I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: one thousand four hundred and ninety

Chapter 0490

And because of this form, the stalker does not need to use electromagnetic railguns to target the enemy remotely to attack.

The reason why it is weird is because General Dynamics was in December 1992, even though the production prospects of f-16 were still relatively promising.

But General Dynamics still announced that it would sell its f-16 production line to Lockheed in a deal worth $1.525 billion.

Because in this form, the main super hypersonic cruise and horizontal bombing.

Experience: 0/500 points, when the experience slot is full, you can break through and upgrade to level 2.

Skill description: Martial arts learners can increase the damage of attack hits at the cost of consuming stamina.

At this time, Iris came and mentioned again that he wanted to invite Barry to the Flash meeting. roundabout

At this time, Zhou Wenwen seemed to have entered the state of "explosive energy" in Dragon Ball, and his whole body was strengthened. "Punches can break the wind" and "feet can explode the sound" are undoubtedly the best descriptions of Zhou Wenwen at this time.

Starscream, who had lost his kinetic energy, was overjoyed, and immediately seized this opportunity, with the engine fully running, leaped up from the ground, in order to prevent the Super Eagle from continuing to shoot, he caught up with the Super Eagle, and tightly entangled the Super Eagle in the air.

As for the Stalker in the third form, the two 120mm 60-fold extension tube electromagnetic railguns will not be deformed.

And this made the stalker's firepower reach the point of terror, and designed the stalker to have 3 forms.

The Stars and Stripes, who had tasted the sweetness in the process, asked Zhou Wenwen immediately after the battle was over, if they could sell these robots.

The light source will provide heat radiation effect within 6 tiles including the center.

Card Description Remarks: Look, Flares! roundabout

Therefore, from 1993 onwards, the f-16 fighter jet was called Lockheed f-16.

Barry was about to refuse, but Iris took out a flyer of The Flash and handed it to him, and then left.

Zhou Wenwen jumped up on the spot with a move of "Flying Geese on the Landing", tricked Drift and chopped the warrior sword to the ground, and the next second it landed again, he swung the sword's deformed plasma flow towards the warrior sword.

So after the tenth round of the 36mm electromagnetic gun shot flew out of the rail gun's muzzle, the trajectory lines of the remaining electromagnetic gun rounds became distorted, and none of the rounds hit Starscream.

Seeing the stalemate on the field, Zhou Wenwen came out to resolve the situation. Of course, he also felt very bad.

Zhou Wenwen's words, like a depth bomb, exploded a huge wave in the stagnant water.

"Super sensitive", skill level: level 1, price: 1000 challenge points. roundabout

Experience: 0/100 points, need 1 skill point to break through to level 2.

Also because of the larger rocket, the 105mm rocket can use 3 cores at a time to attack the enemy, achieving both fire and ice.

At the same time, it is equipped with 3 105mm rockets with different cores. Its attack and power, if it is an unguarded Transformer, will also be damaged.

Holding the poster, Barry thought of the Singularity War in the past and the friends who died for it.

As if seeing the blazing hope in Drift's heart, Starscream said with a smirk, and the Autobot Drift who heard what Starscream said, his brain suddenly became hot, and he said without thinking.

At this time, having already recognized the drifting identity of these Decepticons and Transformers, he couldn't help shouting, "Why did you, Starscream, leave Cybertron and come to Earth!"

Skill Description: Passive. When there is movement within 3 meters, even if the unit is in an invisible state, it will be triggered forcibly. The cooling time is 18 seconds. roundabout

Effect: After the skill is triggered, gain the status of "cautious" for 6 seconds.

There is a skydiving hatch on both sides of the rear fuselage of the C-17, and there are two water landing emergency exits on the top of the tail fuselage and the top of the fuselage in front of the wings.

4 Puhui f117-pw-100 non-afterburning turbofan engines can provide c-17 with a thrust of 4x17418 kg (170.69kn).

The honeycomb 3 system rocket platform is equipped with greater power and more capacity. The caliber of the rocket has reached 105 mm, and the number of honeycombs is 9 by 9.

These nine 105mm rockets, in addition to using high-energy explosives, high-explosive chemical cores or low-temperature gas cores, and electromagnetic interference cores on the warhead.

Although it is a past event, it is still vivid in Barry's mind.

Zhou Wenwen had no choice but to press the button on the armor in his left hand to take over the αβ system, select 201 degrees αβ energy and 75a current, and quickly guide it into the acceleration tube to circulate. roundabout

Just when Starscream's giant sword was about to fall, Super Eagle yelled suddenly, and hearing the drift referred to in the words, Starscream panicked, stopped holding the giant sword, and turned to look towards Drift .

Yinxing 2nd generation energy launch vehicle, it can let the hunter's hands launch two scattered energy clusters.

After the energy cluster is launched, it will produce an "ionization" effect on the passing area, and the ionization will cause the missile to fail and explode when it passes by.

After Zhou Wen bought "Super Sensitive", he immediately found something to try, and discovered the mystery of it.

It can be said that with this skill, no sixth child can sneak attack Zhou Wen, those zombies want to sneak attack Zhou Wen, don't even think about it.

Overall length: 9 meters, barrel length 7.2 meters, deformable modified length: 6 meters.

Caliber: 120 mm, shell initial velocity: 8700 meters, 3-second velocity after launch: 4440 meters, 10-second velocity after launch: 630 meters. roundabout

Barry stood quietly, wrinkling the poster in his hand.

To Drift's surprise, as soon as he entered the earth, he felt the energy fluctuation of the fire source (generated by Zhou Wenwen's activation of Gek), so he immediately changed his orbit and changed his landing location from New York to here.

"If the Transformers of the Autobots/Autobots and the Transformers of the Decepticons/Deceptics fight to the death for hatred, it's fine, but if they fight to the death for the source of fire and the energy column, then the Transformers , what's the point of living?"

The energy weapons on the stalker include Ruby 2, Lead Star 2, and Star Strike 2 systems.

The Ruby 2 laser weapon system is mounted on the left and right arms of the stalker. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

When the physical strength is restored to less than half, the recovery speed is 1 point per second.

Skill Remarks: Only one body can live forever. roundabout

Types of shells: carbon tungsten high-explosive shells/tungsten core armor-piercing shells/high-temperature chemical bombs/low-temperature chemical bombs/biological rust acid bombs/electromagnetic interference bombs.

In addition to being equipped with two 120mm 60-fold extension tube electromagnetic railguns, the Stalker is also equipped with the following weapons:

Among the Autobots who set off with Optimus Prime, except for Big Huang Feng, Iron Skin, and Jazz, almost no one could stop these Decepticons, which made Drift worry about the safety of the ambulance.

But when Starscream opened his eyes to look at Drift, he found that Drift was still lying down. Seeing this, Starscream couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, wondering if Drift was lying down, Super Eagle, what's your name.


Chapter 0491: Forecast of the most important interstellar cool