I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: Four hundred and sixty-nine

Chapter 0192 Gnar

The first time he received the task, Zhou Wenwen called the hunter and asked everyone to go to Manhattan from Detroit, and because Zhou Wenwen's hand was aboveboard, the sensitive Tony also quickly discovered the crisis.

Because Tony did a comparison of Zhou Wenwen's battles, he found that every time Zhou Wenwen played, he would call all of them, so when Zhou Wenwen called someone, Tony knew something was wrong.

But he still decided to go check it out. To this end, Tony asked his butler to transport the Mark 2 to the Stark Building, Tony's temporary installation hall, in a statement that imitated medieval armor collections.

Then Tony took a chance and came to the installation hall in the name of the toilet, activated Mark 2 before 9:10, and returned to the press conference hall.


Location: Manhattan, New York City, Stark Building Press Conference Hall.

Time: Tuesday, October 11, 2007 at 09:15 am.

"So, is your speech ready?" Zhou Wenwen asked curiously, looking at Tony who was thinking about what to wear.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked.

"Don't you want to read a manuscript when you speak," Zhou Wenwen said.

"That thing works occasionally, but certainly not now," Tony replied.

...As time passed, and soon, reporters gathered in the press conference hall, and Tony walked out of the backstage at 9:30 in time.

And Zhou Wenwen is naturally in the background, he hasn't come out yet, because that guy Colson is right in front, greeting Potts.

Like in the movie, Tony appeared with a hamburger, but this time his hand recovered, so Tony carried 6 burger thermos bags himself, and the butler Happy also appeared with a hamburger thermos bag and "divided" the burgers one by one. reporters on site.

It's not so much a "point" as a toss, and those reporters grabbed the hamburger flexibly, but they didn't eat it due to etiquette.

Obadiah Stane also received the burger. Although he was very hungry, he felt that it was not very good, so he suppressed his hunger and waited for Tony's publication.

"Can you all sit down, can you see me when you sit down? I can see you too, so you can mess around a little..."

Tony sat on the marble while talking.

The most typical example is in the process of annihilation of positrons and negative electrons into photons —————

All the inherent energy of positrons and negative electrons, corresponding to the rest mass, is converted into photon energy, that is, electromagnetic radiation energy, and the corresponding mass is the dynamic mass of the photon.

Another example is that in the process of nuclear fission, part of the inherent energy is converted into kinetic energy.

For a composite system composed of multiple components, its integral intrinsic energy or static mass is the sum of the intrinsic energy or static mass of each component and the interaction potential energy.


However, the Silver Glider is rescued by the living planet Ego, helping the Silver Glider fight back.

Over billions of years, Gnar created armies of symbiote dragons and sent them into the universe to wreak havoc.

One of them turned red when mixed with Gnar's blood.

At some point, a red dragon accompanied a black dragon to wreak havoc on the earth.

The black dragon is called Grendel by humans.

It suffered a crushing defeat by the thunderbolt power of Thor, leaving Gnar's consciousness trapped in Grendel.

While the Red Dragon took a feminine form after gaining independence and settled in the swamps and lakes of Denmark, she later became a professional wrestler BigMother in modern times.

Gnar's link with the symbiote army was severed, and the symbiote army began to look for a new host, thus possessing the good alien race.

Kindness infected the army of symbiotes and freed them from Gnar's control. Hundreds of symbiotes rebelled against Gnar on the unnamed planet, and Gnar was imprisoned by the symbiote.

Later, the symbiote group became Klyntar, the so-called symbiote home planet, and Klyntar actually means "prison cell".

At some point after Gnar's captivity, the Silver Glider, an emissary of the Planet Eater, came to Klyntar by accident.

After he discovers that Klyntar is not a real planet and is hostilely attacked by the symbiote, he is taken into the interior of Klyntar and meets Gnar.

But since it was actually the first time he saw Gnar, he didn't know the **** of the symbiote, and he didn't know why the symbiote was afraid of him. The silver glider then escapes from the symbiote's bondage.

Centuries after Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. unearthed Grendel and used his symbiote to create a super-soldier program called "Sym-Soldier".

One of the symbiotes, code-named "Tyrannosaurus", is joined to Rex.

Slowly, Gnar's consciousness began to awaken in these symbiotes, and he tried to exert influence on the symbiotes to drive their hosts mad.

Rex wandered the jungles of Vietnam with other symbiote soldiers, Gnar's consciousness corrupted them, and Tyrannosaurus separated from Rex.

Nick Fury sends Wolverine, to deal with and encounter Rex, the symbiote attacks them.

Tyrannosaurus briefly bonds with Logan and thus breaks free from Gnar's influence.

And it tried to protect Rex from the subsequent explosion, but failed.

After the host dies, the Tyrannosaurus symbiote disguises itself as Rex.

Later, the symbiotes are captured except for Tyrannosaurus, who tries to recruit Venom agents to save his brothers.

But Eugene Thompson's union with Venom is a thing of the past.

Instead, he met Edward Bullock, who became Venom, knocking him out and taking him away.

Tyrannosaurus was disappointed that he could not recruit Eugene Thompson, but decided to negotiate with Edward Bullock.

He passed on information about the Sym-Soldier project to him, begging him to help rescue his compatriots, and in exchange, Hexuan helped him fix the madness of the Venom symbiote.


Location: Manhattan, New York City, Stark Building Press Conference Hall.

Time: Tuesday, October 11, 2007 at 09:29 am.

Before the conference was about to start, Coulson found the opportunity to chat alone with Virginia Pepper Potts ~lightnovelpub.net~ Coulson called, "Miss Potts."

Hearing the voice, Virginia Pepper Potts couldn't help turning her head to look at Coulson, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Coulson said, "Can I have a word with you?"

Pepper Potts heard the words and judged that this guy was a reporter who wanted to dig up Tony's private news from his side.

Pepper Potts, who was determined to refuse, said, "I don't need me at the press conference for the time being, but it will start soon."

Coulson, who heard the meaning of Pepper Poze's words, quickly corrected, "I'm not a reporter, I'm Agent Coulson, representing the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

Coulson said, and handed over the business card.

Hearing Coulson's words, Pepper Potts couldn't help but spit out, "It's really convoluted."


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