I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: three hundred and thirty one

Chapter 079: Attracting the Enemy, Traversing, and Killing the Enemy

Going back to the original question, why is it said that the five elements have solved the problem of the rise and fall of the temperature controlled by the Qingxin mirror?

After Zhou Wenwen deduced the "Five Elements Dayan Gong", due to his own reasons, he couldn't practice, so Zhou Wenwen relied more on the Eight Diagrams Shield to use the energy of the Five Elements.

As for why the gossip shield was used instead of the sword and the pagoda, the main thing is to do it smoothly.

Although the pagoda is small, it can be enlarged, but the weight of the pagoda has not decreased after being reduced, and it is troublesome to take out the sword, and it is also troublesome to retract it.

So there is only Bagua Shield, which is small in weight and about the same weight as a dough cake. Zhou Wenwen, who is a lazy person, naturally fell in love with this thing very quickly.

As mentioned above, Zhou Wenwen placed gold in the Qian and Dui positions of the Bagua Shield, where Qian is the sky and Dui is the Ze.

Zhou Wenwen put the fire into Li, so Li is fire.

Then put the wood in the position of Zhen and Xun, where Zhen corresponds to thunder, and Xun corresponds to wind.

Water is put into the ridge, so the ridge is water.

Finally, Zhou Wenwen put the soil into Gen and Kun, where Gen is the mountain (soil, rock) and Kun is the ground (sand, stone).

In the long process of Zhou Wenwen using the Bagua Shield, he accidentally discovered that the energy of the five elements would change. In order to stabilize the output of the energy of the five elements, Zhou Wenwen launched an experiment on this.

For example, in 1900, H. Bernard observed the ordered hexagonal convective grid in the non-uniformly heated fluid, and the transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow structure in the high Reynolds number region, which can be observed Orderly movement of a large number of molecular groups.

The distance from the equilibrium region of the chemical reaction, the observed spatially ordered structure of the heterogeneous and quasi-periodic mixture, and the possible reaction timing are important for the dissipative structure and self-organization phenomena presented in space and time. illustration.

During the experiment, Zhou Wenwen discovered that the threshold value of the isotopic elements in p3-228, which constitutes the energy of the five elements of Lihuo, will change according to the mood of the recipient.

But when Zhou Wenwen discovered it, it was useless, and it was worth the emergence of the guardian platform.

So, what is the Guardian Platform?

The structure of this platform is the same as that of the Star Palace. It is a mobile platform for the knights and units of the Doomsday Palace to fight against the outside world. Once the battle is unfavorable or ambushed, the knights on the mobile platform can "fall from the sky" to support the ground. .

But this thing is useless to Zhou Wenwen, what he needs is a strong thug!

After Zhou Wenwen used 10% of his energy and a lot of metal resources to repair this thing, he was full of expectations that it should be a powerful thing, but when he got this result, Zhou Wenwen was naturally furious.

Just as Zhou Wenwen was about to personally destroy this useless thing, in order to save the "compatriots", the Doomsday Palace did not hesitate to use its own energy to wake up the guardian platform, but discovered the secret on the guardian platform.

Doomsday Hall hurriedly informed Zhou Wenwen of the result.


Yes, the Palace of Doomsday replied in the affirmative.

Zhou Wenwen was skeptical, opened the portal, and saw the real secret, a mountain of gems, diamonds, and crystals!

But what was even more astonishing was the corpse of a steel knight buried in a large number of gems, diamonds, and crystals.

Why do you say it looks like the Iron Knight?

Because this corpse, like the Iron Knight, has a hole in its forehead, and after scanning, it was found that there was a magic net and grudge inside the corpse.

The entire corpse, whether it is the surface skin or the internal organs, is manufactured, and the Iron Knight is also manufactured.

Zhou Wenwen was immediately interested, but this aspect was not his specialty, so he handed it over to the Doomsday Palace for analysis, after all, there is a specialization in surgery.

I have to solve the problem of how to contact the guardian platform.

Zhou Wenwen thought of p3-228, and made the Qingxin mirror with it.

When happy, the p3-228 will drop and trigger the mechanism to become cold, making the wearer want to throw the mirror.

When crying, the p3-228 ascending trigger mechanism becomes hot, making the wearer want to throw the mirror.

And as long as the Qingxin mirror falls to the ground and shatters, exposing the signal transmitter inside, allowing the signal to be transmitted, the signal receiving station on the ground will receive it.

After receiving the signal transmitted by the chip, the transmission towers arranged on various high mountains will immediately transmit the signal to the communication satellite in geostationary orbit.

What, you ask why there are communication satellites here?

And this... well, the answer to the question is actually not that complicated. It was intercepted by Zhou Wenwen while watching the dawn world next door, and Zhou Wenwen was not exhausted when he was transporting the satellite.

Because Zhou Wenwen didn't expect geostationary orbit and communication satellites to be so difficult to get.

Geostationary orbit, also known as "geostationary synchronous orbit", "geostationary satellite orbit", or "Clark orbit", especially refers to the perfect circular geosynchronous orbit of satellites or artificial satellites perpendicular to the earth's equator.

The geostationary orbit is a type of geosynchronous orbit.

Synchronous orbit means that the orbiting object (satellite) has the same average orbital period as the orbiting object (planet), and the direction is the same.

The ring-shaped synchronous orbit at the equator is called geostationary orbit.

Above the equator, the geosynchronous orbit has an altitude of 35,900 kilometers.

Geostationary satellite orbit is a concept in satellite orbit theory.

That is, a satellite orbit that is close to synchronous motion with the earth's rotation, or a satellite orbit in which the orbital period of a satellite around the earth is the same as that of the earth's rotation period.

The orbit of this satellite is close to a circle with a radius of about 36000km.

When the satellite orbits the earth, there is almost no relative motion relative to the ground, as if it is suspended in the air at rest, so it is called geostationary satellites, intercontinental communication satellites, meteorological satellites, and flying objects such as solar power stations planned to be launched in the 21st century. is to take advantage of this orbital property.

Theoretical analysis shows that the minimum principle of entropy generation can be derived from the general law of evolution in the most equilibrium region, so the system is stable; but for systems far away from the equilibrium nonlinear region, it is not always stable.

There is a critical state ~lightnovelpub.net~ called the branch point, after the system crosses the branch point, any small disturbance such as fluctuations may induce a sudden change in the system from stable to unstable state, in which a new Space-time ordered structure.

Prigogine and others called this ordered structure a dissipative structure, and this phenomenon is called a self-organization phenomenon.

The Clark orbit was proposed by Arthur C. Clark.

In 1945, Arthur C. Clarke, a famous British science fiction writer, published an article entitled "Extra-Terrestrial – Can Rocket Give Worldwide Coverage?" in Wireless World. He gave a detailed explanation of the principle of geostationary orbit, which also makes the earth stationary. The concept of orbit is widely spread.

And Clark admitted that the concept of geostationary orbit he introduced has a connection with Smith's The Complete Venus.


to be continued

Chapter 080