I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: three hundred and sixty six

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Chapter 097 Detecting an Air Strike on the Way

Just when Zhou Wenwen was about to say something, Super Eagle suddenly felt something and looked up at the sky. After two seconds, Super Eagle turned back and said in a serious manner.

"It is detected that the fire source energy belonging to the Decepticons is approaching from the air."

Hearing Super Eagle's words, Zhou Wenwen was stunned for a second before realizing that the fire source energy in Super Eagle's words should refer to the Decepticon's Transformers.

At this stage, the only Decepticon Transformers who can fly is the Starscream who also has the ability to stealth and transform into an f-22.

Although Zhou Wenwen didn't know Starscream very well, when he and his eldest brother Zhou Hengwen watched Transformers movies and animation collections, he mentioned Starscream and his judgment of his behavior, and remembered that his elder brother Zhou Hengwen once commented like this:

In my opinion, although Starscream is a vengeful villain and has very low leadership ability, if he treats each other well, he can be a friend, and if he is a little cruel, he can also be an excellent **** for advancing the plot.

Of course, all of this is only possible if your strength is not lower than Starscream. If you are not strong enough, go to Starscream for a "heart-to-heart talk", and you may be beaten to death by Starscream.

What is not known is that on July 23, 1847, H. Helmholtz gave a report entitled "On the Conservation of Force" to the Physical Society.

He submitted the article to the editor of "Physical Chronicle", but unexpectedly met the same fate as Meier's manuscript in 1841. The editor refused to publish it because there were no experimental facts.

He had to publish the thesis as a booklet in a famous publishing house.

The conclusion of the article is completely consistent with Joule's experiment in 1843, and it was soon called "the highest and most important principle in nature".

However, due to the publication by a famous publishing house, the fate of Helmholtz and Mayer was completely different.


Zhou Wenwen also agrees very much with what his elder brother Zhou Hengwen said, because if they can't talk, then give him a good beating, Starscream will definitely be convinced, and if he is still not convinced, he will be killed!

So under Zhou Wenwen's careful arrangement, an ambush against Starscream began.

The jaguar, jaguar, and puma turned back into three heavy-duty expanded mobility tactical trucks, and lay down on the ground to play dead, while the forerunners were responsible for long-range sniping and filming.

The Super Eagle turned back into an f117a Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft and took off in an emergency. If the Starscream, which turned into an f22 fighter jet, did not come down, Zhou Wenwen would need the Super Eagle to take down it.

On the other hand, he was only wearing the core layer of overclocking armor, and he put on the helmet manually, and he also wielded a self-modified metal spear that can discharge electricity, which made Zhou Wenwen look like a clown on stage.


Simultaneous activation of 4 deformation stones, the energy fluctuations produced by them are extremely compatible with the source of fire, which made Starscream, who was transforming into an f-22 fighter jet patrolling over Alaska, feel it. Definitely rush over to see what happened.

Starscream wanted to find out what caused the fluctuations before they were stunned and attacked.

Although Starscream transformed into f-22 Starscream is very fast, it dare not break through supersonic speed, because in North America there is a high-speed wave network detection system composed of various radar groups.

Right now, Starscream isn't the strongest body, and because of time constraints, Starscream didn't install an optical stealth system either.

Also, in the face of human nuclear bomb attacks, although Starscream can dodge the nuclear bomb at a high speed, its metal body will still be damaged by the radiation erosion produced by the axis elements.

Therefore, Starscream can only pass through the range of the detection system at a flat speed and rely on the "radar stealth ability" to reduce the radar reflection area, and then he will go all the way to the front and fire in the low-altitude supersonic cruise mode. Fly where the energy fluctuations from similar sources come from.


However, when Starscream arrived at the scene, there were only three overturned trucks painted in desert camouflage and a human being wielding a spear.

Starscream couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene on the monitor, but when he detected a large amount of energy radiation around this human, Starscream immediately understood that this human was waiting for him.

Ambush me?

Thinking of this, Starscream couldn't help but sneered, and threw himself on the humans without any hesitation.

I saw Starscream transforming into an f-22 "Raptor" stealth fighter, at least four times faster than the speed of sound like lightning, forcibly falling regardless of the deformation loss of the armor, and switching to a humanoid fighting form in front of human eyes.

And the second after landing, Starscream reached out and grabbed the human, and threatened in a very cruel tone, "Human, hand over the fire source!"

But something unexpected happened to Starscream.

Facing Starscream's outstretched hand, the human didn't panic at all, but calmly shouted, "Don't even think about it, overclocking arm!"

In the next second, Zhou Wenwen pressed the protruding button on the armor of his left wrist, and a probe popped out. Driven by the mechanical gear, the probe pierced into the skin surface, and the current was activated along the armor, and the armor layer followed. Yansheng wrapped his whole body, crackling electronic sparks sounded again.

With the sound of sparks, the second armor layer also wrapped around Zhou Wenwen's whole body after being energized, and once again interlocked with the first armor layer to form armor.

At the same time, rows of blue LED lights arranged inside the armor lit up as soon as the power was turned on, allowing Zhou Wenwen to see Starscream's movements.

"1.0 Overclocking System":

"Stability": 151%.

"Core temperature": 18 degrees, rising by 0.1 degrees every 3 minutes.

"Peripheral temperature": 27 degrees, rises by 0.2 degrees every 3 minutes, and provides 1 battery for every 3 degrees.

"Energy Center System": For every 30% decrease in stability, the core temperature will increase by 6 degrees, and the peripheral temperature will increase by 2 degrees.

"Backup Energy Center System": For every 25% decrease in stability, the core temperature will increase by 4 degrees, and the peripheral temperature will increase by 10 degrees.

""Liquid Nitrogen" Overclocking Accelerated Cooling": When it is turned on, it consumes power to maintain: 9 bars~lightnovelpub.net~ After it is turned on, the core temperature will be reduced by 3 degrees per second, and the peripheral temperature will be reduced by 15 degrees.

"Overclocking Accelerated Cooling": When it is turned on, the power consumption per second is 6 bars. After it is turned on, the core temperature will be reduced by 0.9 degrees per second, and the peripheral temperature will be reduced by 6 degrees.

"Radiation Energy Power Generation System": Provides 3 grids of power for every 1 degree of core temperature.

""Amplification" Radiation Energy Power Generation System": Provides 1 bar of electricity for every 3 degrees of peripheral temperature.

In 1862, Tyndall systematically introduced Mayer's work at the Royal Society of London, and his achievements were finally recognized by the society.

The British scholar Kelvin adopted the concept of energy proposed by T. Young, replaced "elasticity" with "potential energy", and replaced "vitality" with "kinetic energy".


To be continued, please beg for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets here.

Chapter 098 Forecast of 2,000-pound Earth Penetrating Warhead Bomb