I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: one thousand four hundred ninety-three

Chapter 0493 Brother Sun, don't cry, it's all Huang's problem

At the same time, when the cluster-shaped energy group is dealing with Transformers, the Transformers who are hit will also feel very uncomfortable.

Forced to call off his wedding to Elisabeth Yin because of Jack's affairs, and finds them caught up in the pirate captain's bad luck.

The cannon of the fighter-bomber, this part is responsible for fighting in the air.

He took off the hood voluntarily, and Joe was surprised to find that he was exactly the same as the dead welder of the nuclear power plant.

When he realized that he was drifting under human attack, he no longer cared about the instructions of Leader Optimus Prime to himself. With a roar, he quickly pulled out his samurai sword and slashed at Zhou Wenwen who was in the air.

At the same time, the diameter is 9.1 meters, the thickness is 1.8 meters, and the radome is supported by two pillars at a height of 3.3 meters from the fuselage. The radar antenna system inside enables the e-3a "Watchtower" early warning aircraft to provide information on the atmosphere, ground and water. Radar surveillance capabilities.

The cabin of the bomber, this part is responsible for the horizontal bombing in the air.

At the same time, the ruthless pirate hunter Bei Kete was dispatched by the company and was looking for the magical "Death's Coffin".

Card description: Shake it for 1.2 seconds before using it. If the built-in magic power of the card is not enough to consume, it cannot be used.

Effect: Consume 3 points of magic power or 3 points of magic power stored in the card to create a light source with a target volume of 3 blocks.

Yinxing 2 energy launch vehicle and its system can launch two scattered energy clusters.

After the energy cluster is launched, it will produce an "ionization" effect on the passing area, causing the missile to fail and explode when it passes by.

Seeing that his appearance was exposed, the man in black didn't want to entangle any longer, and left directly.

Zhou Wenwen told Super Eagle, "Super Eagle, go and drag Drift far away until he wakes up or where the Star Army can't reach. If Drift wakes up, tell him that we are not your enemy." , not to mention the enemy of the Autobots."

Accompanied by Starscream's voice, dozens of Transformers with the Decepticon pattern on their bodies appeared behind Starscream, the hideous troops and shock waves appearing among them made Drift even more ugly, although the Transformers There was no expression on his face.

Skill Description: Passive, it can only be triggered when it is judged to be a [biological] attack, no cooling time.

Effect: After triggering, the virus damage caused by any [biological] attack will be changed to a healing effect, but the virus level will increase by 2 levels, at least level D.

In the previous episode, the dreaded Black Pearl curse had been lifted, but Captain Jack didn't realize that there was an even more terrible curse that had befallen him and his rough crew.

The Striker, like the Striker, is equipped with cold weapons, but it is a transformation machine sword attack without special effects. Fortunately, there are more things that can be transformed than the original version.

They are crossbows, halberds, javelins, double-headed spears, broadswords, and bucklers.

Joe and Cisco returned to the police station, and Joe asked Cisco why he reacted so abnormally.

In fact, the real situation is that when a fire broke out in the underground passage connecting the other Hydra defense buildings and the sub-base, all the Hydras in the sub-base ran to put out the fire.

The experienced Stars and Stripes immediately understood (misunderstood) Zhou Wenwen's "words" and said that his country is very open, and we support your attitude very much, so we immediately started cooperation with Zhou Wenwen.

4: Self-becoming god, skill level: level 1, experience: 1000000/10 points, need 1 skill point to break through and upgrade.

Skill Description: Passive, it can only be triggered when it is judged to be an attack of [language], and has no cooling time.

They have to face huge and mysterious sea monsters, unfriendly island natives, the gorgeously dressed fortune teller Delmar, and even meet Will's long-lost father Bill.

At the same time, the units touched by the energy cluster will also be damaged by the "ionization" effect.

In addition to the three Honeycomb 3 system rocket platforms and two missile launch vehicle points mounted under the striker's left and right wings.

Cisco was about to answer when Iris came and told The Flash that the machines in the hospital near the Commendation Conference had malfunctioned.

Drift lying on the ground, the moment he saw the white light beam piercing his weapon, he thought he would die, but he didn't expect a shield and a Transformer to fall from the sky.

2 f-15cmsip fighter jets, 2 e-3a "Watchtower" early warning aircraft, and 3 Boeing c-17 Globemaster III were bought, but the new stealth coating technology needs Boeing to crack it by itself.

Only the purification effect above d and d+ level can remove the virus.

Skill Remarks: Only one body can live forever.

According to the legend, once you have it, you can control Davy Jones at will. Bakert hopes to use this evil power to eliminate all pirates in the Caribbean and make businessmen and colonialists real wealth plunderers.

Although supporters also belong to the Decepticon attack and support type, they are different from fighters and strikers who focus on attacking. Supporters pay more attention to "support".

Of course, there is an ALS advanced series of M1 main battle tanks as one of the supporters of the carrier, and it is also a three-change fighter.

Cisco seemed to think of something, saying that he was going to check things.

As the saying goes, intelligence is the key to a war. At that time, under the invasion of hunters, all the information of the Stars and Stripes was shown to Zhou Wenwen, and under Zhou Wenwen's selective disclosure, the two sides reconciled. .

When the C-17 cargo door is closed, the door can bear a load of 18,150 kilograms, which is almost the loading capacity of the entire C-130, while the door of a general transport aircraft can usually only stack light cargo.

5: One body symbiosis, skill level: level 1, experience: 1000000000/1 point, 1 skill point is required to break through and upgrade~lightnovelpub.net~ This spell comes from the ruler of Thebes Sea, the legendary Davy Jones, he drives the dreaded "Flying Dutchman" clipper, in terms of speed and equipment, no ship can surpass it.

Skill description: The skill is ready for 0.01 seconds, and when the remaining stamina is not enough to consume, the skill will be terminated immediately, and the remaining stamina will exceed 12 points before entering the 6-second cooling time.

Iris thinks that Barry can no longer always act alone, and Joe says he has nothing to do with him.

After six S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stunned six Hydra soldiers who were similar in shape to them by means of a sneak attack, the six S.H.I.E.L.D. Snake soldiers mixed in with the crowd, and after the building's load-bearing block was blown up with explosives and collapsed, six S.H.I.E.L.D. agents took advantage of the chaos to escape quickly through the exit.

Therefore, after representatives from Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Grumman tentatively proposed the price of half an aircraft, Lyinmetall, General Dynamics, etc. all raised very high prices, and the price of General Dynamics was the most strange.


Chapter 0494 notice disrupts the morale of the army, kill