I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: one thousand four hundred and fourteen

Chapter 0414 you do not understand

At the same time, Zhou also learned that the strength of ghosts is divided into levels.

The third point is armor protection.

In order to protect vital points from being easily damaged by enemy attacks, battleships are generally equipped with heavy armor protection.

Harrison suspects that's what he did.

In Zhou's plan, the reconnaissance aircraft carrier will be equipped with a vertical take-off Transformer, so there is no need to change the deck, and there is no need to remove all the turrets and heavy armor.

And the miraculous thing came, it shattered into six crystals, each of which happened to be the same size and weight, but the shape was different, and the color changed from the colorful before to a single solid color.

After he booked a box and ordered a hamburger for each of his disciples, Zhou put on his glasses and silently waited for the protagonist to arrive.

After confirming the push away, Ebony Maw set his sights on Qi Qi, he wanted a quick victory.

This place was so weird, he felt an inexplicable panic in his heart, and he even wanted to leave the black dwarf and return to the battleship to escape at the speed of light.

The woman immediately said loudly to the school bus.

But this time the school bus door opened, and a dozen teenagers got out.

The waiter immediately said politely, "There is a toilet outside the box on the second floor."

Through research, Barry suspected that the cause of the incident was the sonic technology.

Therefore, the three battleships converted into Aegis air defense ships and amphibious reconnaissance ships also removed their turrets and heavy armor, and did not install missile launchers. The entire fleet is covered with radars and equipped with amphibious landing vehicles.

Back to the topic, these fleets are the North Star conventional battleship fleet named after the planets in the solar system. The number of fleet ships is kept below 30, and the displacement of the fleet is below 1.2 million tons.

"How about it?"

Zhou asked anxiously, the church cemetery is too conspicuous, and people will come here at any time.

It is a pity that no training object can be found for this trick.

Because the time was too long, the ghosts in the metaverse couldn't be replenished, and disappeared into the air. They were dead ghosts in the true sense.

Answer, what Zhou valued was the characteristics of the battleship, such as displacement, main gun caliber, and armor protection, not the battleship itself.

If he valued the battleship itself, he would not choose to build a battleship.

And Joe told Barry that he felt Harrison was hiding something from everyone.

Perhaps because the retreating police almost emptied the building, Zhou only found a bottle of 250ml wine-made disinfectant, a Colt M1911 pistol, a map of New York State and New York City, and a gun. A double-barreled shotgun and 15 rounds of 12-gauge ammunition fixed under the desk in the director's office.

"Hehe, combined into one word? Once you control a law, it means that the power that other people are using is fighting you, and this power cannot be used in the battle, because both sides can use it. .”

The first is Scattering Beans into Soldiers, Hiding Forms, and Turning Turbid Qi into Swords

If Duncan learns that there are good things in the stone tower and spreads them to the outside, so as to get support...

Seeing that he was questioned, the mercenary immediately said, "Go, I'll take you to see that corpse."

Now for the 60 to 90 beans scattered at once on a weekly basis, there will be 12 to 45 divine soldiers possessing them, and the strength of the divine soldiers is stable at the second-level knight who has completed Qi Refining.

First point, displacement.

The second point is the caliber of the main gun.

At this time, a crisis accident occurred in an industrial building, and the glass of the building suddenly shattered. It turned out that Hartley appeared.

Finally, there is the demon body protector. Zhou thought it was summoning the demon at first, but after trying it out next week, he found out that it was attracting energy bodies from outside the sky to generate a force field to protect himself.

In Zhou's plan, since the missile battleship is responsible for the fleet's missile launch mission, it does not need to be equipped with radar, heavy armor, or artillery, which is equivalent to the missile and rocket launcher on land.

The first answer is unnecessary, because the functions are too repetitive. It is better to build a missile launch vehicle and launch a horse supersonic missile.

The second answer is that it can be built, and if the Transformers can't come, the battleship can still be on top.

On the second day, Zhou and Tiss asked for leave to rest and prepared to leave on the morning of the third day.

As I said before, the Misty Swamp on the Yinskander Continent of Seya Star is the most eerie and terrifying magic swamp on the Yinskander Continent.

Zhou Chi looked at the fresh water in front of him, which was sea water before.

The wind in the palm is like thunder, so that one's own palms can be brought together to summon thunder when attacking.

When Barry arrived, he successfully stopped Hartley's destruction and brought him back to the cutting-edge laboratory.

Therefore, the first batch of 8 battleships were launched and entered the dock in a hurry. Transformers were responsible for converting them into 2 guided missile battleships, 2 Aegis air defense ships, 1 amphibious reconnaissance ship, and 3 reconnaissance aircraft carriers.

After the energy input was completed, the stone door of the Star Card Foundry was released, and perhaps because of the protection, the scene inside appeared intact in front of Zhou and Tees, and at the same time, a light curtain projection appeared.

But the task of the master is too important~lightnovelpub.net~that is, to register on the inside.

Tony Stark immediately opened the door and saw the former doctor, beside the doctor, there were several children who looked to be twelve, thirteen, fifteen years old.

Electrons therefore have a magnetic moment, which consists of the electron's orbital magnetic moment and spin magnetic moment.

Because even if the venue is broken, the Avengers still have a favorable location and can set up an ambush.

And what surprised Zhou was that they didn't go to the building in front of them, but wanted to go inside the police station instead.

Hartley claimed to know all of Harrison's secrets.

Firstly, soil restrains water, because when the elements in the soil combine with water, the water can change. In this process, the water will lose units, and the soil will gain water.

As for the Aegis air defense ship and amphibious reconnaissance ship in Zhou's plan, one is equipped with the Aegis system to be responsible for the air defense and missile attack of the fleet, and the other is equipped with an amphibious landing vehicle.

After Stephen became Doctor Strange, Zhou took the members of the Avengers into the New York Temple team building one by one.

Becoming a member of the hidden Avengers, and this is done to prevent the registration of the superhero protocol.

After the man answered, he quickly went upstairs to the stairs. Seeing that there was no one there, he turned around and went to the box, and knocked on Zhou's box.

If there is no gossip in the gossip shield, then it should be.

"You better pack up and get out."

Ebony Throat frowned, looked at the perceived Time Gem wearer Stephen and said, "Gem Guardian?"

Harrison apologized to Hartley, saying the accident that night was not his fault.

Zhou tried it, and his palms did bring electricity, but he would also be affected by the electric shock attack, so this magic body is useless.


Chapter 0415 notice this is the details!