I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: One thousand three hundred and forty-fiv

Chapter 0345 New Timeline

Brand recruits Jessica Drew to join the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

On Jessica's first mission, Brand sends her to Madripoor while giving her an alien probe to deal with the fleeing Skrulls.

Later, Brand has been helping Cyclops' X-Men as an ally. M..

During the battle between the Avengers and the X-Men, Brand previously chose to help the X-Men, but later used the Beast to help the Avengers.

After the war, she pretended to help the Avengers, and S.H.I.E.L.D. to track down Cyclops and Magneto's team.

In fact, she's been helping Cyclops and Magneto's teams.

Make sure Magneto knows if someone is coming for them.

She also reveals to Magneto that she is also a mutant and is pregnant with The Beast's child.

To help Cyclops and them, I hope that Cyclops can help her and her children to build a world that allows them to survive.

Shortly thereafter, Brand was commissioned by the Horde to help him fight a monster that had faded from his mind.

But in the middle of the battle, Abigail Brand was incinerated right before their eyes, and the beast was horrified.

Horde later resurrected her and others who died in the battle at the cost of their own lives.

When Thanos invaded Earth, the Heavenly Sword Bureau was occupied.

Brand was taken hostage and in desperation turned to the Guardians of the Galaxy for help.

Rocket, Star-Lord, and Gamora then help Brand liberate the space station from the invaders and restore vital defenses.

When Team Alpha became Earth's first line of defense, Brand also became the team's lieutenant commander, reporting directly to Carol Danvers.

Although Brand hated Carol, she declined the role of Commander.

Despite a rocky start, Brand stayed by Carroll's side in team building all the way to Civil War II.

After Zhou Wenwen rescued Yuna and Skye, considering the relationship between the two, he did not separate the two and asked them to transfer to this world to study. After reading the book, it is the timeline of Avengers 2.

To this, Zhou Wenwen's answer was very simple, "I'm not free, then you capture them alive, and then torture them to death, anyway, they have...abandoned human beings!"

But this is not over yet, Zhou Wenwen stretched out his right hand again, picked up the electronic cycle conversion device, and prepared to install it on the ring glass.

Mephisto clearly knew that once the World Stone was damaged or something unexpected happened, this group of seemingly weak, stupid, and pitiful humans would probably awaken to become a powerful nation that would shake both heaven and hell.

The Super Eagles, Forerunners, and Hunters who heard Zhou Wenwen's words all had different expressions.

There was a flash of surprise in the super eagle's eyes, and then returned to normal. The forerunner had a flash of surprise in the eyes, and frowned for a few minutes before returning to normal.

And if pumas, jaguars, and jaguars don't understand the meaning and always obey orders, while super eagles and forerunners are normal people who can think, then hunters are a bit different.

Heaven reacted quickly, because destroying the demon kings of **** would only destroy their bodies, and when their souls reshape a body in the Chaos Realm, they will immediately make a comeback.

The seventh and largest piece was implanted into the body of the new generation leader Sakoku, making him the body of Mephisto in the human world.

Now, Zhou Wenwen doesn't need to worry about it anymore, Zhou Wenwen will be done with the charge.

The electronic cycle conversion device is completed, and the rest is the plasma arc generator and the accessory ion magnetic confinement ring.

Therefore, the Angel Council activated the Soul Stone and handed over three Soul Stones to the Horadrim Council.

So this also gave birth to the rise of dry cleaners and gold shops.

Long story short, back to the original topic, and looking down, Zhou Wenwen found that if this group of people succeeds, it is really possible that Du Bandit asked the governor to fight against the tax inspection. I believe it will be a good show by then It's about to happen.

Having said that, Zhou Wenwen would not give up the task to watch a play, and even if he did not receive the task, Zhou Wenwen would not ignore it, except that the victims were two underage children.

The Three Demons were quickly besieged by the Horadrim Church, who destroyed the weakened body of the Lord of Hatred in Sanctuary and imprisoned his soul in the Soul Stone, preventing him from gathering strength again.

However, for Bandit Du, the Stars and Stripes who are in charge of tax inspections are often more important than Chadu's threat, although this is a rumor.

Because the real situation is that the investigation and Du Bureau often only suspects but does not take action, so they usually ambush the transaction site.

In the absence of evidence, the Du Du Bureau had no choice but to ask a fellow tax inspector to come forward to see where his money came from.

Mephisto was the first of the three demon gods to be imprisoned, and he was imprisoned in the guard tower of the Temple of Travenkel near the town of Kurast.

Electronic cycle switching device, AEES0.1-.

?Ash energy emission system, full name: αβ electron absorption cycle conversion emission?Ash energy system.

The AEES system can absorb 0.001 degrees of αβ energy and 1A current in energy per second, and convert it into 1L? Ash energy, the maximum output ~lightnovelpub.net~ But whether it is Heaven or Horadrim, they underestimated the three demon gods strength.

Glancing at Bandit Du, and then scanning the surroundings again, Zhou Wenwen, who had no interest in this matter, said indifferently.

(These absorbed αβ energy and current will enter the acceleration field along the diversion, and after circulating for 1 week (168 seconds), the mixture will become 1L? Ash energy, and then enter the acceleration transmitter to emit.

And? The unit of ember energy is LL, KL, ML, among which 1000LL=1KL, 1000KL=1ML. )

Many years have passed, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in the history of mankind. The Horadrim has declined, and the new Zakarum church has replaced it to guard and seal Mephisto's prison. The concept of evil does not have much vigilance.

But it didn't take long before Diablo gradually occupied Aidan's mind and body, turning into a dark wanderer, and then Diablo rescued Baal, and the two demon gods came to Kurast together to liberate their Brother Mephisto, the three demon gods reunited once again and made a plan to conquer Sanctuary.

Obviously, the hunter has given the answer.

"I leave the rest to you. I want you to let them tell everything they know. If there is a mistake, you will go to the funeral together."

Mephisto saw the moment, and with his thoughts controlling the souls of the temple monks who oversee it, Mephisto began to spread his evil throughout all classes of Zakarum.

The greater the current passing through the human body, the stronger the physiological reaction of the human body, the more serious the pathological state, and the shorter the fatal time.

And it is known that 1KA=1000A, 1A=1000A...


Chapter 0346 10 minutes notice to solve the breakfast