I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: three hundred and fifty-seven

Chapter 88

"You may regret it in many years, but now congratulate, blow, cry!"

Although it was a little embarrassing to talk to himself in front of the unmanned camera, Zhou Wenwen, who was in an overclocked state, slowed down.

Facts have proved that everyone in life has the potential to be an actor.

After quickly finding the feeling, Zhou Wenwen read the lines vividly.

But the lines were too long, Zhou Wenwen took a short rest, glanced at the DOA-osplitude on the watch, it started to rise from 0.2% to 0.3%, and changed to the decimal point range, Zhou Wenwen continued.

"And I am the overclocking warrior Skywalker, the ancient guardian of mankind. Although I have assumed the responsibility of protecting mankind, I will also fight back against the mankind who challenged me!"

"Because of my existence, it has nothing to do with the national camp."

"And for thousands of years, I have been asleep, and in the middle of the last century, you opened Pandora's box, released the devil, and woke me up, but because of my identity, I couldn't take action against humans first."

"But now, my chance has come, so humans escape, either pray to me, be willing to share responsibilities and join the guardian, and continue the existence of human principles, or face the evil and be destroyed by me!"

"Forerunner, transform and fire!"

Zhou Wenwen's voice suddenly became louder, and the pioneer who transformed back into the heavy truck immediately responded, "Yes, master, the Decepticon has transformed!"

I saw that the Forerunner was transformed from a heavy truck. It was transformed from a heavy truck to a humanoid combat form. At the same time as the armor evolved, two large 15mm caliber gun barrels appeared on both sides of the Forerunner.

And when the forerunner stretched out a metal pole behind his back to support his body, the forerunner attacked the two houses marked by Zhou Wenwen that were controlled by black traffickers.



Two muffled cannons sounded one after another. Under the acceleration of the electromagnetic acceleration tube, in the blink of an eye, the two artillery shells were thrown out of the cannon barrel at a speed of kilometers per second, and then directly hit the target.

When it hit, the shell also flew in and exploded, which caused the shock wave generated by the explosion to push down the buildings within 6 meters around the house.

As for the gang members in the private house, except for a few black people at the center of the explosion, the other dozen black people were all stunned and half dead by the impact of the explosion. However, because of the collapse of the building, these dozen black people will also face Danger to life.

As for the danger of life in this world, Zhou Wenwen naturally didn't care, and considering that the shock caused by these two cannons might not be enough, he ordered the cannons to continue.

"Keep firing!"

"Yes, Master, long live the Decepticons!"

It seems to be the master's order, which excited the Forerunner, who naturally likes violence. After saying this, the Forerunner continued to fire regardless of the rapidly rising temperature of the gun barrel.

When the temperature of the gun barrel was too high and the firing could explode, the forerunner had to stop the shelling.

Zhou Wenwen, who saw that the surrounding roads were bombed into potholes by the pioneers, several houses in question fell, and the DOA on the watch rose to 0.4%, fell into thinking.

When the forerunner asked whether to continue, Zhou Wenwen reacted, and after saving the filming, he said, "It's over, you hurry up."

"Master, don't you continue the shelling?" Hearing this, the forerunner asked in surprise.

"Don't fight, run away before they react."

Zhou Wenwen said unhurriedly, only then did the forerunner understand what Master meant, and quickly said, "Yes, Master!"

After seeing the forerunner who evolved back to the heavy truck disappeared from sight, Zhou Wenwen blew the dragon flute, urging the giant metal dragon Taner who was hiding here just now.

Tan, who was nibbling on a steel bar, said reluctantly, "Why, let me mount it again?"

"Yes, I want this group of people to recognize the reality, this world is not simple!"

Zhou Wenwen patted Tan'er's wings, and looked coldly and ruthlessly at the policeman coming from far away. Tan'er had no choice but to grab Zhou Wenwen and put it on his back, then jumped from the ground and used the metal dragon. Talent "fly" to the sky.

Thermodynamics is a discipline that studies the properties and laws of thermal motion of matter from a macroscopic perspective.

Therefore, it belongs to the branch of physics, which makes it and statistical physics constitute the macroscopic and microscopic aspects of thermal theory respectively.


DOA, the full name osplitude, translated means the dimensional shock amplitude.

In the past, this column on the watch would only rise when Zhou Wenwen was in trouble in the Three Kingdoms and Watching Dawn world.

But the DOA percentage has been below 0.001%.

Even if Zhou Wenwen created a double king, the DOA percentage only increased by less than 0.01%, but it quickly decreased.

So Zhou Wenwen has not been able to figure out why this thing rises, and what are the conditions for its fall?

What happens when it goes up to 100 percent?

Zhou Wenwen, what should he do to stop the rise?

And now it seems that this parallel world may be a good testing ground.

Zhou Wenwen thought to himself.

Today, on the other side of the ocean, it is a day of joy, celebration and remembrance, but for the general public in New York living in dire straits, this day is definitely a Black Monday in history~lightnovelpub.net ~ It was a clear day just now, but now it has been shrouded in a black cloud.

The sudden change made many Americans on the street, and even the driver of the car, subconsciously slowed down, raised their heads together with the people in the car, and tried to find out the reason.

Among them, Coulson, who was driving to the headquarters of the Delta Wing in Washington, was also curious, and he stretched out his car to look at the sky while the traffic light stopped.

Then Coulson and the American people saw a scene in their lives that they will never forget—

I saw that the black behemoth covered the sky, and the scales that showed the metallic reflective color were "inlaid" on the appearance of this behemoth.

There is a tail on the buttocks, but it is also "inlaid" by scales, and the shiny metal reflective color adds to it.

Everyone, including Coulson, was shocked by this, because they all believed that this was a dragon or a black dragon based on the knowledge they knew.

And dragons, which only exist in myths and legends or fantasy worlds, cannot exist in reality.

"Ah, what a wonderful scene, but now, be terrified of it! Taner, Long Wei activates!"

In fact, thermodynamics mainly studies the thermal properties of matter from the point of view of energy conversion.

It suggests the macroscopic laws obeyed when energy is converted from one form to another, and summarizes the thermal theory derived from the macroscopic phenomena of matter.


To be continued, here I ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets.

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