I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: three hundred and fifty four

Chapter 085

And Tony's old reactor, the shield that sank underwater with the US team, these are all unique things, especially the old-fashioned reactor.

Zhou Wenwen was given 30,000 points of energy. Although the reactor developed by Obadias Stan did not give much energy, it still had 15,000 points.

Zhou Wenwen estimated that the six major gems of Marvel, such as the Rubik's Cube, are naturally unique.

So the question is, what can this 45,000 energy be used for?

With this question in mind, Zhou Wenwen returned to the Yuan Realm and held a meeting in the Star Palace. The Doomsday Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Longya all came, and Tis was guarding the portal.

Tis, he has no desires or desires now, because the star field he represents has no combat effectiveness before the star field is found, so it cannot be regarded as strength at all.

The energy invested is all equal to the bamboo blue fetching water, all in vain.

Fortunately, the Star Palace has its own energy furnace, which can absorb and supply energy. In addition to its own maintenance, it can also spare 300 points of energy for the Doom Palace to build knights.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Zhou Wenwen pretended to hold up the white paper, and wrote while talking.

"Ahem, the first star palace meeting has begun. The first topic of this meeting is to discuss which building to resurrect and repair, and at the same time decide on the second resurrection and repair building."

"The second theme is about the strategy exploration of the Dragonman plane."

"The third theme is to establish a normalized army, which will be used alone to protect the Metaverse, or to attack the enemy's world."

"Participants in this meeting are:

———Star Domain - "Star Palace". (The home team will not publish)

———Immortal Realm-"Li Huo Palace".

———God's Domain - "Paradise Mountain" - "Palace of Doom".

——Shenyu-"Dragon City"-"Dragon Cliff".

I would like to thank the recorder of this meeting, "Tis", and the recorder of this meeting, "Zhou Wenwen". "

Having said so much in one breath, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but slow down, stopped his mouth and turned his pen for a while, then took a deep breath, and continued writing while talking.

"There are no major requests for resurrection and building repairs at this meeting, but there are still small requests."

Speaking of this, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but glanced at Tis, thinking that when his magic mastered, he must educate Tis well to avenge his past.

"The first point is that if the building does not have the function of producing troops, it must have a powerful thug like the Star Palace, although I guess it will be difficult."

"Because with the passage of time and the passage of time, it is difficult for those thugs to survive or resume operations without support."

"Second point, if the building does not provide the function of resources, it must have the function of providing energy. I believe that everyone now has the dilemma of lack of energy."

"I know that everyone wants to use one point of energy in their hands and divide it into two points, but there is no way to turn it off. Now is a difficult time, and everyone needs to be patient."

"The third point, I believe that even if you don't have it, you don't want it. The resurrected and repaired buildings must have a loyalty certificate, and there must be no record of betrayal."

Gu Yu

"Now, if there is no objection, let's start the meeting," Zhou Wenwen said, looking at the paper that was almost full.

The confirmation of the first law and the second law of thermodynamics made a scientific final conclusion on the impossibility of realizing the two types of "perpetual motion machines", and formally formed the macroscopic theoretical thermodynamics of thermal phenomena.

At the same time, in the process of applying thermodynamic theory to study the properties of matter, the mathematical theory of thermodynamics has also been developed, the corresponding thermodynamic functions reflecting various properties of matter have been found, and the laws that matter follows in terms of phase transition, chemical reaction and solution characteristics have been studied. Various laws.

In 1906, W. Nernst of Germany discovered the heat theorem in the observation of low temperature phenomena and chemical reactions.

In 1912, this theorem was revised into the expression form of the third law of thermodynamics.


Lihuo Palace was the first to speak, "Since the ruler has a strong force, why not organize a large army to go on an expedition against Duobao Pagoda, take back Penglai Pond, and rebuild the Immortal Territory."

Speaking of the battle video of the "soldier" in Penglai Pond projected from the Palace of Lihuo, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help cheering when he saw the soldier fighting like a fairy.

"Okay, okay, okay! By the way, where is Duobao Pagoda?"

Hearing the word Duobao Pagoda, Tice's face turned black, and he immediately retorted, "The Duobao Pagoda, the Lord of the Gods from Arreat, has become stronger and stronger after several battles."

"According to our current strength, going is death!"

"Hehe, it's not that you didn't take back Penglai Pond, but also let the enemy lure Penglai Pond to rebel, and created hundreds of Daluo Jinxians to help Duobao Pagoda!"

Tis's words not only did not satisfy Li Huo Gong, but also made Li Huo Gong reprimand him.

As the third party on the field, Long Ya, who was also an ally of "Candle Dragon Pond" who fought that time and served with Qi in the later battles, saw Zhou Wenwen's puzzled face, so he explained to him.

"Although the Lord of the Gods from Arreat saved the Metaverse from the crisis, the gods he represents have seriously affected the Metaverse and the continent of Arreat."

"I don't know the details, all I know is that after the Lord of the Gods disappeared and the new Lord of the Gods took over, the Arreat Continent broke out since the ancient and ancient times, the largest battle of gods in history, Countless lives were blown to ashes, and the Lord of the Gods and his power God Realm suffered heavy losses."

"Under such circumstances, the new Lord of the Gods entered the Yuan Realm, took advantage of the vacancy of the Ruler of the Yuan Realm, borrowed the power of the old Lord of the Gods, sat on the Ruler, and used the power of the Ruler to make the Yuan Realm enter the continent of Arreat to participate in the battle of gods."

"As for the performance of God's Realm in the western continent of Arretes, you can ask the Temple of Doom in detail, Master, maybe you will have more knowledge."

Saying that, Long Ya glanced at the Doomsday Hall who was silently pretending to be stupid at the moment, and continued.

"And in the battle of gods, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "Candle Dragon Pond" and the fairyland they represent, when they participated in the battle of gods in the eastern continent of Arreat and the subcontinent of Arreat, they discovered the long-lost Traces of Penglai Pond, one of the components of Sanfang Island."

"Xianyu believes that according to this trail, you can find Penglai Pond, and if you find Penglai Pond, you can find one of the Sanfang Islands, and if there is one, there will be two, and there will be three. Once Sanfang Island returns, the combat power of Xianyu will increase significantly. "

"For this reason, the Immortal Territory set up a world-wide net, and searched for Penglai Pond everywhere, and finally found Penglai Pond in the Arreat subcontinent, but also found a different kind of **** in Duobao Pagoda, and a battle between gods and immortals broke out."

From 1850 to 1854, Clausius proposed and developed entropy according to Carnot's theorem.

For the unit homogeneous system not affected by the external field and in the equilibrium state, only three state parameters are needed to describe and determine the state of the system.


To be continued, please beg for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets here.

Chapter 086 Foretelling the Battle of the Gods and Immortals