I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: one thousand three ninety-eight

Chapter 0398

"This is?"

Joe showed Barry the list of previous crimes, and Barry recognized the criminal, and his name was Leonardo.

"It's useless. Your energy attacks are infinite to me, and only physical attacks can do it. But I'm afraid your strength is no match for mine."

What really exists in the space around the poles is not lines of force, but a field, which we call a magnetic field.

"Hello, respected master, this year's master of the gods."

"Immortals are people who have special abilities and can live forever. Immortals are different from gods who have innate existence. Immortals can only be formed through acquired cultivation."

"What's the matter?" Zhou looked at Tees in puzzlement.

The first is the first ability of the star card foundry, casting cards.

Felicity, a friend of Barry Star City, came to Midtown to look for Barry. Felicity is a very beautiful girl. Similarly, her identity is as extraordinary as her knowledge.

But he didn't expect that a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Later, he was thrown into the air, and then landed hard, causing internal injuries, and this was the famous earth throwing stunt.

The next moment, a blue-white space vortex appeared in front of Zhou's eyes and on the field at the same time.

Magnetic and electrical phenomena are intrinsically linked.

"For, Zhou, do you want to become a god?"

It was the first time that Zhou felt confused about this familiar word that kept repeating in his mouth.

Of course, the high price of battleships is also a big reason.

She's been working with Arrow, like Kaitlyn with Barry. Felicity said she was very worried about Barry.

And you see, even Ultron has fallen into the hands of Tony and Peter Avengers, how can they be afraid of these robots.

"Hi, little bug, how are you doing recently?"

The magnetism of matter is closely related to the motion structure of electrons.

"Everything here is controlled by me, so I can have anything, but when I go out, I can't."

During this period, Tony took out the contact number left by the captain, but he has been hesitant.

As long as you think about it, you will know that as long as Obadiah gives the position to the Ten Rings Gang and let them ambush in the place where the convoy passes, killing Tony can be said to be easy.

Since she knew that Barry was struck by lightning, and she heard Barry's conversation with Green Arrow in Star City that day, she decided to come to Midtown to visit Barry.

Realizing this, Zhou and Tisi, ignoring the risk of being suspected and followed, took dry food and weapons and rushed to the stone tower.

Eddie repeatedly asked Joe what he was hiding from him, but Joe told Eddie about superpowers, but he didn't tell Barry's true identity.

Seeing that the black dwarf was captured, the Ebony Throat made no sound, and Proxima Centauri and Supergiant yelled that something was wrong, they knew that the leader of the army was dead.

Now even if the task is over and 5 gems are obtained, the owner will still be unhappy.

Barry apologized to Joe for what he said impulsively today.

And the most important thing is their safety now.

And Joe showed his true feelings. The two are as close as father and son.

The three major associations sent spellcasters to the Misty Swamp to gain benefits.

"What's the matter, isn't this the footprint of the murderer, what's the fuss about?"

Barry took Felicity to the cutting-edge scientific research laboratory. It is amazing that Dr. Harrison knew Felicity a long time ago.

After Doctor Strange was captured by Ebony Maw, Tony and Spider-Man ventured into space to rescue him. Spider-Man cleverly solved Ebony Maw, and Tony proposed to kill the enemy's hometown.

Green Arrow got the name of the red-eyed man, but Joe didn't appreciate it.

In the timeline before us, everything is different.

Ronnie warns Kaitlyn not to look for him again.

Like the fog on the earth, there are many classification methods for the fog in the Misty Swamp, and they are classified according to the color and thickness of the fog. The shell body can be divided into two types: elemental fog and energy fog.

At this time, the Flash arrived, and although he saved Joe from danger, he was completely controlled by Huang Yingren and allowed him to beat him.

In order to commemorate the anthropologist Sogram, the major human city-states agreed that the year after Sogram's death would be the 00th year of the city-state calendar, which is called the first year of the city-state calendar.

They think that the battleship is a high-tonnage naval combat ship with large-caliber artillery attack and heavy armor protection.

Before that, before the city-state calendar, the history stored in the book was divided into 30005000 years

The Southern Star Battleship Fleet Combat Group named after the planets in the Milky Way keeps the number of ships in the fleet below 40, and the total displacement of the fleet is below 2.4 million tons.

Although the number of human explorers who broke into the Misty Swamp dropped sharply, they brought back batches of precious objects, and at the same time encouraged more human city-states to send explorer teams to the Misty Swamp. Golden Journey".

Ronnie warns Kaitlyn not to look for him again.

So the question is, what is the role of the battleship?

Joe and Eddie stayed at the bank just to catch Leonardo~lightnovelpub.net~ Obviously, during the conversation between the two, Joe was still very dissatisfied with the relationship between Eddie and Iris, and Eddie also powerless.

But there are still at least 100,000 mercenaries floating in various city-states.

To sum up, whether it is Changshengdan, Feijian, or a watch, they are all very good, but there is one problem.

That is force!

As much as he wanted to deal with Tony immediately, he was now **** one by one by the gem guardian Stephen.

In order to lead the mercenaries, it was decided to compete with the city-state for the explorer market, and the boss of the city-state continued. In short, in order to prove its strength, the mercenary association was divided into two factions, and a battle between mercenaries started.

Zhou suddenly noticed something, and hurriedly yelled, Tis walked over, but saw that there was only a row of footprints, so he said disapprovingly.

"What's the matter, isn't this the footprint of the murderer, what's the fuss about?"

Although this battle only belonged to mercenaries, outside of the battle, both the city-state and the caravan were attacked by mercenaries, and they suffered heavy losses.

Seeing that his companion was killed like this, the black man behind was frightened, gave up the attack, ran out of the building, and wanted to call everyone back to the school bus.

Seeing the enemy fleeing, the Reaper prepared to follow instinct and wanted to vibrate its wings at high speed to pursue, but its body did not move, and it stagnated in its original position.

The zombies infected with R virus and G virus in the early stage and the zombies infected with R virus and G virus in the later stage are not the same virus at all, and they cannot even be said to be the same species, kingdom, or genus.

The city-states were forced to reduce the number of explorers sent to the Misty Swamp, and the size of the explorer team was reduced. It was worth fighting. Because of the signing of the Namele peace agreement, mercenaries could no longer attack city-states and caravans.


Chapter 0399