I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: one thousand four hundred and forty

Chapter 0440 Tea Team Marcy Don't Use If You Can't Use It

Although the zero-degree overclocking state can still enter the single-minded and three-purpose state, the state is not as good as the overloaded overclocking state.

Not to mention that Zhou Wenwen actually hopes to enter the state of overclocking liberation with a stability of less than 150%.

This is Zhou Wenwen's plan and idea.

Although this plan seemed naive and ridiculous, what could Zhou Wenwen do.

Snart returned to Midtown again and was caught by Santini. Santini threatened Snart, but Snart didn't take it seriously at all. He and his companions subdued everyone on the spot, and they wanted to reconquer Midtown.

And soon, Taner used his metal dragon's second talent, metal perception, to discover a large number of metal objects (barbed wire, steel bars) and non-metal objects.

Tony's eyes widened immediately, watching Zhou Wenwen, his expression turned depressed after a few seconds passed, and he sighed, "Then what should I do, but you're right, I really have to take action."

"Don't try to get in my way!" Boom!

Under the mass bombardment of the energy torrent, Obadias Stan was knocked into the air, and because of losing control, he landed on the road and fell into a big pit.

And Zhou Wenwen can finally breathe a sigh of relief, teleporting to multiple units in a large area is a hard work.

Zhou Wenwen waved his hand, indicating that the Transformers-Shining Star Legion lined up in front of him can start.

An enemy of equal strength and strength, this is a link that Tony must face.

Obviously, the iron tyrant Obadiah Stan, in the case that Zhou Wenwen will not make a move, can perfectly replace Zhou Wenwen's duties.

At the party of Sisko's cousin Danti, Kaitlyn also attended. Danti is a person who is considered the pride of heaven, and mocked Sisko for not being able to find a job on the spot.

And as his voice sounded, the steel armor on the outer hand, which had already been connected to the power supply, immediately activated the small rocket at the bottom to propel after the voiceprint program read the command.

The source code is then transcribed, and arranged according to the chanting released by the fire source, such as several Higgs whistles composed of hundreds of millions of bytes of unknown language algorithms.

Black Dwarf took the opportunity to give up the transforming battle axe, ran towards the battleship, and wanted to start the battleship to leave.

At the same time, Iron Overlord Obadias Stan's strength is not enough to threaten Tony.

But Zhou Wenwen had to prevent Obadiah Stan from stealing his heart.

"It's useless, your energy attacks are infinite to me, only physical attacks are enough, but I'm afraid your strength is simply not comparable to mine."

A huge red alarm sounded from the Avengers cell phones of Zhou Wenwen, Tony, Stephen, Peter, and Wang at the same time.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned on their phones and found that it was Wanda calling for help.

Barry practiced his speed in the laboratory, and he hoped that his speed could allow him to go back in time.

In the end Sam inserted the spark source into Megatron's heart, and the final fragment returned to Optimus Prime, where it was later kept in the basement of the base where the Lair Force was located.

In movie 1, the source of fire produced the race of Transformers, which was later lost in space due to the civil war on Cybertron and fell on the Colorado River on Earth. ....

However, it was too late, Tony had lost his patience, and he easily pushed away the unresponsive Iron Bully.

The Iron Overlord, who lost Tony's support, brought Obadias Stan to the ground and fell into a miserable state.

Feeling Tony, he gritted his teeth and glanced at the progress of cracking the USB drive, which was still at 31%, and entrusted it to Jarvis.

Tony immediately ran to his office. After inserting the card to unlock it, he went straight to the room inside and continued to insert the card to unlock it. A Mark III appeared in front of Tony.

"Come on, my brother is injured, and he has vision, they caught him!"

Zhou Wenwen, who saw the news, changed his expression greatly after learning that the second ammonite-type warship was ascending from Scotland.

At this time, Joe found Barry and asked him why he caught Madden privately. At this time, Barry received a call from Linda,

Immediately rushed to the appointment.

Discovered by seven explorers in 1913, President Hoover built the Hoover Dam around the source of fire in order to protect the source of fire and the nbe-1 Megatron found in the North Pole.

This time because there was no camera, in order to save time, Zhou Wenwen killed him. To put it bluntly, he didn't kill him just because there was a camera. Zhou Wenwen didn't kill him because he was afraid of explaining.

This is why the Transformers produced by the fire source are the cause of the Decepticons, not the Autobots.

In the Proof of the Leader animation, the Spark is just pure energy that exists in the Well of the Spark.

Zhou Wenwen carefully glued the door with chewing gum, switched on the detonator, and the next second after pressing, Zhou Wenwen pulled the claw and flew directly into the sky——boo

4 Under the impact of the explosive explosion, the steel door collapsed, and Zhou Wenwen fell into the 16th floor.

Obadiah Stan entered the control program into the operation of Iron Bully before the arrival of Coulson Science and Engineering, and successfully completed the transformation.

Blue pyroxene energy particles spewed out from the light blade, bound by the runes on the hilt to form a blade, and then swung by Tony, slashed at the left arm of Iron Tyrant~lightnovelpub.net~Linda noticed Barry's recent state is different. She asked him and cared about him. She knew that Barry's favorite was Iris, so she decided to let him go to Iris.

When Sam and Bumblebee were captured by the agents of the Seventh District to the Hoover Dam, he saw the fire source kept in the Hoover Dam for the first time. They also used the energy of the fire source to turn a mobile phone into a robot.

Back to the topic, these fleets are the North Star conventional battleship fleet named after the planets in the solar system. The number of fleet ships is kept below 30, and the displacement of the fleet is below 1.2 million tons.

Megatron forced Sam to hand over the fire source, but Sam insisted not to give it, and Megatron blew Sam off the building.

Tony formed the nano-particles into a beam cannon and fired them cleanly. The beam killed Ebony Maw.

Tony, who got up from the ground, also roared, and the next moment, the two of them both increased their speed and rushed towards each other, and at the same time they showed their weapons and slashed at each other.

But Tony dodged the attack with just a jump, and the weapon Tony showed was the Kalia pyroxene light blade made by Zhou Wenwen.

As soon as the black dwarf raised his head, the rotating and deformable shield fell down again. The terrifying power gap directly knocked the black dwarf into a stunned state.

But it was stolen by a robot composed of small robots released by the Decepticons' war dogs, and used to revive Megatron who was thrown into the sea.

Barry found Iris in the office, while Simon was talking to Iris about Harrison.

Stabbing the last miscellaneous soldier to death with a throwing knife, Zhou Wenwen walked towards the explosion-proof door marked 16 in the movie. Zhou Wenwen pulled out 4, and he was going to imitate Coulson in the movie and explode the door.


Chapter 0441 foretells that if I hold back, I will take the line.

Japan Metropolitan Police Agency's fourth search squad police department....