I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: five hundred and thirty nine

0262 - Wind Elf El Dennis

The story is about: Twenty years ago, the director of an orphanage was talking to a little boy.

"Peter, it's time to go back to church. The foster parents will be arriving soon and they will take you to your new home"

Looking at the frowning boy, the principal said, "Son, we never knew your father and... now your mother has passed away. Now you are your own captain, and the course of your life is up to you"

That day Peter felt was the worst day of his life on earth.

Twenty years later, Peter is no longer that little boy. Everyone calls him Star-Lord. He is the guardian and explorer of the galaxy, and thus his space adventure begins!

Xingjue is a hybrid of humans and Spartans. The physiological function of the hybrid gives him the following abilities. Xingjue has fought against strong and ferocious alien creatures and can reach the limit of human beings.

Xingjue's body resistance to physical damage and temperature is higher than that of ordinary people. He can still continue to fight even if he is shot or stabbed. Xingjue's agility, balance and coordination are higher than the strongest athletes. Jax can eliminate fatigue toxins in muscles and muscle tissue produces less fatigue toxins than ordinary humans.

Xingjue has a strong mental display ability, which allows his brain to quickly absorb information and learn faster and more standard. He can easily learn various alien languages ​​and habits.

The lifespan of the Spartan Toys is three times that of ordinary humans.

Star-Lord's father only showed the appearance of about 30 years old when he was 100 years old.

Xingjue is a hybrid of Sparta Trojans. It is not clear how long his lifespan will be, but it is estimated that he will age at a slower rate.

Star-Lord will use all kinds of firearms in the galaxy, and Star-Lord will use various styles of fighting skills

Star-Lord is a strategist and knows various strategic means. Star-Lord is a skilled spaceship pilot. Star-Lord has extensive knowledge on alien societies and civilizations, including cosmic abstractions, such as annihilation.

A translator was implanted in Xingjue's neck, which allowed him to understand alien languages.

Rocket boots, the rocket boots on Star-Lord's feet allow him to fly.

Cosmic helmet, since Star-Lord abandoned the Kree combat armor, he used a new version of the alien helmet, and it has many functions:

Size control: The helmet can expand and retract into unknown spaces.

Oxygen supply: The helmet has a rebreathing function, that is, it provides oxygen.

Pressure Supply: The helmet protects the wearer in emergency pressure changes.

The control body was implanted by Dr. Kyln. His eye implants allow him to see the full spectrum of energy, and the memory chip gives him 100% of his memory.

On alodanpri on the Kree planet, Star-Lord's implant was removed again.

The empty door selected for the first time (probability 2/3), then the host opens another empty door, changes the door, and gets the car.

The car selected for the first time (probability 1/3), then the host opens another empty door without changing the door, and gets the car.

The probability problem affecting the result here only occurs in the first gate selection, if the conditions are set as above.

When the initial door is selected, the outcome of the event is also decided, so there is no question whether the host chooses empty door 1 or empty door 2, so the host's choice is not considered when doing probability calculations.

If the moderator is also considered:

It is a pity that neither of the two blacks had a good shot. Although the first and second shots hit the position, the third and fourth shots and the subsequent bullets all hit the wall.

And Zhou Wenwen left his position long before he fired, so they all missed.

And since they fired, Zhou Wenwen was not polite and prepared to shoot back.

He loaded 4 rounds of 12-gauge ammunition into the double-barreled shotgun. Thanks to the explanations of games, movies, and military UP videos, Zhou Wenwen learned that although the performance of this old-fashioned double-barreled shotgun is not as good as that of the new double-barreled shotgun.

But there is an advantage, it can store one more round of bullets, no need to dig out bullets to load the progress machine, and the binoculars can store two more rounds, so that one continuous shooting can be carried out.

But just as Zhou Wenwen was about to shoot, the damned R+G double virus level 4 zombie advanced mutant harvester appeared in the field of vision again, and saw it fly out of the police station and into the third floor of the building.

Zhou Wenwen, who was on the stairs on the first and second floors, changed his expression, and quickly went downstairs without saying a word, and came out from the other side of the stairs.

The Reaper kept chasing after him, but this time Zhou Wenwen knew why its hands were as smooth as blades, its legs were as thin as ice skaters, and its mind only had one eye and one mouth.

Because there are several pairs of dragonfly-like wings on the back of the reaper, which allows the reaper to fly at an extremely fast speed.


But... If Zhou Wenwen can get information about the vicinity or about the place of Blood Rose from these people, then he can save a lot of time asking, and it is possible to get it right in one step!

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen no longer hesitated, and made the decision to save the female wind elf El, so a brand new task appeared in the task bar~lightnovelpub.net~ Mission: Bard's call for help "unfinished" mission Rating: C+.

Mission rewards: 1 C-level mission mainline, 2 C-level mission sidelines.

Bard career favorability +90.

Description: The female wind elf El Dennis, who is considered to be the first bard, is about to be sacrificed by blood in the land of the blood rose. In history, the female wind elf El should have been here today, in the wind elf's hometown, Fengxu On behalf of the wind elves, they responded to the sixth elf queen's call and joined the third holy alliance to conquer the dark elves.

Obviously history is distorted, but the most important thing right now is to fix history! Rescue the female Wind Elf El!

The mission is to save El Danis, the Wind Elf, from the demons. (0/1)

Help El Dennis regain the weapon Windbow. (0/1)

Help El Dennis recover the Windrunner gear. (0/1)

Tip: The wind elemental spirit is the most mischievous elemental spirit, but if you really have no choice in an emergency, you can trust the wind elemental spirit and believe that it will take you out of despair.


Although the task was accepted, Zhou Wenwen did not immediately rush down to fight, but took out twelve drones from the overclocking expansion box behind him, six of which were in the shape of a delta wing, and the remaining six were in the shape of a flat wing. .

The 6 drones in the shape of a delta wing are naturally the "Ark CA1" purchased by Zhou Wenwen from the normal section of the Daily Store yesterday, and the 6 drones in the shape of a flat wing for the Super Dragoon are also from the Daily Store. Land Rangers purchased in the normal section of the store.

Daily store normal area: "Ark B1A1" land patrol, quantity: 6, item classification level: D grade, single original price: 8000 fame points, current single price: 3000 reputation points.


Chapter 0263