I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: two hundred and fifty-nine

He told Banner of his ideas, and the two used Loki's scepter to create an artificial intelligence machine "Ultron" together, but Ultron believed that if we want peace, we must destroy humans and the Avengers, the crisis of the Age of Ultron break out.

He and the Avengers rallied again to fight against Ultron, and finally won and stopped Ultron's conspiracy to destroy the earth.

However, due to several actions of the Avengers, which brought huge losses to various countries, the United Nations issued the Sokovia Agreement, which stipulated that the Avengers must accept the management of the United Nations.

There was a dispute within the Avengers over whether to sign the agreement. Tony indirectly triggered the Sokovia War because of the development of Ultron. He felt guilty and decided to stand on the side of the agreement. He and Captain America who opposed the agreement were divided. It grew bigger and bigger, eventually sparking a civil war in the Avengers over the issue of Helmut Zemo blowing up the UN conference room.

After the Battle of Leipzig Airport, Tony learns that the Winter Soldier has been framed and that Captain America is on the right track.

He felt bad in his heart, so he visited the imprisoned heroes who opposed the signing of the agreement, and then learned the location of Captain America and the Winter Soldier from Sam the Falcon. He rushed to Siberia and wanted to explore the Hydra with Captain America and the Winter Soldier. The old base of the organization to thwart Helmut Zemo's plot.

But it is precisely because of this that the three fell into Zemo's strategy: Tony learned the truth that the person who killed his parents was the Winter Soldier, fell into madness, and fought against Captain America and the Winter Soldier alone. Failed in the Ark Reactor.

But Captain America also gave up his shield, and the Winter Soldier also broke his metal arm, and the two broke apart completely.

After returning from Siberia, Tony received an apology letter from Captain America and a contact number.

Although he refused to help Secretary of State General Ross stop Captain America's escape plan, he never fully let go.

Later, Tony began to guide Spider-Man Peter Parker step by step to the road of superheroes, and began to talk about marriage with Potts.

When Thanos' subordinates invaded New York, he and Doctor Strange, Wang and Banner fought against the invasion of Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf. During this period, he took out the contact number left to him by Captain America, but he was always hesitant.

After Doctor Strange is captured by Ebony Throat, he and Spider-Man go into space to rescue him.

He later joined Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Mantis, Nebula, and Drax the Destroyer against Thanos on Titan, but ultimately lost.

When Tony was about to be killed by Thanos, Doctor Strange handed over the Time Stone.

After Thanos snapped his fingers successfully, only Tony and Nebula survived on Titan, and all the superheroes including Peter the Spider-Man disappeared. Tony felt extremely guilty for Peter's disappearance.

After Infinity War, he and Nebula were stranded in space before Captain Marvel Carol Danvers rescued them back to Earth.

After returning to the Avengers base, he was very annoyed by the previous grievances and the disappearance of Peter, and he had a big fight with Captain America.

Later, Dr. Banner had to use sedatives to put him to sleep, so he did not participate in Captain America's pursuit of Thanos.

The pursuit of Thanos ended in failure (Those was killed but the Infinity Stones were all destroyed).

Five years after the operation ended, Tony lived in seclusion in the mountains, married Pepper and had a daughter, Morgan Stark.

When Captain America and others came to Tony for consultation because of the space-time hijacking plan, Tony was reluctant to take risks, and even refused the invitation of Captain America and others on the grounds of his daughter. After Captain America and others left, he saw a photo with Peter Parker, remembered that Peter disappeared in his arms, decided to start the experiment of time travel, and successfully developed a time travel model.

He then reunites with Captain America, leading the surviving Avengers to collect the Infinity Stones, and he and Ant-Man Scott are responsible for stealing the Cosmic Cube from Tony in 2012.

But because the Hulk in 2012 was out of control, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube that had been obtained was stolen by Loki in 2012. The two had to re-plan and use the only remaining Pym particle to travel back to 1970, allowing Scott to go back to 2023 with the Rocky scepter.

In 1970, Tony successfully stole the Rubik's Cube that was stored in S.H.I.E.L.D., and met his father Howard Stark in 1970. He learned about his father's true heart for his son, and Tony felt satisfied and moved.

After the 2014 tyrant came to 2023, he stepped forward with Thor and Captain America to fight against the tyrant but lost, and was then supported by other resurrected superheroes.

In the end, Tony saw Doctor Strange's hint at a critical juncture, desperately went to **** the Infinity Gems, secretly transferred the gems to his battle armor, snapped his fingers to destroy Thanos and his army, but he himself was unable to Sacrifice to suffer the backlash from the Infinity Stones.

After the end of the battle, Pepper and others saw Tony's message through the armor. Afterwards, Pepper and others held a funeral for him, and basically all the superheroes who participated in the war attended the funeral~lightnovelpub.net~ After Tony passed away, his property was inherited by his wife Pepper Potts, and his The technological achievements were inherited by Spider-Man Peter Parker.

Tony's ending in a different parallel timeline is revealed in the "What If" animation.

In one of the parallel timelines, Natasha tried to inject the palladium poisoning Tony Stark, but Tony died for unknown reasons (it was eventually confirmed that Hank Pym had moved his hands and feet).

In another parallel timeline, Tony was unfortunately infected and became a zombie in the process of fighting against the zombie tide, and then defeated the five obsidian generals who came to find the infinite gems.

Afterwards, the zombie Tony wanted to attack Bruce Banner, but was defeated by Hope the Wasp.


There is only one question, with what attitude should Zhou Wenwen touch Tony Stark.

Before the accident, Tony Stark was a self-centered person who did not care about the feelings of others.

After going through Steel 1 to Steel 3 and Fu 1 to Fu 3, Tony matured and became the most important member of the team.

Zhou Wenwen on the hummus thought angrily, and with a cheer, Zhou Wenwen realized that he had arrived.

Like in the Iron Man 1 movie, the Ten Rings Gang that Zhou Wenwen came to is just a cave, which means that this is not the main base of the Ten Rings Gang, but a station.

"Where is the patient you're talking about, why didn't I see it," Zhou Wenwen glanced around and asked, manipulating English with a strange accent.

Before he finished speaking, a man in a car uniform ran out of the cave and rushed to Zhou Wenwen's eyes. He opened the medical box and confirmed that it was a doctor. Without saying a word, he pulled Zhou Wenwen into the big cave.


To be continued

Chapter 019 Announcement of the Birth of Iron Man