went all the way and returned to the Scarlet Rose Dungeon.

Just at this moment, the army of demons summoned by Tulsaro Bloodrose Lanix was surrounding the Bloodrose Dungeon, and the spells constantly thrown from the Winged Demons in the air were hitting the infantry guarding the gate of the Bloodrose Dungeon. , causing a great threat.

Zhou Wenwen, who jumped into the air from the entrance of the cave, couldn't hold back when he saw this scene, and immediately killed him. However, Tulsaro Bloodrose Lanix, who had been lying in wait for a long time, hit the devil's hand and shot him from the air. Hit the ground.


Zhou Wenwen resisted the blow, quickly changed his posture by landing, and pressed the button a moment before landing, ready to enter the second stage of overclocking.


Zhou Wenwen led the team back to the base, resting and preparing for the battle.

Such a mighty team naturally attracted attention, so a group of soldiers were sent to follow in mine-protected infantry vehicles, and finally arrived in Detroit to join the Detroit barracks.

But what they didn't know was that on the way, Zhou Wenwen took the Super Eagle, Destroyer, and Sky Guardian, and took advantage of the night to fly through the sky at supersonic speed, and arrived at Tony's villa.

At this time, the place was already in a mess, and in the center of the building stood a huge version of Iron Man five meters high and six meters wide.

But obviously, judging from the various external hot weapons on this giant version of Iron Man, the user wearing the giant version of Iron Man should be Tony's uncle Obadiah Stanislav.

So Tony and Parker should be around.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen quickly turned on the infrared thermal imaging, found Tony and Parker who were unconscious, and also found Dr. Octopus hiding in the forest.

For Zhou Wenwen, Doctor Octopus in different time and space is useless at all, and then he ordered Super Eagle, Destroyer and Sky Guardian ~lightnovelpub.net~ to kill Doctor Octopus, and he walked towards this giant version of Iron Man and shouted .


The sudden loud noise immediately awakened Obadiah Stanislav in the giant version of Iron Man, and Obadiah immediately controlled the giant version of Iron Man, swinging a hydraulically propelled iron fist at Zhou Wenwen——

But what greeted it was a fist with greater power than this, boom!

Two huge forces collided, spider webs appeared on the ground, and there was a flashing sound in the air. At the same time, Zhou Wenwen's left hand turned into a fist, and through agility, aimed at the abdomen of the giant version of Iron Man, and slapped his left hand down. .


The moment the applause sounded, the next second the giant version of Iron Man flew hundreds of meters towards the forest behind him, knocking down many big trees, as if hitting with a huge force.

Obadiah suddenly turned pale with fright. Although after he inspected it, the body did not suffer much damage, only the built-in armor was deformed by force, but Obadiah let out a cold sigh.

Seeing that this blow did not kill Obadiah, although Zhou Wenwen regretted the performance of Seiya's hand, he still took out Tony's Thunder Victory Sword, which suppresses steel.

"I guard against thunder, punish evil and promote good!"

The next second after shouting these words, Zhou Wenwen, holding the Thunder Victory Sword, teleported to the back of Obadiah, who is the giant version of Iron Man, by jumping the knife, jumped up and swung his sword towards the giant version of Iron Man waist.

But knowing that this is the weak point Obadiah, he used the aluminum alloy shell explosive reactive armor here, but Zhou Wenwen didn't notice it, so when the surface was full of electric current, the Thunder Victory Sword broke through the aluminum alloy and the explosive armor. The moment the reactive armor touches...


Chapter 0305 Foretelling the Hand of Harkers