I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: four hundred and ninety four

0217 - Titanium Wing Box

Three seconds later, the ring area disappeared, and when the sky guard was about to fight back, the huge scorpion knocked down the sky guard, pulled it to the ground and fell, bang! boom! boom!

Another expression of the first law of thermodynamics is that perpetual motion machines of the first kind are impossible to create.

Because this is a machine made by many people in fantasy, which can continuously do work without any fuel and power.

It is a machine that can create something out of nothing and provide energy continuously.

Obviously, the first kind of perpetual motion machine violates the law of energy conservation.

But as soon as it landed, the giant scorpion was shot non-stop by the automatic rifles, squad machine guns, and general-purpose machine guns of the American soldiers, which not only seriously hindered the giant scorpion's actions, but also attracted hatred.

Ammonite shell surfaces are sometimes smooth and sometimes have different types of decoration.

Common decorations include growth lines, vertical spiral lines, transverse ribs, tumors, thorns, grooves, ridges, etc. These decorations have many changes due to thickness, strength, density, direction and mutual combination.

In addition, there are different types of color bands on the surface of the shell, but the vast majority of color bands cannot be preserved in fossils.

Ammonites have a capped shell mouth.

There are single **** and single flaps, some double **** and double flaps, and some are fused by double **** to form a closed lid.

Usually the flap is kept separate from the ammonite shell.

Ammonite fossils with mouth lids are very rare.

The systematic classification marks of ammonites include shell shape, convoluted degree, shell surface decoration, body tube position and suture line characteristics, etc.

Among them, the characteristics of the suture thread are of particular importance.

Each suture can be divided into outer suture and inner suture.

The outer suture is a length of suture on the outer surface of the shell and the inner suture is a length of suture on the dorsal surface.

The basic elements of the suture are the leaf and the saddle.

The lobe is the part where the suture curves backward, and the saddle is the part that curves forward.

According to the position of leaf and saddle distribution, they are called ventral leaf or ventral saddle, dorsal leaf or dorsal saddle, lateral leaf or lateral saddle, etc.

A series of folds of sutures that do not fully transform into separate saddles and lobes laterally, called rib lines.

A series of secondary saddles and lobes between the ventral lobe and the first lateral lobes are called occasional saddles and lobes.

There are two ways of hyperplasia of leaves and saddles: ① saddle-cracked type, which is divided by the saddle to form independent leaves and saddles;

Leaf lobes, where the leaves split to produce new leaves and saddles.

According to the morphology of leaves and saddles, ammonite sutures can be classified into 4 basic types.

No rib ammonite type, complete leaves and saddle, few in number, only one wide round leaf on the side, which can be seen in Devonian ammonites.

Prismite type, with complete leaves and saddles, more in number, and sharper leaves, which can be seen in Devonian to Triassic ammonites.

Dental ammonite type, complete saddle, serrated leaves, can be seen in Carboniferous to Triassic ammonites.

Ammonite type, leaves and saddle strongly forked or toothed, can be seen in Permian to Cretaceous ammonites.

The feature of the suture line is the main symbol for the division of orders and suborders, and it is also an important symbol for the division of superfamilies, families, genus, and even species.

The position and direction of carcass and body tube are forward or backward, which is also meaningful at the level of division order and suborder.

Shell surface decoration plays an important role in determining the genus and species, and some families. Shell shape and convoluted degree are the signs of dividing genus and species.


Energy is one of the basic physical properties of matter and a unified measure of matter motion.

But Hela's blessing is too strong, as long as she is in Asgard, she is invincible.

So in the ending, although Thor awakened the power of Thor and resisted Hella's attack, Thor, who lacked weapons, was forced to retreat steadily.

"Pseudo Metal Storm!"

With Zhou Wenwen's roar, his hands were filled with the power of the stars produced by the three white golden pills, and under his control, they waved towards the dizzy from the air.

And with the last word "Storm" uttered, the bullets collected on both hands immediately shot towards the stun with the power of stars at a speed exceeding Mach 9 per second.

The speed of the bullets was as high as Mach 9 or more, so that as soon as Dizzy saw Zhou Wenwen swinging his fist, hundreds of bullets with the power of stars came to Dizzy's eyes, completely pierced its body, armor, and core area, and landed on the ground Turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Seeing that he was so dizzy that he couldn't die anymore, the giant scorpion who was blocked by the U.S. military immediately wanted to run, but before the giant scorpion could move, Zhou Wenwen, who noticed the giant scorpion, had already arrived in front of him, and punched the giant scorpion flying Strange.


The giant scorpion, which was blown away by Juli, landed on a desert, got up and wanted to run, but Zhou Wenwen appeared in front of him again, and the giant scorpion, who felt unable to escape, surrendered and showed a white flag.

Seeing this, Zhou Wenwen wanted to make up one last punch to finish off the giant scorpion, but at this moment, the hunter suddenly shouted, "Keep someone under the punch!"

Seeing that it was what the hunter said, Zhou Wenwen asked, "Why?"

"We need a Decepticon experimental body to test the performance of the newly developed weapon," said the hunter.

Hearing the hunter's words, Zhou Wenwen immediately remembered the plot of the movie. In the movie, it was the body of the giant scorpion that made the U.S. military discover the weakness of the movie version of Transformers, giving the U.S. military the capital to fight against the movie version of Transformers~www .lightnovelpub.net~ Asking the Guardian to take the giant scorpion down, Zhou Wenwen came to the Sky Guardian and asked, "Sky Guardian, how is it?"

At this time, the Sky Guard was welding the cracks on his own shield with electric welding. When he saw the master coming, he stopped immediately and replied, "Report the master, everything is normal."

"I'm asking about your battle," Zhou Wenwen corrected.

"Reporting to the master, the score of this battle is only 61 points, which is barely a pass, but there are many places that should not have been missed, especially the last one," Sky Guardian replied very seriously.

Seeing the seriousness of the sky guards, and thinking of Zhou Wenwen, who had just behaved in the forerunner, he couldn't help but smile and said, "It's okay, the sky guards are like this when they first came."

At this moment, another satellite monitoring the atmosphere set up by the hunter sent a warning.

"Warning, warning, 3 unknown objects are found to be passing through the atmosphere, the target is the owner!"

The warning sound repeated 3 times before stopping, but Zhou Wenwen's smiling face froze at this time, and after half a second, the expression on his face changed to a serious one, and he asked the hunter.

"How is the current situation, do they already know, how is the situation in Iron Man Tony New York?"

Hearing the owner's question, the hunter quickly turned on another workstation, and after completing the login, satellite connection, and security review procedures within 0.1 second, the hunter immediately created a 3D simulation image, according to the data.

"Report to the master, 3 unknown objects have now entered the escape layer from orbit, and the current altitude is 811 kilometers! An average of 1 kilometer per second!"

The escape layer, the outer atmosphere above 500 kilometers, the top of this layer is also the top of the earth's atmosphere.


Chapter 0218 Forecast Emergency Grant