I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: three hundred and thirty nine

Chapter 087 Dragon Cliff Joins

"I've already made a decision on this matter, you don't have to decide any more."

Zhou Wenwen interrupted their conversation, left a sentence, and walked into Longya alone.

Perhaps it was because of the lack of energy maintenance for too long, Zhou Wenwen, who had just entered through the gate, was stuck in front of a stone gate that could not be pushed open because the gears could not move.

Zhou Wenwen was helpless, so he had to use the earth method to ignite and explode with explosives. With a loud bang, the stone gate was torn apart, and the situation inside appeared in front of Zhou Wenwen.

I saw a bunch of petrochemical-colored figures standing on the ground, surrounded by various ores that turned into ore, and in the middle of these figures, an ore the size of a person was glowing green.

Seeing the blue light shining ore, Zhou Wenwen quickly took out the ray detector, but there was no response at all, and then looked at the green-black glass translucent mirror luster on the surface of the ore, with a square surface close to 90°.

Zhou Wenwen suddenly had a bold guess in his heart, pyroxene? !

The pyroxene in Zhou Wenwen's mouth does not refer to the pyroxene in souls and fantasy games, but refers to the pyroxene, pyroxene, and augite in reality.

In reality, pyroxene is a common silicate-shaped rock-type mineral. It widely exists in igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks in nature. It is composed of silicon-oxygen molecular chains as the main framework. Orthorhombic system, the main component is XY(Si,Al)2O6.

Where X represents calcium, sodium, magnesium and ferrous iron, and there are also some ions such as zinc, manganese and lithium.

Y represents smaller ions such as chlorine, aluminum, ferric, vanadium, scandium, etc.

In ancient times, Bao Zhao's "Wang Gu Shi" recorded in the Southern Dynasties Song Dynasty, "The mussels are throttling Qiluo, and the pyroxenes are chaotic."

Pyroxene is an important silicate mineral, a general term for pyroxene minerals, often found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.

According to the different crystal structures, pyroxenes can be divided into two subgroups, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, the former belongs to the monoclinic system and the latter belongs to the orthorhombic system.

The common feature of pyroxene minerals is that their crystals contain a single-chain structure formed by silicon-oxygen tetrahedra.

The hardness of pyroxene is 5-6.

The specific gravity of pyroxene increases with the increase of iron content, enstatite is about 3.15, perilla pyroxene is 3.3 to 3.6, bronze pyroxene is between the two, and orthopyrite can reach 3.9 .

The color of pyroxene also deepens with increasing iron content.

Enstatite is colorless or light greenish gray, and also has brownish green or brownish yellow.

Perilla pyroxene is greenish black or brownish black.

Copper pyroxene has a characteristic bronze color.

The difference between pyroxene and amphibole is that the cross-section of amphibole is hexagonal, while the cross-section of pyroxene is nearly square.

Amphibole has two sets of included angles of 56° or 124°, while pyroxene has two sets of cleavage of 87° or 93°.

Therefore, the two groups of cleavage of amphibole are oblique, and the two groups of cleavage of pyroxene are nearly orthogonal.

Amphibole generally occurs in more acidic rocks, such as diorite and granite, while pyroxene generally occurs in more basic rocks, such as gabbro.

Generally speaking, the pyroxene group minerals belong to the chain structure silicate, and the pyroxene group minerals are one of the most important rock-forming minerals.

According to the different crystal systems to which they belong, they are divided into two subgroups: orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene.

The former such as enstatite, bronze pyroxene, perilla pyroxene and so on.

The latter include ordinary pyroxene, diopside, calcite, neonite, sodium aluminum pyroxene, spodumene and so on.

Although they differ in chemical composition and crystal system, they share many similar properties.

Most of the crystals are short columnar, with the exception of neonite, which is long columnar or needle-like, and the cross section is false octagon or false quadrilateral.

Aggregates are granular blocks or interwoven dense blocks.

Hardness 5 to 7.

The cleavage parallel rhombohedral column {110} is moderate, and the two groups of cleavage intersect at 87o~88o or 92o~93o.

The relative density is mostly between 3.1 and 3.5. Generally vitreous luster.

Transparent - Opaque.

The color varies with the variety and impurities, and most of them are darker.

The lightness also varies slightly with the variety, which is the main indicator to distinguish the variety.

Pyroxene minerals are one of the important rock-forming minerals, which are concentrated in ultrabasic, basic, mesobasic and alkaline igneous rocks, and also found in some deep metamorphic rocks.

Diopside, calcite, etc. are important alteration-causing minerals.

Among the many pyroxene minerals, there are many that can be used as gemstones, such as bronze pyroxene, perilla pyroxene, enstatite, diopside, manganite and so on.

But the most important are sodium aluminate pyroxene and spodumene, the former is the main component of jadeite, and the latter is also one of the famous gem minerals.

In industry, except spodumene can be used as a raw material for lithium extraction, there are no other important uses.

It is for this reason that Zhou Wenwen does not understand why there is such a huge pyroxene here.

The belated Longya gave the answer, which is pyroxene magic.

"Pyroxene magic?" Zhou Wenwen's eyes widened, and there was an expression on his face that you don't lie to me.

"But if we take it more seriously, we generally call it energy channeling magic, and arcane magic is such a type," the Palace of Doom explained.

"Master, I feel that you have the heart of law in your body, so let me explain it in terms of law, how." Longya Cangsang's voice thought in Zhou Wenwen's heart.

Zhou Wenwen glanced at the field, and when he saw that there was no abnormality, he said, "Yes."

Longya continued to speak in Cang Sang's voice, "In the law, there are three types of magic, energy, energy, and command."

"Instructions can be understood as spells, decrees, and divine arts in your words."

"The energy category is the six basic element energies of light, darkness, wind, fire, earth, and water, and the six high-level element energies of blazing, dark, Biao, flame, rock, and ice."

"Energy channeling is the most mysterious, but it could have classified all energy channeling magics under the energy channeling category."

"That is, pyroxene, crystal, arcane, and the four major secondary energies." The Palace of Dooms interjected and added.


"Gosh, you need new names."

Coulson: "Yeah, I often hear people say this~lightnovelpub.net~ Seeing Tony finished drinking, Coulson said immediately: "Listen I know it must be difficult for you now, but we need to understand the situation , There are still many questions that have not been answered. Time is important for this kind of thing. Let's make an appointment. "

Tony, who hated this set of coping words, immediately ignored it and looked at the center distracted.

Coulson, who didn't notice it at all, continued, "How about meeting you in Stadonk at 7 pm on the 24th?"

The keen Tony immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to "moisturize", and while extending his hand, he said, "Well, that's right, you're right."

The stupid Coulson didn't react, he really shook hands, and then nothing happened.

Tony got wet.


To be continued

Chapter 088 Announcement of New Enemies