I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: four hundred and twenty three

Chapter 0146 How is this possible? !

When they heard Zhou Wenwen's words, several people couldn't help being a little surprised. Under the captain's signal, the owner of the ghost leopard, a night elf hunter, came out and said in Chinese.

"We can speak Chinese, just speak Chinese."

"Why are you attacking me," Zhou Wenwen said.

"We are only defending, and you are the first to attack!"

Facing Zhou Wenwen's questioning, the night elf hunter said confidently, but he didn't know that this was exactly what Zhou Wenwen wanted.

"Oh? Didn't you guys poison it first?" Zhou Wenwen turned on the electronic cycle device that he hadn't activated for a long time while talking.




The next second when the countdown became 0, under Zhou Wenwen's control, the energy of Ashes formed a beam and shot out, accurately annihilating the enemy and destroying the Ghost Leopard at the same time.

But the battle didn't end there. The moment the Ghost Leopard was wiped out, many words suddenly appeared on the ground. These words began to glow in a certain order, and reacted with the air, creating pressure to trap Zhou Wenwen.

Zhou Wenwen, who was trapped by the pressure, was taken aback at first, but after struggling to no avail, Zhou Wenwen could only take out the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Demon Swinging Sword, using the power of the stars to strike the ground.


The violent explosion swallowed everything, and after the smoke dissipated, everything was wiped out, and when Zhou Wenwen woke up and opened his eyes, he found that he...was actually on the plane!

Just when Zhou Wenwen was thinking about why he was on the plane, a sentence of English sounded from the earphones on his ear, and before Zhou Wenwen could understand the translation with his poor English, the subsequent Chinese sound pulled him into reality .

"It's 0:00:01 on Sunday, October 9, 2007, Beijing time. Do you want to turn off the alarm clock?"

How can this be? !

Zhou Wenwen, who couldn't accept it, immediately opened the Daily Store for verification.

Something that shocked Zhou Wenwen happened. The items in the shop every day were the same as what Zhou Wenwen saw last time...except for the sword! .

Heart zone:

"Cultivating Immortals and Building Foundations "Five Elements Forming Alchemy"", price: 1 S-level task reward exchange voucher, unlocked item purchase permission.

Unlocking the item purchase permission of "Cultivating Immortals and Building Foundations "Five Elements of Alchemy" requires a condition: 1000 points of fame.



This book is chapters on Qi-entrainment to foundation-building in the "Five Elements of Alchemy", divided into "Entraining Qi", "Forging Qi", "Refining Qi", "Body Refining", "Refining God", and "Building Foundations" Six articles, each of which is divided into upper, middle and lower articles and abstract, outline, and summary.

The "Five Elements Forming Alchemy" is the basic exercise of the Five Elements Sect of the sect of cultivating immortals, which allows ordinary disciples to introduce the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth into the body, and quickly build a foundation and form alchemy.

But the disadvantage is that if the air-entrainment fails every time, the lifespan of the body will be damaged, and a long-term qi-raising and foundation-building is required.


Introduce gold into water, and fire produces wood, and the earth is the element.

Water acts on it, fire avoids it, fire acts on it, water produces it.

Metal goes with it, earth avoids it, earth goes with it, metal gives birth to it.

Wood travels, fire and water combine, wood avoids branches, metal and soil combine.

It is up, behavior is down, and up and down are combined, which can be called up and up.

Behavior is up, it is down, and up and down is also avoided, it can be down and down.



If there is no better basic method for cultivating immortals, then the "Five Elements Knotting Alchemy" can barely be learned, but remember that every step forward in the practice of this method requires side effects and elixir to increase lifespan, just in case of accidents.


This is the real way of cultivating immortals!

Watching the introduction of the "Five Elements of Alchemy Formation" on the screen, Zhou Wenwen jumped up excitedly again, and this time he bought "The Classic of Five Elements Formation of Alchemy" without hesitation.

However, Zhou Wenwen didn't practice right away, but after saving it, he turned around and looked around, and found the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Demon Swinging Sword.

At the same time, Zhou Wenwen did not forget what happened next, so he notified the Transformers immediately.

"The plan has changed. This is the assembly address, coordinates: X33-29-30, Y72-59-16, all come here," Zhou Wenwen said.

"Okay, master, we're coming right now," the jaguar, puma, jaguar, hunter, forerunner, and stalker who received the order said quickly.

"The location has been changed, and it is expected to arrive in 30 seconds."

Due to channel interference, the fighters, strikers, supporters, destroyers, and Geek spoke a second later, but Zhou Wenwen, who received the news, said that this sentence was a bit cool.

Putting aside the handsomeness in advance, after Zhou Wenwen landed in embarrassment, the destroyer, striker, supporter, and destroyer in the form of a fighter plane in the air, and Geek on the ground in the form of a car appeared in front of him.

Then came the jaguar, puma, jaguar, hunter, forerunner, and stalker.

And the time at this time is 4:20 on Sunday, October 9, 2007.

Since then, some scholars have come to the conclusion that "perpetual motion is impossible to cause" and used it as an important principle in scientific research.

Galileo also applied this principle when demonstrating the law of inertia.


Perhaps the Temple of Doom, who had expected this long ago, came up with three plans.

"The first plan is to revive and repair the "Ancient Obelisk", the deformation stone inside can help the ruler in the battle~lightnovelpub.net~ The second plan is to revive and repair the "Knight Temple" and "Glory" Church", we will do our best to wipe out the ancient gods and evil gods inside."

"The third plan is to break the seal, infiltrate into the plane of the dragonman, and regain the Heavenly Halberd. As long as the records of the Heavenly Halberd are recovered, we will know the whereabouts of "Paradise Mountain" and "Doomsday Ark."

"But in fact, the three plans here can be implemented at the same time." The Doomsday Palace listed the possibility and uncertainty of the plan in great detail, and what Zhou Wenwen valued most was the success rate. In his opinion, the three The success rate of each program is more than 90%.

The only problem is that the death rate is also quite high.

"If everyone has no objection, this meeting decided to implement the second plan first, then the first square, and finally the third plan."

The mortal enemy that he cared about was postponed. Although Long Ya was a little depressed, he still understood, and replied: "I have no objection."

Lihuogong, who failed to realize his own idea, saw that Zhou Wenwen had made up his mind, so he had no choice but to respond: "I have no opinion."

Seeing that none of the sides were satisfied, Tis, who was neutral this time, naturally said with satisfaction, "I have no objection."

Glancing at the time, Zhou Wenwen turned his head and took a deep look at the Decepticons and Autobot Transformers standing in front of him, took a deep breath and said.

"Listen well, turn on the cameras and record them. Because time is tight, I only plan to explain the task once. Do you hear me clearly?!"

Zhou Wenwen repeated the words twice in Chinese and English with great patience, and the Transformers who heard Zhou Wenwen's words immediately responded in mechanically synthesized Chinese, "The master's mission must be completed."


To be continued, please beg for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets here.

Chapter 0147 When the trailer arrives, grab it
