I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: five hundred and nine

0232 Jet Flame

Kungunnir is also Gunnir, Gangnir, this gun is the property of the Norse **** Odin.

] As for the origin of the name Gungnir, some people think that it is more reliable to say that the action of "penetrating" is expressed by voice.

It may also be related to the obscure Mai verb "gungre" meaning "to tremble", also known as the spear of fate.

When the Asa Gods and the Vanir Gods went to war, it was Odin who took the gun and threw the first blow.

According to legend, when the Vikings fought, the commander would throw a long spear at the enemy first, which is the inheritance from then on.

When Odin threw the gun, it would emit a light that crossed the space. People on the ground called it "lightning", and another term was "meteor".

According to mythology, whoever swears by this gun, his oath will be fulfilled.

This may be the origin of the wish to the meteor.


Dr. Octopus is very powerful. His mechanical tentacles have been completely integrated with his body. He can manipulate four tentacles with his mind. The tentacles can be used as vehicles to walk, lift heavy objects, emit light, and be used as computer hackers. They can also emit holograms. image.

After becoming the ultimate Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus not only has all the abilities of Spider-Man, but also has high-tech robotic spider tentacles, and the spider web launcher on his arm also has the ability to spray flames.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen understood why Peter Parker had such a headache, so he turned his head and walked to Dr. Octopus to Tony Cope. During the conversation, Zhou Wenwen was also distracted watching the rest of the weekly store normal area and the weekly store charge area. an item.

Weekly shop normal area: primary fire magic book "Toronto's Notes", quantity: 1, item classification level: B level, original price: 30000 points of fame + 1 B level quest main line, current price: 9000 points Famousness + 3 B-level quest sidelines.

Description: The primary magic notebook of the fire magician Toronto, which records Toronto's views on all the primary fire magic (1st level ~ 3rd level) magic, and describes how to build spell models, release magic, and spell release spells.

Tip In order to prevent others from being understood, Toronto used a variety of languages ​​such as magic language, runic language, and elvish language when recording magic notes.

However, rune language and Elvish language were only popularized in the 3rd year of the imperial calendar, so it is difficult to say that Toronto will not use multiple languages ​​to record in this magic notebook that appeared in the Toronto Spell Tower in the 2nd year of the imperial calendar.


Weekly store charging area: 1-time D-level Decepticon attack support type fire source, quantity: 30, item classification level: D-level, original price: 1 D-level quest main line, current price: 3000 points Legendary.

After use, activate 1 car around, and transform into a Decepticon attack support Transformer that only obeys your orders.

The user can also consume the D-level Decepticon attack support type fire source to replenish energy and strengthen the body of the Decepticon attack support type Transformers, or make the target Decepticons attack support type transformers to launch energy attacks .

Tip, the one-time D-level Decepticon attack support type fire source will not disappear after use, you can use 3 used D-level Decepticons attack support type fire source to synthesize an unused fire source The C-Class Decepticon Sect Attack Support Tinder Source.

Description: Decepticons Transform!


Correspondingly, there is an area 35,786 km above sea level called the Clark Belt, which lies in the equatorial plane and can be used as a geostationary-like orbit.

Generally, the geostationary orbit is a high-density area of ​​communication satellites, which is located in the near equatorial area about 6.6 earth radii from the center of the earth.

The space environment in this region is mainly composed of high-energy particles other than gravitational field, thermal plasma, plasma layer plasma, ring current, magnetic field, solar electromagnetic radiation, meteoroids and space debris.

The geostationary orbit area is also an area where the earth's space environment is seriously affected by solar activity. When the strong solar wind arrives, the magnetosphere will be compressed, and the geostationary orbit area is completely exposed to solar cosmic rays and high-speed solar wind.

During magnetic storms or substorms, high-temperature plasma injected from the magnetic tail can also reach this region, making this region a high-incidence region for spacecraft anomalies caused by the space environment.

Among them, the high-energy particle environment and the thermal plasma environment injected by the substorm are the most important environments that cause anomalies, and are also the areas with the most serious problems in the space shuttle.

But the problem is, this is the best place to deploy space-based weapons

Because it "stands" at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers, its "delivery" coverage is particularly large. Generally, a space-based weapon system can be responsible for one-third of the surface of the earth.

Therefore, if Zhou Wenwen evenly places a space-based weapon system in the geostationary orbit, it can achieve global coverage except for the North and South Pole.

"3, 2, 1, get ready, launch!"

Zhou Wenwen pressed the button to send out the command signal, and the nine satellites that received the command signal removed their camouflage, and were combined to form three heaven-punished electromagnetic railguns, which fired ash beams at the ammonite type.

The blacksmith dwarf Du Hualin is Yinwadi's son.

Later, Loki took the spear of eternity from the dwarf and gave it to Sif, who had shaved his hair, as compensation.

"So Tony, what are you going to do with Obadiah," Zhou Wenwen asked curiously.

"How is your health now?"

"Very good~lightnovelpub.net~ Leverage."

"So Tony, what are you going to do with Obadiah," Zhou Wenwen suddenly asked curiously.

"How is your health now?" Tony asked.

"Very well, I can fight more than a hundred times." Zhou Wenwen said confidently.

"Very well, that's it, that's it...."

Tony: "Well, that's the plan."

Zhou Wenwen: "..."

In fact, Tony's plan is to procrastinate. Of course, if you think the word is not good, you can change it to another idiom and wait and see how it changes. How about it, is it suddenly taller? Of course, Zhou Wenwen is not very optimistic, but the formula It was Tony who planned. No matter how optimistic Zhou Wenwen was, he could only prepare secretly, that is, to keep his hands.

The reason why Tony made this choice is that Tony has no evidence at hand, only the witness Peter Parker.

But obviously the judges under the American judicial system will not accept Tony's performance. Even if Tony is the righteous party, as long as Tony has no evidence, everything is in vain.

So Tony can only choose to delay. Of course, this also has an advantage. Whatever the other party does, the waiting party has enough time.

And now Tony urgently needs to install the new Mark 3 armor, although with the help of Peter Parker, it should be very fast, but the more time it takes, the more stable the Mark 3 armor will be.

But Zhou Wenwen doesn't think so, just, how can he come up with the future and speak out?

It's better to leave it alone than to make people sad if you don't believe it.


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