I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: Five hundred and twenty two

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Chapter 0245 Recharge

The huge and powerful soil of the human kingdom is not worth mentioning in the eyes of wizards.

And the giant dragons and giants at the top of the biological chain, under the magic of the wizard, either escaped from the wizard or became a slave, or joined in the same stream and cooperated with the wizard.

After all, the value of a giant dragon, whether it is in life or after death, is of great benefit to wizards.

After the dragons and giants fell one after another, the only ones who hindered the wizards were those gods who had the authority of the world and obtained divine power.

At the beginning of the war between wizards and the gods, the wizards who frequently lost battles had to admit that the gods were different from those dragons and giants and had to be treated with caution.

But when the wizard Shen Shen carefully studied the source of the power of the gods, he discovered the fatal weakness of the gods, the power of the gods.

As the saying goes, success is also Xiao He is also Xiao He

There are many ways for the gods to increase the upper limit of divine power and expand the lower limit of divine power, such as taking more authority in the world, that is, one person has multiple jobs, or relying on artifacts and beliefs.

The wizards discovered that the gods who fought with them, most of the gods used the method of faith, because it was stable, and like magic wheat, it could be harvested repeatedly.

(Magic wheat is the product of wizards dyeing wheat with magic power to improve the quality and quantity, and it is found that it will grow again after harvesting, so there is no need to plant it by yourself.)


Zhou Wenwen was overjoyed, and chose to pursue the victory and practice the breathing method of Galaxy Knights.

Zhou Wenwen has successively obtained the nose part and the body part of the basic air-entraining chapter of the galaxy knight's practice breathing method. The nose part has been practiced several times, and the body part has not been able to walk forward and cannot break through.

However, as the so-called analogy, Zhou Wenwen can use the nose part of the mouth without the body part at all, and finally channel the energy into the body part and complete it.

However, there is a price to pay for taking shortcuts, and the body will be damaged. Zhou Wenwen, who knows this well, has no choice but to fight with the body part of the Galaxy Knight's basic breathing chapter.

Zhou Wenwen took out Zhou Tianxingchen swinging the magic sword and star bow, and after posing silently, he immediately began to bleed.

"The chest opens and closes and closes...the left hand exerts force but does not come out..."

"The power of the right hand is like a light strike...the power is released and the power of the animal is withdrawn..."

"It can be up."

Less than ten seconds passed, there was a blue or purple star power light group, attracted by Zhou Tian Xingchen Dang magic sword, continuously passed through the universe, clouds, entered Zhou Wenwen's nose, and passed through the nose. Out, into Zhou Wenwen's nose, out and in again, and so on.

In the one-in-one-out cycle, the energy generated by the power of the stars is absorbed by the nose, and it takes fifteen minutes before the light clusters of the power of the stars are exhausted, and Zhou Wenwen ends his training on the "Galaxy Knight's Breathing Technique". "Basic Bleeding - The Nose" works, and turns to the body.

Under the double control of Zhou Wenwen's mental power and spiritual power, the energy in the nose is introduced into the body, and because the power of the stars shuttles between the organs, causing severe pain, Zhou Wenwen can only grit his teeth and endure it.

But fortunately, there is no one who cares about the sky, and Zhou Wenwen finally completed the "Basic Breathing Chapter of the Galaxy Knight's Practice Breathing Technique - Body Parts".

After spending 15 minutes recharging his energy, Zhou Wenwen continued to practice the Qi-inducing chapter of the "Five Elements Pill Sutra".

I saw Zhou Wenwen posing, and at the same time using his mental power to control the power of the stars in his body, and fully run the "Five Elements Pill Sutra" Qi-entraining magic.

"Introducing gold to water, and to fire to produce wood, earth is Yuan!"

At first, there was only a small river of the transformed star power in the body, but as time passed, the stock of star power decreased, and the number of transformed star power in the body also increased, like a big river.

In the end, the power of the transformed stars has been like a vast ocean, constantly impacting the soul water science that is regarded as a dam. Each impact can be refined into three ordinary golden pills. There are already 360 ordinary golden pills in water science, reaching the upper limit.

Zhou Wenwen ended his Qi-entraining practice in a timely manner and recharged his energy again. This time, when the moon came out at 8:10 p.m., Zhou Wenwen began to practice the "Qi Exercise" chapter of the "Five Elements Pill Sutra".

But before that, he had to recall the summary of the "Forging Qi" chapter.

"When it flows against the current, it is separated from the fire, and when the weak water is connected, it is separated from the fire. 』

"When it is connected against the water, it is connected with the fire; when the weak water flows, it is born from the fire. 』

"Nine Heavens Profound Fate pierces the sky, and the combination of water and fire is the best. 』

"The essence of the sun and the moon is full of life, and the fire and water can be divided. 』

"The breath of earth and wood, water and fire can also be combined. 』

『If you ask who is guarding your heart, you can say that water from the sun can enter the nine heavens to reach the ground wood, and fire from the sun can also enter the sun and the moon to reach the ground wood. 』

"Soul qi and water heart can lead away from fire and extinguish, and soul qi and fire body can connect with weak hydration. 』

"Water and fire are divided and united, and the soul and soul guard the heart. 』

"Ask who the inch heart guards, answer the sun water heart fire body. 』

In the previous crack, except for the word weak water, the reverse water and the fire have been cracked, which are the water of Yijia and the fire of Bingding.

Jiutian, Xuanming, the essence of the sun and the moon, and the breath of the earth and wood have also been speculated separately.

And according to the oral decision of the "Ci exercise" chapter, you don't need to pay attention to the rest of the summary of the "Ci exercise" chapter, because the main force of the "Ci exercise" chapter is water and fire, and "Qi Refinement" involves water and fire, so Jigui Zhimu, Wuji's Thunder, and Emperor Liupao were unexpected surprises.

However, since there is an emperor today, it is time to do it, Zhou Wenwen thought to himself.

Under the drive of Zhou Tianxingchen's magic sword~lightnovelpub.net~ Diliu, the water of Yijia and the fire of Bingding on the earth and even the solar system, traveled through the stars and entered the earth, and continuously entered Zhou Wenwen's body. Start practicing with the "Exercise Qi" chapter.

"Water moves, fire avoids, fire moves, water produces."

It seems to be the reason for following the "Qi Exercise" chapter. This training went very smoothly, not only broke through the "Qi exercise" period, but also entered the "Qi Refinement" Great Perfection Mirror Realm. , you can break through the "Qi Refinement".

Zhou Wenwen couldn't help being surprised and pleasantly surprised by this result. He couldn't find the reason, so he could only attribute it to Di Liujia for the time being.

The Spear of Cassius is a weapon of Neo-Evangelion, the Spear of the King Killer.

First appeared in Evangelion: Broken.

The third impact was stopped after the sixth unit used the spear of Cassius to pierce the awakened first unit, and then continued the third impact in the fourteen years between the two and the q.


0246 Announcement of the 13th machine