I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: four hundred and seventeen

Chapter 0140 Shout out that password!

It just so happened that 96 Tomahawk cruise missiles arrived at this time, so with the sound of explosions, 96 Tokaya cruise missiles hit the Tokaja magic puppet one after another.

Although the high-explosive warhead on each Tokaja cruise missile is not enough to destroy the Tokaja magic puppet, the simultaneous explosion of multiple 96 Tokaja cruise missiles produces the power at this moment, enough to destroy these Tokaja Magic puppet.

Of course, for various reasons, there must be surviving Tokaya magic puppets, and at this time, it was the air defense missile mission that flew by one step later.


On the other side, London sky.


3, 2, 1, 0!

When the countdown reached zero, the arm-wrist beam saber glowed red on time. Like in London before, it devoured Zhou Wenwen, leaving only a few red dots in the air.

The next second, 3000 meters above London.

A beam of red light flashed by, and Zhou Wenwen wearing the overclocking armor appeared in the air and "falls" down, but at this time Zhou Wenwen wearing the overclocking armor did not come down safely. On the contrary, at this time, Zhou Wenwen very dangerous.

Because Zhou Wenwen did not successfully start the overclocking armor and energy system, it is not more accurate to say that Zhou Wenwen did not connect to the electricity to make the energy system and the electricity conversion system work.

Just like in Iron Man 3, Zhou Wenwen and Tony need a portable storage power station like a car to charge the overclocked armor.

And if you want to do this, a new question is in front of you. Zhou Wenwen is in the air, how will he charge the overclocking armor?

But fortunately, before going this time, Zhou Wenwen sent a message to the hunter, asking him to do everything possible to transform the overclocked armor parts in the lead box, which can be controlled from a distance, and combined and deformed, just like steel In Man 3, Tony summons armor to attack the castle.

And now, it's time to give it a try!

Looking at the half-ruined museum on the ground and the Meiying Tokaya magic puppets attacking each other, Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath and let his body feel the wind before shouting the password!

"Overclocking Arms - Double Synchronization!"

With the sound of Zhou Wenwen's voice, the overclocked armor, energy system, and external parts that were turned off on the body suddenly disintegrated with the sound of electric sparks.

When the secret source stone of the energy system was exposed to the air, the modified overclocked armor parts on the ground, as if the shark smelled blood more than ten kilometers away in the sea, flew to Zhou Wenwen under the attraction of the electromagnetic field and began to combine and deform. .

As before, the first component system to complete the combined deformation is still the energy area of ​​the chest.

Under the strong space pressure brought by the electromagnetic field, the original energy system was divided into thousands of pieces 1 square centimeter in size, and even the secret source stone was divided into thousands of pieces.

Because of the problem of the built-in structure of the secret source stone, the secret source stone is directly pressed into powder, inhaled by the core energy switching device, and accumulated in the energy transmission pipeline, and behind the energy transmission pipeline, it is placed in three 3 cubes respectively. In a centimeter-large shielded glass box, they are connected by carbon pipes, which are like circular particle acceleration pipes.

Inside these shielded glass boxes are three 1 cubic centimeters of 6 grams of Originite cubes, and outside the shielded glass boxes and in the core energy switching device, there are also built-in new radiant heat conversion power generation, and installed in The surface radiation conversion power generation on the core energy switching device, the electronic cycle device.

Of course, those zinc radiation shielding plates, lead radiation shielding plates, and bulletproof glass sheets, which are divided by the space pressure brought by the electromagnetic field, are covered on the surface of the core energy switching device, which can not only isolate radiation, but also protect the to the ability to defend against ricochet.

After the combination of energy areas on the chest is deformed, it immediately begins to form full-body armor. A large number of armor pieces are joined, blended, and overlapped to form "armor". After more than ten seconds after the deformation is completed, the armor becomes loose. Wait. power ups.

The energy area and the whole body armor combination are deformed, and the rest is the data system and weapon system, but it is not the same as before.

Previously, there were built-in data, holographic, and artificial systems, so there were many and complex power-on pipes, and one error made all GG. After this integration, the data, holographic, and artificial systems have all been concentrated on both hands, and the power-on pipes can be used in common, no need to supplement. Set up an electrical conduit.

Of course, this is also Zhou Wenwen's ability to do this under the premise of having a micro holographic projector, a neural connection display system data chip, and a data system integrated block.

Yawen Bar

Lastly is the weapon system.

Except for the light cannons, metal spears, and staffs brought by the electronic cycle device, the weapons currently possessed by Zhou Wenwen are:

Plasma arc generator.

Plasma Magnetic Confinement Play.

1 90cm wave plasma beamer.

This machine has a cylinder and a piston, and steam is first introduced into the cylinder when working.

Taking into account that the plasma weapon did not show its due achievements and power in the previous battle, Zhou Wenwen simply put it on the outer hand steel armor as before, but added a power supply pipe.

The outer hand steel armor~lightnovelpub.net~ can also protect the data, holographic and artificial systems on the hand.

Once you've made sure all the combined deformations are done...

After confirming that all the combined transformations were completed, Zhou Wenwen jumped to the ground, and with a loud bang, Zhou Wenwen landed safely, but the three driving scouts who were not prepared on the ground were knocked to the ground by the air wave.

After Zhou Wenwen glanced around quickly, he took a deep breath and shouted, "Overclocking armed, get up!"

I saw that the three probes were pushed by the mechanical gears, popped out at a speed that could not be observed by the naked eye, and stabbed the skin surface. The area, activated the energy system, and a steady stream of current flowed out of the energy system immediately, and then flowed to the whole body of the armor, and the familiar crackling electronic sparks sounded again.

With the sound of sparks, the steel armour piece and the gold-plated tungsten steel alloy diamond armour piece, which are held together by magnetic iron but are loosely closed, immediately become one after being electrified, wrapping Zhou Wenwen up and down, and mutually Bite layer after layer to form armor.

At the same time, the outer steel armor of the hands on the hands, after receiving the electricity from the electrification pipes, is also combined layer by layer, overlapping each other to form the armor layer.

The blue LED lights arranged in rows and rows inside the armor also turned on as soon as the power was turned on, Zhou Wenwen's vision was restored, and a row of numbers appeared in front of Zhou Wenwen.

User: Zhou Wenwen.

Overclocking Armor Stability: 270%.

Overclocking armor peripheral temperature: 15 degrees.

Overclocking armor core temperature: 75 degrees.

Stability decline rate per second: 0.09%.


To be continued, here I ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets.

Chapter 0141 Announcement of Giant Destruction