I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: five hundred and twenty eight

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Chapter 0251 Triple Pack 21 Inch

According to a large number of experiments, people have confirmed the law of conservation of energy, that is, when different forms of energy are converted to each other, their magnitude is conserved.

The Joule heat work equivalent experiment is a famous experiment that confirmed the law of energy conservation in the early stage, and then established the first law of thermodynamics for energy conversion and conservation in the macroscopic field.

The Compton effect confirms that the law of conservation of energy is still correct in the microscopic world, and then gradually realizes that the law of conservation of energy is determined by the invariance of time translation, thus making it a universal law in physics, see Symmetry and Conservation Law.

I took away the two battleship fleet battle groups and the electronic Transformers synthesis brigade of the Shining Star Legion, rushed to Azeroth, and came back after finishing the work there.

But ten years have passed in this world at this time, and Zhou Wenwen, who has rushed back, has made a detailed development plan after investigating his own territory for a year.

At the same time, the hope of the three parties was dispelled, and the three parties completely gave up the fight. Zhou Wenwen developed all the way, built factories and schools, etc. After marrying Sister Chenxi, he continued to rule for more than ten years before returning to the Marvel world.

Before going back, Zhou Wenwen handed over the two battleship fleet battle groups, together with the 3 maritime carrier-like support groups and the Shining Star Corps that were being trained, to Sister Chenxi, and replaced all the magic equipment for her Morning Embrace Army.

This is an overview of Zhou Wenwen's territory and military situation in the wizarding world after he left...


The origin of the story is the spear of Longinus, also known as the Spear of Destiny, which was accidentally discovered. Legend has it that when Shang and Dan demarcated the boundary, it was agreed that angels and demons must be completely balanced, and the two must not interfere in the human world. Things.

According to the records of the Dark Stone, if you want to break this balance, there must be a party that can interfere with human affairs. In order to break this balance and come to the human world, the Son of Dan needs the help of angels and the Spear of Destiny.

Under a series of plans by the Archangel Gabriel, it was almost successful, but in the end it failed because Constantine's cut veins attracted Lucifer.

For the plot of the movie, see "Hell Detective"

Upon receiving the hunter's order, the Balrog immediately transformed into a combat state, and stretched out three 75mm mortars.

With the sound of three firings, the three white flame flares put into the mortar, after the mortar was ejected for tens of meters, the bottom rocket ignited and moved, pushing the three flame flares 600 meters into the air The explosion ejected thousands of ignited fragments of magnesium and aluminum.

Because of the properties of magnesium and aluminum metals, once these thousands of magnesium and aluminum fragments are ignited, a large amount of light and heat will be released, which not only illuminates the surrounding and dispels the fog, but also the magnesium and aluminum fragments that fall into the sea from the air. The debris also revealed the enemy—three black battleships larger than an aircraft carrier appeared in front of them.

Seeing the enemy, the hunters couldn't help but be overjoyed, but before the hunters could attack, the three Ghost-class magic battleships aimed their triple-mounted 21-inch (533.4 mm) turrets at them and fired three shots in a row. It stopped after the round, bang bang bang bang bang...

But the Transformers found that the shells didn't hit them, but straddled them and fell behind downtown, the courthouse, the Norton Museum of Art, the West Palm Beach area, the estate, the church, the Outlet Mall, Palm Beach International Airport and other places are marked as the places with the most people when they are "traveled around the world" by magical puppets.

The earth-shattering sound of artillery shells falling to the ground suddenly resounded around the surroundings, and the power of the explosion of the 21-inch caliber shells killed tens of thousands of people at this moment. This is only the population density of a tourist city like Miami.

But for the hunters, these Transformers, they only care about the safety of the master's life and the tasks issued by the master, not the lives of other human beings, so they quickly seized the moment when the three ghost-class magic battleship turrets ceased fire, one after another. Transform into combat and attack three Ghost-class magic battleships.

For the Transformers like hunters, they only care about the safety of their masters and the tasks issued by their masters, not the lives of other human beings, so they quickly seized the moment when the turrets of the three ghost-class magic battleships ceased fire and were transformed one after another. Enter combat mode and launch an attack on three Wraith-class magic battleships.

But those f/d-1-a aerial bombardment magic puppets, f-1-b aerial combat magic puppets, and f/a-1-a combat magic puppets that flew from the ghost-class magic battleship Feitianjiazhi, not only Blocked the attack, but also flew to the Transformers to launch a counterattack.

The first to be attacked were the electrical code exporters and electrical code radiators from the electrical coders department. They were awakened by armored vehicles and faced the f/d-1-a aerial bombardment magic puppet and the f-1-b aerial. The beams emitted by the combat-type magic puppet and f/a-1-a combat-type magic puppet can only give up the shelling and rely on the ion reactor acceleration engine installed by the hunter to maneuver to avoid it.

But even so, the two Decepticons Transformers, the electrical code exporter and the electrical code radiator, still ate two flame rays. As a result, the electrical code exporter lost his left arm and the electrical code radiator lost his legs. Hunter sent off.

The rest of the Transformers seized this opportunity to attack, and thanks to the hunter's ballistic calculation program, each attack could hit the enemy.

...the three ghost-class magic warships Andrew, Nekans, and Beers on the coast.

Time passes by one minute and one second, while the f/d-1-a air bombardment type magic golem, f-1-b air combat type magic golem, f/a-1-a battle type magic golem, the number of each moment All are decreasing, but the warlocks, sailors, and captains in the three ghost-class magic warships are not panicking at all.

And after 3 rounds of cross-body shelling, there is no new action~lightnovelpub.net~ Of course not, because the three ghost-class magic battleships are charging, and the front triple-mounted 21-inch (533.4 mm) turret, The rear two triple-mounted 21-inch (533.4 mm) turrets have been replaced with high-explosive diffusion rounds and are fully loaded.

As long as the 12 twin-mounted 7-inch (177.8 mm) caliber magic cannons installed on the port and starboard sides are fully charged, they will launch an attack.

In the premise, the hunters did not issue a new order, changing the current situation and allowing the three ghost-class magic warships to fire on them.

But obviously, the terrifying firepower displayed by the three ghost-class magic warships firing in front made the hunters deeply remember these three ghost-class magic warships.

The hunter inputs the data obtained by the laser into the ballistic calculation program to obtain the data, and then uses the f/d-1-a aerial bombardment magic puppet, f-1-b air combat magic puppet, and f/a-1-a After the combat magic returns to the annihilation of the entire army of puppets, immediately send the data on the communication channel and issue an order!


Chapter 0252 Preview the rapid-fire three rounds!