I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: Five hundred and sixty one

Chapter 0284 Magic Cannon

Creatures living in the shadows are mostly timid and powerless, but Xunlong is a fierce, cunning and warlike species.

It is characterized by the fact that the body does not have a hard outer shell, but is covered with jet-black body hair.

The soft silhouette covered in body hair looks closer to a "beast" than a "dragon" at first glance.

This kind of body hair grows from the scales, instead of "using a hard shell to resist attacks", it is considered to be a special evolution of the scales in the direction of "smooth body hair evading attacks".

When faced with a strong enemy, it groans from time to time and slaps the ground with its tail as a threat.

In addition, it is not easy to be discovered by foreign enemies when it is resting, and even if it is discovered, it has a habit of hiding in trees that are difficult to reach.

It can see through traps set by hunters, tear through nets with its claws and wings, and evade traps by jumping and escaping the moment the hole opens.

It is carnivorous, with very small but sharp fangs in its mouth, which cut open the skin or flesh of its prey to eat.

Flying: This star card can jump over obstacles while moving.

Spinning: This star card will not be hindered when moving, and will cause damage to surrounding non-wind attribute star cards when it hits the ground.


"Tier 2 No. 3 Xunlong Naruga Kuruga", Excessive, Summoning Cost: 4 2-star cards, "Xunlong Naruga Kuruga" This card can also be used by 2-star flying dragons on the field Overlapping on the star card, over-summoning comes.

Class: 2, Race: Flying Dragon, Attribute: Wind, Ability: Flying, Spinning, Galloping, Overdrive

No: This star card ★ can only be destroyed by No star card.

Galloping: When this Star Card moves on the field, its Speed ​​+2★.

Stealth: Before this star card attacks, it will not be discovered by the enemy.

Wind Blade: When this star card moves, it can be activated to cause damage to the target pair.


"Dragon Slaying Hunter", usually, summoning cost: 1, star level: 1, race: warrior family, attribute: fire, ability: sniper.

Sniper: When this star card is on the field, it can be activated to cause ★☆☆ damage to the target pair.


"Tis, have you seen this kind of star card used?"

Zhou Wenwen was dumbfounded when he looked at these star cards that were incompatible with the surrounding paintings.


Armor penetration (versus vertical homogeneous steel armor), 1200mm at muzzle, 600mm at 18,000m, and 300mm at 27,000m.

Each turret is operated by 90 officers and soldiers. The entire structure of the turret can be divided into six layers, namely, the turret battle room, the rotating disk, the power room, the upper bomb supply room, the lower bomb supply room, the medicine package room, and the six layers when the turret rotates. Turning together, each turret is also equipped with the Arcane 2 ranging system, which can measure 15 nautical miles and store 300 rounds of ammunition.

The secondary guns of the Ghost-class magic battleships are 12 double-mounted 7-inch (177.8 mm) caliber magic artillery guns, and the turrets are arranged on both sides of the middle of the hull.

The magic artillery is equipped with water cannonballs that can attack underwater, and is responsible for the magic barrier arcane arrows, arcane rays, flashbangs, smoke bombs, flares, fireballs responsible for killing people, wind blades, and sacred barriers responsible for magic defense.

As a magic ship, the ghost-class magic battleship is naturally a double attack of monsters. The power plant on the ship can work continuously, with a total power of 210,000 horsepower steam turbines, 3 groups of which can support 120,000 horsepower. Composed of the Arcane Machine.

In normal state, only 3 sets can reach a speed of 24 knots, and the speed can reach 30 knots at full power.

Hull data/displacement:

Standard displacement: 45,000 tons. Full load displacement: 60,000 tons.

Hull size: Captain: 270 meters. Ship width: 36 meters.

Power system: 3 sets of 210,000 horsepower steam turbines.

3 sets of 120,000 horsepower crystal combustion powered arcane machines.

Main engine design power: 210,000 horsepower.

Speed: 24 to 30 knots.


"Xiandao is boundless, my generation should be the first."


"Introducing gold to water, to fire to produce wood, and earth to be Yuan."


"It is up, the action is down, the up and down are combined, and it can be up and up."

Zhou Wenwen just transformed the green energy from the blood vessels in his body into two kinds of golden pills, the wood of Renshen and the water of Xinmao, through the "Five Elements Pill Sutra". Report.

"Lord Lord, the people around you have been rescued from the rose bush, do you continue to send soldiers to rescue?"

(Setting: The soldier and the owner of Castle Heart are in a superior-subordinate relationship, so they cannot be called by the host word.

And because the heart of the castle is medieval, the title here is Lord Lord, and the book that inherits the setting of the heart of the castle will also follow this setting. )

Hearing the report of the town assault cavalry, Zhou Wenwen's joy was suddenly broken, but he was not angry because of it, because he returned to reality and was bound by that ruthless reality.

I saw Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath, broke the calm and tried to become serious and said, "Tell them that there are still greater and more important things waiting for us to do, and here, I leave it to you, we believe you will handle it. Good here."

"Yes, Lord, make sure your words can be heard and accepted by them!"

Looking at the retreating back of the town rushing cavalry, Zhou Wenwen understood that although he said so~lightnovelpub.net~, Zhou Wenwen had already made this decision. After rescuing some people, let them continue to save this cycle. , and in this way, his influence is the smallest, and it will not be discovered by the female demon king.

Thinking about it, Zhou Wenwen suddenly frowned and consumed it decisively. Cast the spell "Water Steps on Wanze" recorded in the "Qi Refining" chapter of "The Five Elements Pill Sutra", and turn around to make an action at the same time.

I saw Zhou Wenwen suddenly turn around, and under the surprised eyes of El, who woke up and attacked Zhou Wenwen, with one step away, the arrow clenched in El's right hand was dodged!

"Sword Comes"

Immediately after the effect of the "Water Steps on Wanze" spell, Zhou Wenwen came to El's back by moving at a high speed, grabbed her right hand, and aimed the arrow at El's very white neck, ignoring those It's a very beautiful place, and he said coldly, "Tell me, is it an enemy or a friend? Choose for yourself."

"Water Treads Wanze": Record: "The Five Elements of Pills".

Class: "Refining Qi". Effect description:

"Five Elements Pill Sutra" consumes 2 Xinmao Water Gold Pills, and uses the obtained aura in both feet to increase the movement speed within 3 seconds, and grants the state of "walking on the ground".

But to Zhou Wenwen's surprise, El's right hand actually loosened his grip on the arrow, and while turning his fist into a palm, he jumped in place, not only getting rid of Zhou Wenwen's control, but also asking Zhou Wenwen rhetorically .

"Stop talking nonsense, beat me first, then ask me!"

Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but be surprised and wondered how she did it.



Chapter 0285 Is the notice an enemy or a friend? Choose by yourselfClick to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!