I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: Four hundred fifty-two

Chapter 0175 Infinity Gems Destroyed

And he fell into the earth before the star gate closed, and was rescued by Hulk and survived.

After the Great War in New York, Tony was plagued by double-layered anxiety. He devoted himself crazily to the research and development of the upgraded version of the Iron Man suit and the unmanned AI-controlled army of mechas.

After three consecutive terrorist attacks, Pinny met Harry Keener, a little boy who had a similar experience. After Tony successfully avenged the terrorists, Harry helped him out of the shadow of anxiety.

Later, Tony and Harry explored the truth behind the Mandarin incident together with their friends and lovers and defeated the terrorists behind the scenes. They also took out the remaining shrapnel and reactors in the body through surgery, and threw them into the sea. Determined not to be trapped by the Iron Man suit.

Later, Tony gave Harry a complete set of artificial intelligence equipment, and told Banner what happened.

Just when Tony thought it was over, the attack on Washington broke out, allowing Tony to put on the suit again and continue to act with the other Avengers.

In the base of Stekel, the commander-in-chief of the Hydra Corps, Tony was affected by the ability of the Scarlet Witch, and saw the scene of the Avengers being wiped out, so he came up with the idea of ​​building a machine with stronger defense power to protect the earth. .

Tony told and convinced Banner of his ideas, and the two used the Rocky scepter to create an artificial intelligence machine "Ultra".

Unexpectedly, Ultron believes that if he wants peace, he must eliminate humans and the Avengers, and the crisis of the Ultron Era broke out.

Tony and the Avengers assembled again to fight against Ultron. In the battle, Tony was distracted and controlled his mecha unmanned AI-controlled legion to fight against Ultron's legion, and finally won the victory, preventing Ultron from destroying the earth's human beings. conspiracy.

However, because several actions of the Avengers have brought huge losses to various countries, the United Nations, under the pressure of various countries, issued the Sokovia Agreement.

In the Sokovia Agreement, it is stipulated that the Avengers must accept the management and monitoring of the United Nations.

The Avengers, who were worried about their own personal rights, had disputes over whether to sign the agreement. Although Tony felt guilty for indirectly triggering the Sokovia War because of his research and development of Ultron.

But the failure of the Ultron Legion and the success of his own mecha unmanned AI-controlled legion, as well as everything that happened to him in the past, made Tony realize that they could not accept the signing of the agreement.

So Tony decided to stand on the side of opposing the signing of the agreement, and over time, the differences between Tony and Captain America, who supported the signing of the agreement, became more and more serious, and finally because Helmut Zemo blew up the United Nations conference room. problem, triggering the Avengers' civil war.

After the battle at Leipzig Airport, the army was controlled by the unmanned AI of the mechs. Tony, who was victorious, knew that the Winter Soldier had been framed and Captain America's purpose should be correct, but Tony, who was unwilling to admit defeat, felt very sorry in his heart. .

Tony came to see the failure of the battle, and the heroes who were imprisoned by him supported the signing of the agreement. Later, he learned the location of Captain America and the Winter Soldier from Falcon Sam. He hurriedly took the Thunder Sword and wanted to rush to Siberia and the United States The captain and the Winter Soldier explored the old base of the Hydra organization and thwarted Helmut Zemo's conspiracy.

But just like this, Tony still fell into Zemo's trick with Captain America and the Winter Soldier.

During the conversation, Tony learned the truth that the person who killed his parents was the Winter Soldier, and he fell into madness because of hatred, and started a war with Captain America and the Winter Soldier alone.

In the end, Tony, who was holding the Thunder Sword, was hit by Captain America's shield and failed in the ark reactor, but Captain America's shield, the metal arm of the Winter Soldier, and the life of the Winter Soldier were also seriously injured and needed to sleep for recuperation.

After that, Captain America and Tony broke up completely.

Although after returning from Siberia, Tony received an apology letter from Captain America and a contact phone number.

Although Tony refused to help Secretary of State General Ross to prevent Captain America's escape plan, he has never fully understood why Captain America was changed.

Resting his mind, Tony began to guide Spider-Man Peter Parker step by step to the road of superhero, and began to talk about marriage with Potts.

When Thanos' minions invaded New York, Tony was fighting against the invasion of Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf with Doctor Strange, Wang, and Dr. Banner.

During this period, Tony took out the contact number left by Captain America, but he has been hesitant.

Because he didn't bring the Thunder Sword, Doctor Strange was captured by Ebony Maw, and Tony and Spider-Man rushed into space to rescue him.

Later, Tony, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Mantis, Nebula, and Drax the Destroyer fought against Thanos on Titan, but they were defeated in the end.

Seeing that Tony was about to be killed by Thanos, Doctor Strange handed over the Time Stone.

After Thanos snapped his fingers successfully, only Tony and Nebula survived on Titan, and all superheroes including Spider-Man Peter and others disappeared~lightnovelpub.net~Tony feels guilty for Peter’s disappearance At the same time, the seed of hatred, which had been silent for a long time, once again controlled Tony.

From the beginning of the 18th century to the second half of the 18th century, the steam engine was manufactured, improved and widely used in the British ironmaking industry and textile industry.

As well as the research on heat engine efficiency and friction heat generation in the machine, it has greatly promoted people's understanding of the law of energy conversion.

Thor leaves Asgard after another quarrel with his father, and joins the Avengers in defeating another Loki aggression.

That's when they learned that the X-Men's headquarters had been breached.

Onsught, a spiritual life form that combines the abilities of Professor X and Magneto, appears.

He abducted their child Franklin Richards in the Baxter Building of the Fantastic Four, and captured Professor X, one of the most powerful mutants, and sucked them into his body, preparing to use the combined power to take the world The human beings blend into a unified spiritual body.

When the Avengers confronted Onsught himself, Hulk fought to shatter his armor.

But Onsught's spiritual body is about to spread to the world to kill everyone, and Thor is the first to rush into the spiritual energy.

Most of the heroes of the Fantastic Four and Avengers also entered deathly, forcing Onsught to fuse with their entities, and then the X-Men outside attacked together, blowing Onsught out of sight.

And so the world learned that its greatest heroes were no more.

The comics of the Fantastic Four, Avengers, Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man, which were serialized from the 1960s to the mid-1990s, also temporarily ended.


To be continued, please beg for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets here.

Chapter 0176