I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: four hundred and ninety one

Chapter 0214 - Gathering Energy Group

The Ruby A-2 laser weapon system can continuously emit high-temperature laser beams at the target, and the power will not decay with the increase of the range.

Yinxing 2 to A1 energy launcher and its system is a more defensive system improved by hunters on the basis of Yinxing 2 energy launch vehicle and its system.

Introducing Star 2 to A1 can launch 6 clusters of energy clusters at a time, and the clustered energy clusters will disperse after being launched, producing an "ionization" effect on the passing area, causing the missile to fail and explode when it passes by.

For gunpowder-driven metal bullets, the energy group can also place it in a weightless environment, so that the metal bullet loses power all of a sudden and can only fall from the air.

At the same time, the unit touched by the energy group will also be damaged by the "ionization" effect.

And if Asgard is in danger, she will also take action.

But Hela didn't care, because she directly chose to resurrect her Death Army, and the story after that was the same as Thor 3, but the ending was a little different.

After Hela resurrected her Legion of Death, she wanted to fight the Asgardian soldiers and gatekeepers right away, just like in the movie.

But the gatekeeper sees this early in the future and hides like in the movie, but he's not hiding underground.

The gatekeeper is hiding in the gap between Asgard and the Nine Realms, which is the route Loki used in Thor 1 Thor 2.

The safe gatekeeper began to design to anger Hela, making Hela lose her mind, fall into madness, unable to think and do things, and increase the probability of the gatekeeper hiding.

Third, the corresponding scientific thinking.

By the 19th century, all three conditions were met.


In addition to the triangle energy launcher, the ruby ​​A-to-2 laser weapon system, the Yingxing 2-to-A1 energy launcher and its system, the Sky Guardian also has the Falling Star 2A1 energy launcher and its system, and the Star Strike 3 energy launcher and its system , Huanxing 2 changed A1 energy defender and its system.

The Star Strike 3 energy launcher and its system are an upgraded version of the Star Strike 2. The beam energy emitted from the launcher will cause secondary damage to the Transformers, that is, the moment it hits the object, the atomic structure of the object will collapse, and It's a shock injury, a shock injury.

However, when the Star Strike 2 confirms that the target is launched, because it uses the energy cluster reaction in the launch vehicle, the Star Strike 2 needs a waiting time of 3 to 6 seconds, which is very inconvenient.

The Star Strike 3 energy launcher uses ammunition to launch, and the energy cluster reaction has been generated in the ammunition, which perfectly solves this problem.

The Falling Star 2A1 energy launcher and its system are greatly improved by Hunter on the basis of Falling Star 1a, because the new Falling Star 1a is named Falling Star 2A1.

Falling Star 1a can emit an energy group limited by the electromagnetic force cage, so that after the object is hit, it loses the magnetic field restraint in a short period of time, and is in a state of weightlessness and suspension, and the duration of the state does not exceed 3 seconds.

Falling Star 2A1 can emit 3 energy clusters restricted by the electromagnetic force cage at a time. When the object is hit by the energy clusters, it loses the magnetic field restraint in a short period of time and is in a state of weightlessness and suspension, and the duration of the state does not exceed 6 seconds.

Huanxing 2 changed to A1 energy defense device and its system. It is an item that hunters have made two improvements on the basis of Huanxing 1b energy defense vehicle and its system. Because it is still in the A test, it is named after the code. Change A1 to 2.

The original Huanxing 1b energy defense vehicle and its system can emit a large energy group 3 meters away from the body. These energy groups will be attracted by the electromagnetic pill and center on the body to form a ring to defend against the enemy's energy attack. , the energy group forms a ring with a duration of 15 seconds.

In the improvement of the Huanxing series by Hunter, it was found that there are many problems in Huanxing 1b, so in Huanxing 2 to A1, it cut off the energy cluster and changed it to eject one-time metal pellets. These metal pellets can release The energy forms a ring to defend against the enemy's energy attack, and the ring lasts for 3 seconds.

Time-limited quest, "Unfinished Horse Power", unfinished, quest rating: B+.

Quest Rewards: 2 C-level quest reward exchange rolls, 15,000 reputation.


Former allies, today's enemies have provoked you, and this provocation has aroused your enthusiasm, quickly organize forces to counterattack before the enemy has gained a firm foothold! And give the enemy a disarm

Mission requirements:

Kill/Capture/Defeat the Decepticon Transformers Stun (0/1)


Be careful with energy weapons.

At this moment, a new task was refreshed on the task bar, only the task evaluation of B+, the task requirements that seemed to be at your fingertips, and the generous task rewards.

Zhou Wenwen, who had not planned to leave, was immediately moved and gave up going back to practice. He went straight to Qatar with Super Eagle and Hunter, and the others acted as ordered.


Time: Time: Tuesday, October 11, 2007 at 18:30.

After using Star Strike 1 to A to shape the two energy clusters into a shield to resist the 2 ion blasts, the Defender then picked up the light mesh shield with his left hand, and then charged towards the stun with a double-pointed spear in his right hand.


Seeing the speed of the Defender ~lightnovelpub.net~ Vertigo couldn't help sneering, and when he raised his right hand to launch an ion bomb, the light mesh shield raised by the Defender suddenly lit up with a fiery flash.

The stunned red-hot sensor was immediately destroyed by the overloaded flash reading, which caused the stun to lose the defender's target in the aiming program.

I can't read the target's dizziness normally, just relying on my senses, I keep firing ion bombs, biu! biu! biu!

The defender at this time is very close to the stun, but this also means that his ion bomb is also very close. The defender can only sigh inwardly. After activating the power switch of the double-pointed spear, he threw it vigorously towards the stun, and then He raised the light mesh shield and stood up, and the ion bombardment has also come to the front.

The two ion bombs were perfectly eaten by the defenders using the light mesh shield, but at the moment when the third ion bomb was in contact with the light mesh shield, the fourth and fifth ion bombs had already arrived at the light mesh. The shield exploded on impact.

boom! boom! boom! ---boom!

Violent ion waves were quickly generated, and the moment the light mesh shield burst, it also rushed the defenders out of dozens of meters, not knowing whether to live or die.

The double-pointed spear that was vigorously thrown by the defenders was blocked by the pet giant zard monster that would be stunned. Jump.

I saw in the next second, two green beams fell from the sky, hitting the dizzy position one after another and making a big hole. I avoided the dizziness for a while and secretly fortunately, another beam shot towards it...


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