I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: Three hundred and ninety-four

Chapter 0117 Appearance

"Is it not?"

Jaguar blurted out, but obviously this answer was not correct, Zhou Wenwen said.

"If Autobot/Autobot's Transformers, Decepticons/Decepticon's Transformers, it's okay to fight to the death for hatred, but if it's for the source of fire, energy column, and fight to the death, then Transformers , What's the point of living?"

"So it's better to never see each other," Zhou Wenwen with a tender face said, but a very sophisticated tone came out of his mouth.

"But this can't be done, Master, you know, although Autobots and Decepticons can coexist because of Cybertron, Autobots and Decepticons have already accumulated a lifetime of hatred for each other, and it's impossible. Just disappear!"

The Forerunner suddenly pointed at Geek, stood up and said excitedly, and with the sound of the Forerunner's voice, the jaguar, cougar, jaguar, and hunter all turned to look at Geek, remembering Geek's powerful fighting power, Their expressions could not help but become vigilant.

Geck, who was being lazy, saw the forerunner pointing at him. The jaguar, cougar, jaguar, and hunter turned to look at him.

"I'm not, I'm not."

Zhou Wenwen, who turned around and saw this scene, couldn't help but smile when he saw everything: "Okay, okay, let Gek go, Gek just has the Autobot logo on his body, but in fact, the way he appears is the same as yours. the same."

Hearing Zhou Wenwen's words, the forerunner, the leopard, the cougar...

Hearing Zhou Wenwen's words, the expressions on the faces of Forerunner and the jaguar, cougar, jaguar, and hunter calmed down, not so excited.

Zhou Wenwen turned his head and saw that Geck was relieved. Just when he was about to say something, the corner of his eyes found that the US soldiers were coming quickly in the overclocked state, so he had to cancel this sentence and said loudly: "The opposite, you are xxxx Bar?"

"We are ***...coming with a friendly attitude...".

(The above is a bullshit, the real situation is that the two sides stared at each other and couldn't fight)

An accurate theory of heat should begin with the manufacture of thermometers. In the 17th century, G. Galileo and others began to make thermometers.

However, due to the inconvenience of using the temperature scale, later generations rarely use it.


boom! boom!

boom! boom!

Thunder-like gunshots sounded in sequence, and along with the gunshots, there were enemies who fell one by one, but unfortunately Zhou Wenwen's shooting level was not high.

After four bullets passed, only two people were hit, and the hit area was still the largest area. Even the person hit by the bullet was still alive, but it was not far from death.

boom! boom! boom!

After Zhou Wenwen shot the remaining 3 rounds in the first magazine and hit 3 more people (1 wounded and 2 knocked down), the people in Zhuangzi finally dared to run out and cooperate with Zhou Wenwen to kill the remaining people.

After killing the last person, Zhou Wenwen just wanted to go up and ask these people, and then he saw a scene that Zhou Wenwen might never forget in his life.

I saw that they seemed to be 2 times the speed. Before Zhou Wenwen could react, he searched all the items and packages on the ten people, and threw a one-handed knife wrapped in a wooden handle rope and a knife. Small bags of chestnuts, six pieces of cakes that are not known to be gold or copper, but the surface is shiny with metal reflections.

Then, just in case, the group of people moved the wooden awl into the village, and closed the door again. Zhou Wenwen, who only reacted at this time, was a little dumbfounded.

Zhou Wenwen had no choice but to ask where Ayutthaya was, he picked up the knife, took the chestnut and 6 cakes and walked outside.

Valley reed

Wenwen stopped and went all the way last week. After repeating this for a few days, Zhou Wenwen finally saw a big city. Looking at the city with his mobile phone camera, he saw two ancient Chinese characters written on the city name.

With a score of 100 points in history, Zhou Wenwen recognized that these words should be "Luoyang", but the problem came.

"Luo Yang, where is this?"

Wait, is this Luoyang of the Eastern Han Dynasty?

Zhou Wenwen suddenly reacted, and then he realized that this "Luoyang" was Luoyang.

The reason why "Luoyang" is not Luoyang is because Wang Ju changed Luoyang to Yiyang in the early years.

When Liu Xiu arrived, he changed Yiyang to "Luoyang", and it was not until the period of Cao Wei in AD 220 that it was changed to Luoyang.

And if you want to know what time it is, there is a place that is the best way—

Zhou Wenwen looked at the palace, but the question came, how would he approach it?

Zhou Wenwen turned his attention back to the items on his body, thinking about which items could help him.

And when his eyes shifted to the porcelain vase and the flying sword, Zhou Wenwen, who had thought of the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was moved, and a bold plan was about to come out.

He wants to be a fairy!


New Profile:

A strange encounter brought Zhou Wenwen, who picked up his watch, to the zombie world, and finally ran to the Three Kingdoms to go back, only to find that he was in the Marvel world.

Zhou Wenwen, who has run to another world and learned his skills in Yuanyu, returned to the Marvel world to show his skills, defeated Iron Overlord with Tony, and participated in the follow-up battle.

After the fourth reunion crisis, Zhou Wenwen, who rescued Tony, can finally retire and be free. He plans to open a store in Manhattan, where he is resting.

But as soon as the store opened, it was involved in a blackened Wanda and Doctor Strange attack.

After finally settling this matter, but facing the upcoming secret war, where should Zhou Wenwen stand?


As the saying goes, intelligence is the key to a war. Under the invasion of hunters, all the information of the U.S. military was displayed to Zhou Wenwen, and Zhou Wenwen selectively revealed it~lightnovelpub.net~ let this A near-breakout fight and reconciliation.

Of course, things did not end so easily. Zhou Wenwen and the hunters, jaguars, cougars, jaguars, and Geeks needed to be escorted by the "ten times the force" of the US military, take a transport plane, arrived in Washington, and headed to Washington, D.C. - The Pentagon in Arlington, to negotiate with the US military.

Of course, all of this was under the supervision of Zhou Wenwen, a secret operation, and no agents from the Seventh District and S.H.I.E.L.D. came to interfere. Of course, this is also what Zhou Wenwen told the US military about the existence of the Hydra defense building and the sub-base. .

Under the suspicion of the U.S. military, a special strike team (non-special forces) was sent to the Hydra defense building and sub-base. As a result, within fifteen minutes, the special strike team exchanged fire with the Hydra soldiers. The entire army was wiped out under siege.

The U.S. soldiers who happened to be present could hear the gunshots and screams from the radio communication channel, confirming that Zhou Wenwen's words were correct.


To be continued, here I ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets.

Chapter 0118 Teaser Metal Armor